The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 315 World Shacking News

Chapter 315 World Shacking News

Cain and Kali could only look up to both Huang Dulong and Jaolong.

Huang Dulong and Jaolong had a gaze as if they weren't looking at another person but at an ugly rat.

Something that shouldn't be here.

Something that doesn't belong here at all.

Just why were they even born in the first place?

Such feelings overflowed in their tones as Huang Jaolong said first, "Let's make this quick. You two should simply kneel at the door and always kneel whenever these meetings occur. Your presence is simply a waste of space here."

"And don't believe we are cruel for this. In fact, we're saving you from additional embarrassment from everyone else, including father and the Dragon Emperor. After all, without strength, what worth do you have? Really, just obediently submitting is your only option."

Huang Dulong spoke in a forceful tone. Every word he said was in full assurance as if it was natural law.

Cain and Kali pause, their expression twisting from brief shock to boiling anger.

Looking past these two, everyone else only had a piercing cold gaze. Their silence said everything that needed to be said.

Silence can cut just as deep as sharp throat words.

Cain and Kali looked back up to Huang Dulong and Jaolong, their mortal bodies gradually shaking from the rage of humiliation.

Of course, they know they have no value.

Of course, they know they have no strength.

Of course, they know they're a waste of space!

But does it really mean everyone must act so damn cold?!

Were there really no other options?

Was it really their fault that at birth, they were so unlucky to have a waste cultivation aptitude?!

Cain felt a gripping suffocation; it was hard for him to breathe normally.

While with Kali, she felt incredibly unwilling!

Every time they want her to bow her hand and submit like a dog, the depths of her soul refuse!

She, too, has dreams of cultivation right alongside her brother Cain.

Why should she roll over like a dog just because they said so?

Be damned all logical and pragmatic reasons!

Kali didn't lower her head; her eyes stared directly into Huang Dilong and Jaolong's faces as she discontentedly stated, "No…no! We will not kneel! Why should we?! We have the same blood flowing throughout our veins, so get the hell out of our way!!"

Facing such fierce retaliation, Huang Dulong and Jaolong pause for only a moment before blinking their eyes with ice-cold indifference.

Huang Jaolong sneered. She arrogantly crossed her arms under her chest as she stated, "What determination…that would be fine if you weren't utter wastes. Not kneeling? Then I'll make you kneel and really show your worth before your very eyes."

With a cold snort, Huang Jaolong released a sliver of her Divine aura, crashing it down right onto Cain and Kali.

Cain and Kali felt as if a powerful tsunami smashed onto their backs. The pressure was far too great!

Their posture unwillingly broke down into a kneeling position.

With a loud bang, their knees violently smashed the floor, causing that part of their robes to burst open, causing blood to seep out of it.

Pain assaulted Cain and Kali. They gritted their teeth as they tried to look up and talk.

However, under this pressure, it was all but impossible to do anything. No matter how unwilling they were, kneeling was their only option.

The amount of shame and humiliation engraved itself deep into Kali's soul. This memory could never be forgotten.

And just when Huang Dilong and Jaolong were about to coldly walk away, a bright purple light flashed within the room.


A long tired sigh drilled into everyone's ears.

The pressure on Cain and Kali vanished along with the pain stirring from their knees.

​ Cain and Kali looked up, only to see the tremendously tall back that belonged to Shi Wei.

At that moment, the whole atmosphere completely froze.

It didn't matter who it was. Each Huang Dragon stood rooted like a statue in front of the presence known as Shi Wei.

Their gazes had complete looks of respect, reverence, and a hint of fear.

Shi Wei, however, kept a calm expression, not showing any anger, disappointment, or even reproach.

She calmly nodded at them all, stating in a peaceful tone, "Little Cain and Kali will no longer participate in this meeting. They will be with me. I discussed it with the other Ancestors. It does not go against our Dragon Rules."

Shi Wei suddenly gave an unreadable smile while continuing to say, "Please, carry on."

Then, with a wave of her hand, she, Cain, and Kali were shrouded in a purple light before vanishing on the spot.


Returning back to reality, the royal descendants felt an ominous chill sweep throughout their whole beings.

At this moment, they all realized they were walking on an incredibly thin tight robe.

And it was far too late to regret anything.

For a few silent moments, thoughts rapidly churned in each of their minds, some of their faces slightly turning pale over their unpredictable future.

An event that was a high for thousands of others only made the royal descendants increasingly worried.

Huang Xun was the only one who had any semblance of calm. As her thoughts collided like lightning, she suddenly recalled someone else crucial.

Her Qi sound transmission spoke in Huang Dai's mind, 'Say, did grandmother send out any third battles? Amber is always with Cain. She most definitely received the same treatment.'

Huang Dai curled his brows. 'No…only Cain and Kali. Well, this is more to be expected. Amber seems to dislike most things about martial cultivation. She only pays attention to World Spirit Masters.'

