The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 306 Divine Mortals (2)

Chapter 306 Divine Mortals (2)

Nearly everyone in the human group had expressions of desolate hopelessness.

It may just be one human turning on them, but it held a tremendous impact on their mental state.

All previous morale, hope, dreams, goals all of it shattered in an instant.

Honestly, just how long can they keep going?

And in the end, won't most of their roads either lead to death or, worse continuous slavery?

The humans were able to block out of their minds when secluded among themselves.

Now faced with reality, it was too harsh, too disgusting of a pill to swallow.

If the humans could move, nearly all of them would have already collapsed to their knees in complete despair.

The Crystal Spirits didn't show an apparent change of expression. But within their eyes, a glint shined within the depths of their pupils. It was a glint of what could be satisfaction, pleasure, or joy mixed all together.

As it should be, all races will be under their control.

Just when the Crystal Spirits were about to finish this small conquest, just when the human group was about to lose their minds, a tremendous change suddenly occurred!


Two immensely powerful auras exploded like titanic nukes out of the Middle Stage Sky Sages' bodies!

Lightning burst into the atmosphere, wildly striking trees, and the grounds, turning parts of it into charcoal.

At the same time, a hypnotically enthralling sensation engulfed the space, nearly causing the Crystal Spirits' minds to collapse.

These two energies utterly astounded the humans and the Crystal Spirits!

"What?!?" The three Crystal Spirits had their eyes burst open wide, nearly to the point of tearing.

This aura shouldn't be anything special. It was clearly mortal realm auras.

So why, why is such aura tremendously pressuring us?!

The Crystal Spirits felt their breathings hitched in their throat. In response to this sudden danger, the Crystal Spirits erupted their Inner Worlds, surging their Dao Marks and Divine Qi.

A luminous crystal silver aura shrouded their bodies. Their powers rapidly surged, the might of Divine Qi fully released!

Trees intensely quiver before toppling over from powerful airwaves, cracks on the ground spread underneath the three Crystal Spirits' feet.

Against Divine Qi, no mortals should be able to resist.

But right as the Crystal Spirits erupted their Inner World, a flash of crimson and a flash of blue instantly appeared before them.

The two Middle Stage Sky Sages teleported as if they were ghosts and gods!

The Crystal Spirits were unable to react. These two Sky Sages' speeds surpassed their reaction time.

All they could do was sense the threat of death rapidly approaching them.


A gruesome echo of skin tearing open, flesh-ripping apart and bones cracking reverberated throughout the field.

Three geysers of blood spurted into the air, sprinkling down in a sparkling crimson rain.

The three Crystal Spirits' beheaded heads crashed to the ground with a sickening thump, each of their beautiful face losing its grace.

Now, their expression twisted into utter horror, fear, and bewilderment.

None of them even understood how they died.

As the Crystal Spirits' corpses fell backward, the Middle Stage Sky Sages stood proudly upright, letting their bodies become stained with crimson Crystal Spirits' blood.

At this point, the two Middle Stage Sky Sages appearances were in full reveal. They both were like a ray of sunshine engulfing the whole forest in its grand spectacle.

The other human group members were left in utter awe.

One was a handsome young man who had a far more refined heroic presence than the Crystal Spirits. His eyebrows were sleek and sharp as a sword amplifying the hypnotic grace of his charming face.

Long, wavy black hair with a sleek shine flowed down to his broad shoulders. And his physique was well defined, practically exuding power from his sharp, jagged muscle.

In this man's hand was a long crimson-colored sword that also glowed with a luminous crimson glow.

At the tip of the sword was where Crystal Spirits' blood slowly dripped down.

The second person was a true fairy of a woman. Her beauty was sensational, almost too enthralling to actually be real.

Down to her clear, azure-colored eyes that glowed with unfathomable mystery, bewitchingly cherry red pouty lips, and a gorgeous face that can drown out the sun.

Her divinely long blue hair fell down to her waist like an immortal waterfall, and her now classy blue robes tightly clung to her enchantingly beautiful body.

In her hand was also ribbon designed sword that dripped with the crystal blood of the Crystal Spirits.

The man and woman stared unblinkingly into the depths of other humans' eyes, almost as if they were trying to peer right into their souls.

The handsome man spoke first, his voice booming with incredible passion. "Everyone! This day marks the day of the overturn of the Divine Boundless Heaven and the rise of humanity! No longer will we be subjected to the demon Crystal Spirits' tyrannical rule. I Crimson Lord will pave a path in blood for all humans!!"


That passion tremendously shook the other humans' Souls Core. Their legs began to subconsciously move forward in pure awe.

And at this time, the woman spoke up, her voice sweetly soft like an angel cry but equally or even more passionate than Crimson Lord.

"We have suffered for too long. We had endured for far too long. If all we can do is endure, how will hope ever be able to bloom? A change needs to happen, and we will elicit the change of the whole Divine Boundless Heaven. I Faith Lord will inspire the true hope in humanity!"

