The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 341 Jumping Straight To It

Chapter 341 Jumping Straight To It

At this moment, Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi looked over Cain's group from top to bottom. These three all retained refined, elegant presences. They all were pleasing to the eyes and created an unfathomable allure.

The Radiant Core disciples already had a favorable impression of them.

The three Radiant Core disciples slowly walked over.

Each of them continually swept their Divine Sense over Cain's group ever since they first arrived.

At their cultivation realm, it should be effortless to at least tell their level of cultivation.

However, even as moments passed, neither Yang Lin, Lu Lin, nor Huo Zhi could accurately perceive anyone in Cain's group.

Cain and Kali only exuded a vague sensation of Sacred Sage Qi.

And even Amber had a near identifiable aura that only tells she reached the Sacred Sage realm. She may not be a Divine Mortal, but she is still known to have at least a Holy King level of Martial talent.

The Radiant Core disciples' anticipation shot up even more with the mystery.

Yang Lin, as the leading disciple of his group, nodded toward the trio, saying,  "To meet Divine Mortals in the flesh will be an enlightening experience. I hope we can get along from now on."

"Hehehe! Is that right?"

Kali suddenly giggled like a sweet angel causing all attention to gather on her. Her sky-blue eyes seemed to gleam with Qi energy as she took calculated steps forward.

For a brief moment, Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi pause. That intent yet cold gaze from Kali felt as if it was making their whole bloodline freeze over.

Kali slowly crossed her arms, taking enjoyment in the Radiant Core disciples' reactions as she said, "Then shall we skip the formalities and small talks? As fellow geniuses, I'm sure each of you is subconsciously wishing to test yourself against the famous Divine Mortals. I can simply tell it from the looks in your eyes. Your Martial Hearts won't be satisfied until this, right?"

Her words were direct, and her tone carried an indomitable, persuasive momentum that was hard to ignore.

She pierced directly into the Radiant Core disciples' Martial Hearts.

Whether they were humble or arrogant, it was common for most geniuses across the God Galaxies to have an engraved sense of superiority. They are quite literally treated as the center of everything.

Naturally, many were willing to believe they held a great destiny ahead of them.

Even Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi hold such notions deep within their Martial Hearts.

But when faced with testing their might now, the trio couldn't help but pause for a moment.

The legend of a Divine Mortal doesn't only extend to the Thunderous Collision World.

In the Radiance Luster World, many, if not all, Holy Lands have countless true legends about Divine Mortals. And every single one of these tales describes impossible feats while also giving words of advice to anyone reading them.

Yang Lin could still recall one Divine Mortal legend in which a peak Sacred Sage Divine Mortal slaughtered 100 extreme-stage Great Divine Sea geniuses at the same time!

And it wasn't just a random slaughter.

That Divine Mortal made undiscovered findings on his Law Path, advancing the way of Martial Cultivation.

Plus, the Divine Mortal was valiantly defending against the supreme reigns of those demonic Crystal Spirits.

Legends like these are simply one of the other dozens.

Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi had to ask themselves at this moment, do they have any hope of matching two Divine Mortals?

Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi seriously pondered over it for a quick moment.

They all were peak-tier 3rdfall stages geniuses with combat prowess equal to a middle-tier 4thfall genius.

Their cultivation arts were all 1st-grade Divine Ranking, and they all have powerful Spirit Weapons. Only a 5thfall genius can entirely suppress them.

Comparatively, Cain and Kali were in the Sacred Sage realm. And they had previously beaten a 1stfall Divine Origin genius while only in the Sky Sage realm.

From Sky Sage to Sacred Sage, just how much had their prowess increased?josei

It was impossible to tell as of now.

But neither Yang Lin, Lu Lin, nor Huo Zhi lacked courage. They quickly convinced themselves they should hold a reasonable advantage.

After all, the difference between fall stages only exponentially increases. From the 3rdfall stage to the 4thfall stage was akin to at least a 400 times power difference!

