The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 317 Contact

Chapter 317 Contact

Days later, Huang Dragon Imperial Palace.

In Cain's imperial chambers, Cain, Kali, and Amber had gathered.

Cain was already assimilated into a cultivation state, and his primary state of focus wasn't on martial cultivation itself.

Instead, it was on both Kali and Amber.

Kali and Amber sat cross-legged, their expressions completely serene, appearing as beautiful angles.

The girls indeed were in their most relaxed state. They were directly stimulating their Soul's Core to exude their special soul energy aura.

An ominous chill swept out Kali. The atmosphere around her could tightly grip your neck.

Kali's soul aura came in the form of a luminous icy crystal blue aura. The manifestation of her soul was enthrallingly captivating. It exuded a sensation that freezes people in their tracks but also sweeps them in her momentum.

Her will was like unbreakable ice.

As for Amber, she exuded an aura of serenity. It was as if she was lulling you into a sweet lullaby. Her soul aura was amazingly calmer than Cain's.

The manifestation of her soul was incomparably soothing. It engulfs you in her shadowy embrace, instilling peace into your mind.

Amber's soul aura appeared in the form of a beautifully profound deep black aura, shrouding her body in a mysterious black mist.

These sensations all came from Cain's intent analysis.

Every slight fluctuation of their soul aura, Cain's soul sense keenly inspected. Their soul aura sensations spread through his spiritual sea, causing chills to slowly wash over his whole body.

The trio had been in this position for a short while now.

A few hours passed, and they all still looked incredibly vibrant.

Truthfully, just discharging a soul aura barely cost any of their soul energy reserves. It was similar to scooping a small portion of water from an enormous river stream.

In the end, this served minimal purpose, whether it was for Martial cultivation or World Spirit Master arts.

But Cain believed he would be able to make use of seemingly worthless abilities.

Cain's determination for the soul path was still strong. After unleashing a soul pressure to defeat Huang Lulong, Cain wanted a more significant enhancement for his soul strength.

The advantages it could give in a fight could potentially be a critical turning point!

Moreover, his Chaotic Emerald depends on having strong enough soul energy to withstand Chaos energy.

However, advancing in the soul path is immensely complex.

From what little information he can scrap up, the soul path had the same similarity between Martial cultivation and Spirit energy.

That is, one's Spiritual Sea need to comprehend the complex energies properties of the soul in order to advance on their soul path.

After all, how could Cain possibly use stronger soul energy if he couldn't understand its complex properties?

His control would be far too lacking, leading to his current situation, where he had hitten an inevitable invisible wall.

Attempting to counter this, Cain was using his soul sense to analyze Kali and Amber's soul aura, hoping to draw some form of aspiration from it.

It was easier said than done in actual practice.

Even with all of his genius Martial comprehension, Cain's progress on the soul path was agonizingly slow. And even now, after hours of practice, Cain could only disappointedly sigh.

He slowly opens his eyes, saying, "You two can stop now. I simply can't comprehend anymore from an external source soul. It seems like I need to obtain some sort of aspiration breakthrough."

Kali and Amber awoke, recalling their enthralling soul auras.

Curiosity glinted in Kali's eyes as she carelessly shrugged. "Why go so hard for this path in any case? Even Heavenly Great World can't deduce the soul path. The only one who made any noticeable progress is Heavenly Venerate Divine Faith herself. But, just how do we have the qualifications to meet her yet?"

Kali then slowly stood up while cracking out the kinks in her joint. She continues to say, "I'll tell you this, Cain. Your soul is consistent with your personality. A fierce thunderstorm that only binds its time until it's finally time to strike. Maybe you can learn more from understanding that."

No, no, Kali." Amber quickly interjected while scooching closer to Cain, sitting side by side with him.

Her smile was beautifully pleasant as she said, "Cain's true core is like a sheathed sword. Unbreakable and firm. But also approachable...unlike you."

Kali only sneered at Amber's assessment, and her sneer increased even more when seeing her lean on to Cain's shoulder while he gained a blooming smile.

She ignored their actions, directly asking, "Just what's your end goal with the soul path in the first place? Not like your combat prowess is lacking in any aspect."

"Well, isn't it always better to be overly prepared than under? Grandmother did tell me that the soul path was once blooming in the far earlier eras and created a terrifying legend. If I can achieve even a small portion of that, I would have an absolute advantage over most cultivators. In fights, I prefer to quickly dominate than let it drag on." Cain confidently spoke.

And at his mention, Kali and Amber did briefly recall another old tale Shi Wei informed them about.

Although, compared to the tales in the Emperor Spirit Era, this one was severely lacking detail.

But it couldn't be blamed on her. This era had occurred before the Emperor Spirit Era, being over millions of years ago!

During the Primal Vaiser era time period, terrifying experts continually appeared all over the Divine Boundless Heaven.

