The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 291 - Inner World Resources

Chapter 291 - Inner World Resources

Shi Wei spoke as if she was ready to hear a grave secret. At the same time, flashes from the past burst into her mind though she suppressed them to keep her full attention on Cain.

In this moment, Cain didn't directly reply, instead looking over to Kali and Amber, gauging their reactions.  josei

Amber had a calming smile, replying into his mind, 'Senior Wei is completely trustworthy. I can just feel it despite our short time together.'

Immediately after, Cain heard, 'Of course grandmother is trustworthy! In any case, doesn't she partially know about our secret? She did witness the after-effects of our first transformation. She must have some clues on it. Might as well spill out everything now. It will only help us.'

Kali's tone had the utmost confidence. 

Hearing both girls, Cain quickly reached a decision. 

At this point, it was impossible to hide the Chaotic Emerald. Risking damaging this relationship just to keep secrets wouldn't be wise.

And above all, Cain genuinely trusted Shi Wei by 100%. He forgot how it felt in his previous homeworld. But here, he can honestly say he's happy with experiencing the family love Shi Wei unconditionally puts on.

The decision was actually quite an easy one when pondering it for just a moment. 

"Grandmother, I'm still not sure how I was able to gain this, but this is my greatest secret that can't be shared with anyone." Cain gravely spoke. 

Shi Wei solemnly nodded without a single word. 

Opening his palm, clumps of green Chaos lights instantly gathered. A moment later, Cain summoned his Chaotic Emerald.

Cain's Chaotic Emerald exuded a hypnotic shine, dazzling Shi Wei's face like glorious sun-rays. 

Shi Wei nearly took a step back as the Chaotic Emerald appeared. All of her focus zeroed on it, her soul sense intensely inspecting it.

As Shi Wei inspected, Cain explained, "This it, grandmother. How I was able to turn from a cultivation waste into a grand genius. The energy this emerald has is something called Chaos energy. With it, I changed my entire life around."

"Fascinating, fascinating…fascinating!!" 

Shi Wei was loudly muttering with evident excitement, her expression brightly blooming as her smile broadened to extraordinary length, losing a demeanor of a calm expert.

Without giving Cain's group a chance to react, Shi Wei said, "This Emerald may very well be some sort of direct fragment of the Heavenly Dao itself! If you never brought it out, nobody would be able to detect its energy. It truly contains energy and Laws far above any of our Spiritual Sea's comprehension. Moreover, it may just not only be a fragment from the Heavenly Dao. This feels primordial…as if it is touching traces of the fable mystical realm!"

Listening in, Cain, Kali, and Amber felt an initial rise of shock. But clearly thinking about it, they weren't too surprised. 

Since the Chaotic Emerald could continually achieve impossible feats, it would only make sense if it's equal to the current Heavenly Dao.

The actual question lies on just why did the Chaotic Emerald merge with Cain's soul? 

Shi Wei was contemplating the answer but made as much progress as Cain's group.

She had to regretfully shake her head, saying, "Truly, it is a pity. My Soul Sense won't be able to determine any answers. Even if I could use my Spiritual Sea it would be useless. But I can at least identify this emerald is either equal to Extreme Heavenly Venerates or had already reached the mystical realm above it."

Suddenly, Shi Wei's eyes light up. "Ah, no matter what, this secret can't be revealed. It will bring a disaster none of us can solve. Little Cain and Amber are bounded by the Soul Dragon Link. And I can perceive that little Kali has traces of this same energy within her veins. As for me…"

Shi Wei quickly opened her palm, gathering a small mass of soul energy. 

There was no hesitation in her action after this. 

She flicked her hand, sending the mass of soul energy straight into Cain's body.

Shi Wei's soul energy directly linked to Cain's Soul's Core, spewing out a clump of soul Dao Marks as it blended together. 

Within her Soul's Core, the same set of soul Dao Marks had appeared.

"Eh?" Cain blinked his eyes, suddenly feeling an unbreakable connection with Shi Wei. 

At the same time, flashes of information appeared in his Mental Psyche. 

The information made his eyes slightly widen.

"Grandmother, you-" 

"That's right, little Cain, I created a one-way track soul alliance. With this, even if I was captured by someone far above my prowess, the soul Dao Marks within me will automatically self-detonate when trying to force information out of me about the emerald. Remember, you must always prepare for the worst-case scenarios. More often than not, life will throw an unexpected curveball, and we must adapt to it."Shi Wei sagely advises. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber were even a bit taken aback at her extreme decisiveness. She automatically understood the risks and didn't waste a moment finding one solution to clear it up.

Such astuteness is the natural bearing of a Divine Ruler Empress! There is no doubt in her actions, only precise calculations. 

From the depths of their souls, Cain, Kali, and Amber were honestly moved. 

Each of them was even beginning to believe more about the power of luck from her. As it truly is their luck to have such an unfathomable expert who is so decisive in protecting them.

While the trio gave deep looks towards Shi Wei, she continued to say, "Alright, let's not waste any more time. I will need to deal with the aftermath of everything and pacify the Phoenixes' retaliation. Perhaps, we can even change our relationship with them. For now, take me to the treasury."