'Still, we definitely need to pay attention to her. She has most likely been elevated as crazily as Cain and Kali.' Huang Xun solemnly warned.

High up in the skies, the Ancient Huang Dragons, Dragon Emperor, and empress, and the Saint Dragon Elders were in deep thoughts.

Two Divine Mortals in the same generation!

The amount of business they would need to perform for the proceeding reaction will be immense. Even if they didn't record it, many in the other audience already had. It was inevitable for their news to be released.

And just when they all were contemplating how to handle this delicate situation, Shi Wei's melodic voice stirred in their minds.

'Come with me. I believe it's time to have a meeting to handle the ensuing chaos.'

A couple of days passed in the Thunderous Collision World.

And during this small, seemingly ordinary duration, a piece of world-shaking news spread to practically every Holy Intelligence network.

It was of the appearance of two grand Divine Mortal geniuses!

Nobody could ignore this news.

Whether it was low-tier, mid-tier Holy Land or Holy Martial Family, secluded demonic cultivators, or lone cultivators, everyone was at least aware of the change.

Across the board, the reactions vary in intensity.

In the Ancient Phoenix's hidden world, there has never been such a monumental impact of news.

Near the highest point of the hidden world was a celestial mountain of at least 50,000 miles, far surpassing mortal continents.

It was similar to the Huang Dragon's metropolis, Yellow city. This was the Ancient Phoenixes' equivalent metropolis, Phoenix city.

At this moment, Phoenix City has never been livelier.

Hundreds of thousands gathered in the Holy Intelligence network to witness the great set of news for themselves.

One such group of youngsters had entered into the network building with the same goals. Their eyes glanced all around the wildly spacious ground-level floor.

Everything was primarily of a brilliant orange design scheme with gorgeous paintings of Phoenixes engraved into the walls.

And thanks to the magical wonders of Space Laws and Spirit energy, the interior space was massively grand, easily enough to fit thousands of people at the same time.

For today, this grand space was beneficial. Thousands of citizens gathered inside, nearly all of them observing energy projection from a recording ring.josei

The murmurs were a cascade of buzz, making it a bit hard to hear anything.

Still, the group of youngsters marched right towards the aisle containing the same recording ring.

One of them eagerly picked one up and quickly their energy into it.

The recording ring sparkled before showing a clear energy recording. On it was the enthralling form of Huang Cain battling Huang Lulong!

"Seeing it for oneself really is something different. Those Huang Dragons unexpectedly reached this point!"

"To think this would happen right under all of our noses. The Huang Dragons truly know how to hide themselves so well."

"The changes to our realm will be massive. And we may just get swept right into it…"

Complex feelings rose from these youngsters. They didn't know what to truly feel about the Huang Dragons.





It was all far too puzzling for anyone of them.

For so long, it has typically been that the younger generation of the Ancient Phoenixes can faintly suppress the younger generation of the Huang Dragons.

But with this, all of those notions shattered into countless pieces.

Many of the main Ancient Phoenix Sect couldn't help but feel a gripping sense of pressure.

"Our Ancient Phoenix Holy Land has been longer than the Huang Dragons, and yet we never even got a genius surpassing high-tier Holy Lands…"

"Just how can we ever truly compare to the Huang Dragons now? Senior Brother Wu simply has no way to ever catch up to them…"

"Haaah…just what will happen to us in the future?"

The thought of resisting a Divine Mortal barely appeared in anyone's mind. It was practically engraved into their souls, subconsciously or consciously, that Divine Mortals surpass all manner of Heaven-Defying geniuses.

Their prowess simply can't be counted with common sense.

Any thoughts of invasion or assassination weren't a realistic option either.

Compared to the younger generation, the older generation of the Huang Dragons made it well known of their superiority.

Each Supreme Ancient Dragons were legends that can't be touched under any circumstances.

And under their aura of protection, Cain and Kali are practically invincible!

It wasn't as if the Ancient Phoenix Sect members didn't realize the immense value in a Divine Mortal. But the fear of retaliation clouded their judgment.

After all, with their Holy Lands being at intense odds with each other, wasn't it possible that the Divine Mortals would settle all debts in the future?

If that were to occur, how could they possibly stop their reigns?

Words, virtues, and morals all lose their meaning in the face of absolute strength.

Fear and paranoia primarily rose in the members of the main Ancient Phoenix Sect.

Although, there are thousands of others seeing the absolute joy of a Divine Mortal.

These were the regular citizens or members of the smaller branches of the Ancient Phoenix Sect.

"Say, I wonder if the Huang Dragons can raise our whole realm into a Heavenly Great World! Those at the top can finally start fearing the might of lower god realms!"

"It's about time. Those Heavenly Great Worlds are becoming increasingly in control. Us lower realms need a symbol to strike them right in their cores."

"I wonder just what the Thunderous Sword Sect think of this? Didn't they have some sort of connection with the Huang Dragons? Or maybe I'm just misremembering. Either way, their jaws probably already hit the floor!"

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