One of these experts was someone with master attainment in the soul path.

For most other paths, master attainment can only be obtained from hundreds of years of cultivation and if one has amazing talent towards this attainment path. And this is only a starting point.

However, this legendary expert managed to utilize his soul path to horrifying degrees.

The amount of death he caused, the terror he instilled, it even matched the terrifying nature of the ferocious Primal Vaiser race!

His soul path method was infamous, powerful to incredible degrees where it seemed impossible to defend against.

But, that expert's methods were doomed to be forever lost in the sands of time.

One could say the soul path method was almost fated to never have a mainstay within the current Heavenly Dao.

Understanding this, Kali and Amber couldn't help but think Cain's appetite was massive.

At this point, it's a bit unclear just how powerful the three were against the outside and among each other.

However, if Cain were to reach master attainment soul path, wouldn't the difference widen to a chasm size level?

Kali and even Amber shudder at the thought.

Kali specifically could grasp Cain's desire for utter domination in battle. It's the quickest and most efficient way to end all fights.

Although for her, she gains a genuine high from the pleasurable sensation of domination.

Seeing the girls ponder in thought, Cain continues to say, "Besides, if I can grasp Soul Laws, I can help you two advance in this path. Just imagine, the three of us as also soul path geniuses. Our fame will gradually reach terrifying levels. And from this, it will be easier to travel throughout the God Galaxies."

Cain put the main emphasis on increasing fame for better benefits. Even his and Kali's Divine Mortal title will provide significant benefits for the future.

Of course, the pleasure of high fame excited Cain to no end.

But always recalling Shi Wei's guidance, Cain knows it's better to not get conceited.

The implied message got through to Kali and Amber as they curiously wondered just how could Cain advance his soul path.

In the midst of their thoughts, Cain suddenly felt a vibration from his robe's pockets. He quickly pulled out a contact ring and promptly instilled his soul energy into it.

,m A moment later, Huang Xun's calm voice swirled in his mind.

'Cain. Would you and Kali like to meet Dai and I? I will directly say that I would like to improve our relationship.'

Cain curled his brows, retracting his senses from the ring. He was then greeted to the sight of Kali's mocking sneer.

A wry smile curled Cain's lips. "Yea, that was Xun. Apparently, she wants to meet only me and Kali to improve our relationship. I suppose it's sibling rekindled."

"Heh. Does she really think we'll so easily go? Do we even have a reason to go?" Kali didn't hesitate to decline.

But Cain casually shrugged, saying, "Why not go? It seems intriguing. Out of our other siblings, Xun at least seems the calmest."

Amber nodded in agreement. "I also agree to go. Kali, even you can't ignore their obvious tonal shift. Sure, they're only doing it after you show your worth, but they all at least hold some sort of value. I can just faintly tell from experience in my own noble family."

This got Cain and even Kali to perk up. Rarely would Amber ever mention the custom of her noble family since it was too tiring in her eyes.

Kali curled her brows, asking, "And just what can you tell from your experience? Last I checked, your parents shielded you from everything. Plus, your talent allowed you to get away from that inner strife battleground."

"Yep, that's right. But at the same time, I didn't cut off all roads to communication. I was still bound by some of the rules of my noble family. But remember Gao and Wang? They, along with another genus named Ara, helped me a lot just to curry my favor. Even for smaller things, like getting a servant girl, they practically took care of that need. I can naturally tell their intentions were fake. But at the same time, we can't do everything ourselves. Sometimes, menial help can go a long way." Amber calmly explained.josei


What used to feel like a heavy burden to just even recall did nothing to her currently but make her experience a fleeting sensation. One that went just as quickly as it came.

Inwardly, Amber wonders if it was because of her cultivation increasing, living with Cain, or having her horizons broadened by the immense God Galaxies, but either way, she knows her mental state is undergoing continuous change.

Now, she feels genuinely motivated to help Cain and Kali. Even with the latter still bluntly rude treatment around her.

Amber's words did truly get through to Cain and Kali.

Kali was even excessively looking for any reason to dispute Amber but couldn't reasonably come up with anyone. Her resentment was still at large. But she still has a rational personality to look at the bigger picture.

Moments later, Cain nodded, deciding, "Alright, let's go."

He paused for a moment, glancing over to Amber with a slightly apologetic look. "Of course, you can come. But...they both will most likely turn troublesome."

Amber lightly giggled, causally waving off Cain's concerns. "Just go on without me. Their values stem from strength, and I have no intentions of investing in their respect. As long they're simply indifferent around me, then I'm fine."

Expecting this response, Cain readily nodded. He then tossed his gaze over to Kali, who could do nothing but roll her eyes in relentment.

Inwardly, Kali subconsciously realizes some things can't ever change. Even now, Cain has the final say in decisions involving both of them.

And this brought a slight sensation of complex feelings Kali didn't want to think about at this moment.

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