Cain snapped out of his trance and nodded. He sent a mental command to Nightmare Lord to open a portal directly to all of the realm's resources. 

A moment later, the Dao Crystal shone, spewing out rainbow lights that manipulated the Heavenly energy.

The Heavenly energy swirled together, forming into a space essence portal. 

Cain's group and Shi Wei stepped through the portal, instantly arriving into the grand treasury. 

The whole area still had a pure white background, but now there was a massive abundance of resources filling the entire space. 

Sun Crystal beads and Crystal Law Cores separately clumped together, forming into a size that rivals a mountain! 

There was also a spatial ring corner the size of a hill and clumps of Soul's Core that as just slightly smaller in scale. 

Greed and excitement burst into Cain, Kali, and Amber's eyes.

This treasury went far beyond their expectations! 

If a low-tier Holy Land force were to get their hand on this treasury, they would have a great chance of becoming a high-tier Holy Land!

Shi Wei was similarly astounded. She muttered out loud, "Heavenly Grade, Saint Crystal Sun beads and Crystal Law Cores! And spatial rings and Soul's Core from various Divine Star, Great Divine Sea, and Divine Origin experts. I'm afraid not even our Huang Dragon deepest treasury can match up to this."

In Cain's excitement, he summoned the Chaotic Emerald, openly asking Nightmare Lord, "Nightmare Lord, are all these spatial rings still usable?" 

"Indeed they are. I collected many spoils throughout the years to use when I had fully revived. My original intention was to quickly reach the Divine Path of cultivation in just a few months. Master will benefit immensely from here." Nightmare Lord promptly replied. 

And a sudden cold chill swept through Shi Wei. 

If this terrifying Heavenly Venerate master were to successfully revive, just what would have happened to their Thunderous Collision Realm?

That would have been an unavoidable calamity! 

Shi Wei shook her head of such fearful thoughts and then waved her sleeve. Soul energy spewed from her and sucked up one of the spatial rings to her palm.

Shi Wei grasps the spatial ring, promptly inspecting it with her soul sense. A few moments later, she readily nodded. 

"As expected of other Holy Land forces. There are even more general cultivation resources and specific Inner World resources."

"Inner World resources?" The trio suddenly asked. 

Shi Wei continued to explain, "When you reach the Divine Origin realm, your dantian will then transform into an Inner World. From here, you will need to take specific steps to successfully nurture your Inner World. Depending on the Law or Dao Path you cultivate will determine the specific Inner World resource you will need to nurture. These resources will strengthen and stabilize your foundation, preventing your Inner World from drying up and growing weaker. It will also produce more Dao Marks in your Inner World, causing the space within it to strengthen. This is crucial as the stronger your Inner World space is, the smoother later cultivation levels will be."

Cain then asked, "Just what kind of sizes do these Inner World resources come in? And if we don't nurture our Inner World, we will be unable to advance in cultivation?"

"For your first question, Inner World resources either come in seeds or plant sizes. Seeds have smaller, shorter terms benefits, but if one can properly nurture them, they will gain a permanent resource that will continually fuel the Inner World. Plants give larger short terms benefits but have a limit on their lifespan. And for your second question, it is indeed true. Lack of Inner World management will cause cultivation to halt. The space of the Inner World will become weaker, causing both a fall in strength and the inability to gather both stronger Divine Essence and Source Laws. Thus, even great Heavenly Venerate masters attach the utmost importance to Inner World resources. And, we can use this to perfectly tempt the Ancient Phoexnixes."

Shi Wei paused for a moment before asking, "I can faintly tell we are on a strict time limit here. So, how long do we have?" 

"As of now, grandmother, we have two months here. But that is if we don't use Heavenly energy for cultivation. The more we expend Heavenly energy, the less time we will have. Eventually, we will be forced to leave. But thankfully, I have a Heavenly energy token that will inform whenever the Nightmare realm opens back up and can instantly take us back here." Cain promptly answered. 

A blossoming smile suddenly filled Shi Wei's face. She slightly chuckled, sounding just like a fairy as she said, "Your luck truly is special. In this ring is the Divine Fiery Rose. This is a special Fire Inner World resource that can actually produce more Divine Fiery Rose seeds if nurtured properly. For all Fire Path cultivators, it is a wonderful resource. Especially for people who have Fire Dao Marks fused into their bloodstreams, the effects will be at least five times greater! The Ancient Phoenixes can also use this resource on both their young and old."

"Uhm…grandmother?" Kali suddenly spoke up. "Is it such a good idea to give those guys such a good resource? I'm more than sure none of them will show any sort of good faith over this."

Shi Wei lightly chuckled again, this time, a sharp glint flashing within her eyes. "Do not worry about that, little Kali. I will have everything planned out so that the Ancient Phoenixes will permanently become much more submissive towards us. Perhaps, I can even make them greatly help us."

"Oh?" Cain, Kali, and Amber held immediate great expectations. They had full-on faith in whatever Shi Wei did. 

Shi Wei suddenly clapped her hands, telling the trio, "Alright, for now, you three will lightly cultivate. We will use the full advantages of Heavenly energy when the Phoenixes are dealt with. Little Cain, come with me to discuss the plan.. Your Heavenly energy control will be crucial."

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