At her words, the other humans directly crashed to their knees, heavily prostrating to both Crimson Lord and Fairy Faith.

Tears streamed down their face, but their eyes burned with the fiery flames of hope!

It can no longer be extinguished!

Right when their morales were on the verge of shattering forever with desolate hope, two unfathomable humans appeared like a divine miracle!!

The human group leader raised his head in reverence but also great curiosity. He couldn't but ask, "Oh Crimson Lord, oh Faith Lord, we are willing to follow your every command! But my Lords, pardon me for asking, but how can one's combat prowess breach from Divine to Mortal?"

This was the biggest head-scratcher out of everything.

Realistically, shouldn't this be impossible?

However, the three Crystal Spirits who actually managed to release the power of their Inner World couldn't resist a single move from these Lords.

Just how the hell could they achieve this?!

Crimson Lord valiantly smiled. "This is because we have near-perfect cultivation. Our Law and Qi density have surpassed all manners of common sense. And the Arts we cultivate were let down by our mystical human Ancestors! In short, the power we hold now will never grow to be stagnant, even at the later stages of cultivation. We will only continue to grow more powerful, to the point where just at the Holy King realm, we can slay those grand Heavenly Venerates like weeds of grass!"

The group of humans visibly shook, their eyes staring unblinkingly at Crimson Lord's grand ambition.

Faith Lord also gave a blossoming, shiny smile. "In essence, you can title people like who us who can breach divinity as Divine Mortals. And when we reach Divinehood, we will become the young Divine Overloads. All like us will be extremely crucial to the whole Divine Boundless Heaven! They must be fostered no matter what! Moreover, if you put in enough hard work, you all may have the possibility of becoming Divine Mortals before Divinehood ascension."

The group of humans shook, engraving all that both Crimson Lord and Faith Lord spoke deeply into their souls.

From this point onward was the real turning point of the Divine Boundless Heaven.

When hearing the full story, Cain, Kali, and Amber were engrossed by every word. They all felt genuinely inspired by just hearing a moving story about humans.

Though none of them were purebred humans, Cain, Kali and Amber couldn't help but feel a great sense of admiration.

Possibly, without those humans, they wouldn't be able to stand here today.

With admiration also came a greater sense of intrigue. Cain asked first, "So did it really happen, grandmother? Could Crimson Lord and Faith Lord contend with Heavenly Venerate as Holy Kings? And what about the group of humans that followed them?"

Shi Wei let a blooming smile of genuine admiration. "Those seemingly average group of humans went on to be the foundational pillars of both Crimson Thunder Emperor's Heavenly Great World and Divine Faith's Heavenly Great World. Moreover, they all managed to become Divine Mortals themselves. As for Crimson Lord and Faith Lord, they indeed managed to achieve Heavenly Venerate prowess as Holy Kings. To this day, words spread that they both are comparable or even better than the Golden Age Era of geniuses."

Such history made Cain, Kali, and Amber suck in a subconscious cold breath.

Very recently had they experienced the glorious might of a grand Heavenly Venerate.

Even as a remnant soul, Nightmare Lord managed to set up a whole quasi-mystic realm in which it can forcefully block anyone over the Great Divine Sea realm, kill Divine Rulers and extract Soul's Cores!

The trio was left in utter awe. It was evident that there was an immensely colossal disparity between them and a Heavenly Venerate.

But now they realize this disparity is even greater than they could ever expect!

Amber was primarily in genuine amazement, while Cain and Kali couldn't help but pit themselves against Heavenly Great Worlds.

If their First Ancestors were all Divine Mortals, just how strong are Crimson Thunder Emperor and Divine Faith Great Worlds?

A strange chill swept through Kali's core. She suppressed it, asking next, "So if were to showcase Divine Mortal abilities, it'll be a blessing than some kind of great danger?"

As she witnessed the myriad of emotions flashing across the youngsters' faces, Shi Wei inwardly nodded.

At the very least, none of them seemed discouraged or depressed by the great disparity. Only a surge of curiosity. It is a much better mindset compared to geniuses she previously observed.

Shi Wei lightly smiled, answering Kali, "Indeed. In fact, Divine Mortals have gone down very much so since the Emperor Spirit Era. Since there isn't an immense urgent need for great geniuses, you can say the Divine Boundless Heaven experienced stagnation. But that isn't to say there are any Divine Mortals. Although now, most, if not all, hail from Heavenly Great Worlds. Still, the heart of the people still yearns for powerful leaders. Who's to say another incident like the Crystals Spiritswon't happen again? The Divine Boundless Heaven was previously enslaved by the Primal Vaiser before the Crystal Spirits. In essence, it is deeply engraved into the hearts of people to favor Divine Mortals."

Shi Wei paused for a moment before asking once again, "So little Cain, Kali,  are you two truly ready to make a wave throughout the whole Divine Boundless Heavens? I will be blunt; it is inevitable that you will face tremendous, seemingly impossible hurdlers on this road. But, overcoming these hurdles is the life we Martial Cultivators all strive for."

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