The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 319 To Have Absolute Loyalty

Chapter 319 To Have Absolute Loyalty

With his body enhanced by the absorption of stronger origin energy, it becomes increasingly harder to stimulate Cain's taste bud.

But this Dragon tea indeed was the best drink Cain had ever tasted.

After taking a sip of the Dragon tea, Huang Xun felt pleased seeing both Cain and Kali's eyes lit up with praise. So far, this meeting was going smoother than she could ever hoped.

Pressing on this momentum, Huang Xun said, "I want to ask you two, did grandmother ever mention anything about the moral beliefs of Holy Lands?"

"Moral beliefs?" Cain and Kali traded puzzled looks.

"I think she has? Not sure, just what is this exactly about?" Kali directly asked.

"Ah, you see, since you will be appearing in the God Galaxies very often, it is a bit imperative to understand this. A Holy Land's moral beliefs dictate how its members will generally act. There are honest, fair, neutral, loose, and unorthodox moral beliefs. The one who gives the least amount of trouble is the fair and neutral Holy Lands. As long you don't cause trouble with them, they won't cause trouble with anyone else. And as long you have a decent enough talent, according to our level of standard, then those Holy Lands will be willing to foster that talent."

As Cain and Kali quietly listened in, they were both intrigued and mostly understood this so-called moral belief. They didn't even need it explicitly stated to them.

The Dragon siblings equated with their own past experiences.

Kali could already tell their own Imperial Family has a neutral to a slightly loose set of moral beliefs.

Competitions are heavily encouraged to strive for resources that will lead to greater cultivation and then lead to one accomplishing their dreams.

Whether those dreams or goals were glories, respect, status, love, genuine Marital passion, or responsibilities, their Huang Dragon Imperial Palace knows the clever ways to keep their younger generation thriving.

But at the same time, the means used in these competitions aren't heavily monitored.

Whether it comes through cheating, schemes, or some other insidious mean, the Huang Dragon Imperial Palace are very likely to turn a blind eye.

Kali inwardly felt a cold smile rise. She can remember it clearly through those royal descendent meetings. Though she couldn't go to any of those meetings, Shi Wei had still informed her of it whenever she asked.

Shi Wei used those times as a guide on the kind of means talented people her age can achieve. It was to show the mind is never limited.

Evidently, there was not a single one of her siblings that was pure in their means to win a competition.

As for Cain, he equated to how large corporate organizations weed out the elite employees and continue to satisfy their needs so they won't leave.

Recalling a term he learned on earth, the Huang Dragons are similar to the carrot and stick approach.

It was evident to see that in just the competition between the royal descendants.

Other Holy Lands approaches did genuinely intrigued Cain and Kali.

Truthfully, the Ancient Phoenix didn't leave too much of a strong impression. The most they could gather is that their Sect Master is quite the formidable person.

Her ability to suffer and endure didn't go unnoticed in their eyes. And perhaps, those kinds of beliefs are instilled in the rest of the members.

Kali's mind gradually turned away from the Ancient Phoenix Sect toward the Thunderous Collision World as a whole.

She said out loud, "I'm willing to bet Holy Land's moral beliefs will be heavily based on their intentions. Some Holy Lands are just too poor. They would want more land for more resources. And more people just for survival. Other Holy Lands are strong enough to just stay comfortably stagnant. While others probably have a desire to develop fast in case they're pressured by their enemies. Most of these Holy Lands can go any way depending on their current situation."

"And speaking off, the Ancient Phoenix Sect should be just slightly looser than us. In terms of military strength, there was simply nothing they could ever do to us. They most likely strive for extra resources in hopes of a profound change in the future." Cain assumed.

And at this moment, Huang Xun gained a slightly wide genuine smile. "You two are very quick at making deductions. But, it would be better to experience it in the flesh, don't you agree? Grandmother did say experience is one of the most crucial aspects of cultivation. Dai or I can take you two around most places in our hidden world. As I'm sure, you're also aware of the forbidden places we can't go."

Cain and Kali had to hold off a scoff. That's one thing Shi Wei continually beats them over the head apart, practically demanding them to never disobey this order.

Giving it a little thought, Cain nodded toward Huang Xun. "That would make for an interesting time. I'll contact you, or you can contact me though it'll depend if I'm busy that day. What about you, Kali?"

Kali's eyes casually trailed over Huang Dai and Xun, feeling that these two are somewhat less displeasing to the eyes than the other ones.

She shrugged, saying, "If I want to go out, I will let you know. But I will most likely just go out with Cain, so don't get your hopes up."

It wasn't wholly confirmed promises. It was actually quite loose in agreement, practically giving Cain and Kali all the control of their relationship.

But the fact that they were willing was more than enough for Huang Dai and Xun. They finally felt their once foggy future clear up very slightly.

"Then that's settled. Believe me, the things to see and do in our hidden world is not small at all. I'm not sure how large our space is, but we can explore for hours and still not reach the edges of it."

The Dragon tea meeting continued on without any hitch. It was mainly Cain and Huang Xun talking, but Dai did occasionally contribute.

While Kali only spoke some words here and there.

Overall, it was a nice little investment for Cain and Kali and a massive step for a brighter future for Huang Dai and Xun.

While Cain was undergoing a meeting, at the same time, Shi Wei was holding her own important meeting.

In an imperial chamber, Shi Wei had gathered with the Saint Dragon Elders, the Dragon Emperor, and Huang Maolong.josei

Besides Shi Wei and Huang Maolong's faces, everyone had unreadable expressions.

Even now, none of them could get past events out of their minds. Their complex emotions were evident in their eyes.

Shi Wei inwardly nodded at their state. It would be too disappointing if they didn't act this way.

But, Shi Wei didn't press on this matter. She smiled, getting directly to the point of this meeting by saying first, "I know there has been some confusion in which position little Cain and Kali will specifically take. But, I'm here to say they will not be going for the Crown Prince position. They will be fostered by myself."

Huang Maolong, Laolong, Dilong, and Song Lin all quietly took in the news, feeling no sort of disagreement rise within them.

After all, they realized a mere Crown Prince position is too low of status, befitting two Divine Mortals.

Both of them are practically confirmed to rise to unfathomable heights in the future while bringing the Imperial Palace with them.

But on the thought of higher powers, some of the Huang Dragons couldn't help but feel worried.

Huang Laolong asked with slight concern, "But of when higher realms or even Heavenly Great World catch wind of this news? Would they come down and attempt to forcefully take them away?"

It was a worrying thought that kept him, Dilong, and Song Lin wary throughout their occasional close-door cultivation. Their already low loyalty with Cain and Kali might decrease even more with them moving far away.

However, neither Shi Wei nor Huang Maolong looked particularly concerned with this issue.

Huang Maolong calmly said, "It is not easy at all for Heavenly Great Worlds masters to leave their realms into lower ones, especially Heavenly Venerates. The higher the realm you are in, the more complex it gets to travel through Void Space. Moreover, Heavenly Great Worlds are too weary of each other to make huge plays. That isn't to say Heavenly Great Worlds won't pay attention to us. When their reputation reaches there, I'm certain many will send spies either in or close to our realm."

"Then what of Holy King or Primal Sovereign level forces? I don't believe they have such restrictions." Song Lin asked.

Shi Wei's lips curled as she explained, "Indeed, we have nothing to stop that. But…would it truly be so bad that they are recruited at a higher place? I will be frank in saying that it is indeed true that little Cain and Kali hold very little loyalty to the family. In fact, they barely have any attachment. And I believe I don't need to explain why right?"

Huang Laolong, Dilong, and Song Lin could feel their faces twist in green expressions as a pang of regret aroused within them.

They all were simply acting in standing to what's engraved in their minds.

And yet, it was coming back to bite them hard.

For high and mighty masters in control of hundreds of thousands of other Huang Dragons, such regretful sensation was incredibly hard to sallow. Almost like being suddenly force-fed the vilest of excrements.

Shi Wei saw the Huang Dragons flicker through emotions but still continued to ignore it. She spoke after only a slight pause.

"However, as I have been absolutely loyal to them, little Cain and Kali trust, respect, and are loyal to me above all else. No matter how far they go, they will have me in the back of their minds. Even before their duels, those children realized my intentions and genuinely wanted to help me with our Imperial family."

"Moreover, those children, even little Amber's cultivation, will be incredibly fast, far surpassing our standards. If they ever do leave, it won't be for long. Plus, how can the higher Holy Land forces allow for one to so simply take a Divine Mortal? Many plans will need to be implemented whether they want either little Cain or Kali openly, in the dark, or through force. We have time before the situation truly becomes chaotic. And by then, we will have numerous backup plans in mind."

The Huang Dragons were silent as they attentively listened to Shi Wei, treating her as a supreme guide.

Even Huang Maolong had a deep look of ponderance.

If in the past Shi Wei's words held 80% weight on the Huang Dragons' minds, now it had elevated to 120%!

After all, she was entirely right about her unyielding persistence on both Cain and Kali. Such determination produced results that were two legendary Divine Mortals.

Shi Wei's credibility is forever engraved in these Huang Dragons' minds.

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