It wasn't arrogance backing up their confidence. But a simple fact that they are truly on a level that a 1stfall genius absolutely can't compare to.

Yang Lin was just about to transmit his opinions to Lu Lin and Huo Zhi.

,m But before he could, Kali seemingly predicted their thoughts and casually said, "Ah, it is confusing to not know how truly powerful we are, right? Don't worry, Cain and I will give a proper demonstration now."

In that instance, an ominous sensation shot through Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi.

Kali's lips curled into a smirk. Then, luminous blue icy lights flashed out of her body, and her aura started to rapidly rise to unfathomable heights!

From 10 meters around her, the temperature dropped to the depths of the abyss.

Frost energy exuded from Kali's body and spread all throughout the courtyard.

Kali spared no expense.

'Soul Form.'

'Draconic Ice Aura.'

Kali stimulated her Soul's Core, pouring out Soul energy to erupt her strongest techniques.

Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi felt a powerful aura crash right down onto them like an unstoppable tidal wave. It was a power that no Sacred Sage or Early Stage Divine Origin expert could possibly have!

Their breathings hitched in their mouths as frost energy drilled into their bodies, causing each of them to shudder.

At the same time, a bright blue flash covered Kali's body and disappeared a moment later, revealing her transformed appearance.

Majestic Draconinc Ice Wings sprouted from her back, her pupils shifted into chilling Dragon silts, and an Ice essence aura shrouded her body.

Beneath Kali's feet, the ground started to freeze over. Her icy presence can now visually manifest directly into the environment surrounding her. It was a trait of her attainment with Source Laws!

Her powerful aura caused the air pressure to increase, making her and the other youths' clothes flap from the stronger wind.

"This is the power of a Divine Mortal? Amazing...!" Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi loudly muttered at the same time.

Each of them took a few subconscious steps back before hurridly revolving the Divine Qi within their Inner World.

But even with this, the chilling sensation didn't let up in the slightest!

The Radiant Core disciples were in near disbelief.

They all were experiencing genuine pressure from Kali's powerful aura. Their natural Divine auras couldn't even handle just this much.

During this moment, Elder Chun and Elder Weilong paid serious attention to Kali. Their eyes were noting every single movement from her.

At this time, Kali suddenly snapped her attention onto Cain, telling him, "Hey. Hurry it up and get serious too!"

Cain wryly smiles before shaking his head. "I suppose it would be best to exchange pointers."

In an instant, he unleashed his Chaos Spirit Force, Soul Form, and Draconic Lightning aura!

With a loud sound like drums exploding, Cain's aura rose to unimaginable heights.

Draconic Lightning Wings sprouted from his back, his Dragonpupils formed and light green energy mixed in with his blue Draconinc Lightning aura.

A mighty, domineering presence rushed out of Cain like a hurricane. Beneath his feet, meters long cracked, split the ground open. This was Cain's effect of pure overwhelming power!

Lightning and Icy lights flashed, mixing together in a seamless blend.

The aura pressure of two Divine Mortals completely engulfed the Radiant Core disciples.

Just when they all thought they had time to breathe, Cain's aura nearly suffocated them!

"Damn!" Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi couldn't afford to spare any consideration; each of them fully erupted their Inner Worlds!

Divine Qi energy aura shrouded their bodies as they resisted Cain and Kali.

But even with unleashing the strength of their Inner World, the pressure barely lifted, if at all.

Yang Lin was completely solemn as he quickly transmitted to Lu Lin and Huo Zhi, 'Like I expected, Divine Mortals can't be counted with common sense, much less two of them. Like what Sect Master told us,  I will need to record this upcoming battle. Lin, Zhi, even if you lose, remember there's really no shame in it. Think of it as a learning experience.'

Lu Lin had to focus her Spiritual Sea as she transmitted back, 'It's almost too fantastical to accept. Their auras are basically choking us. None of our Divine defenses matters even a little bit. But I guess it really isn't too bad. We can gain a lot of merit for testing the heights of Divine Mortals.'

Huo Zhi also focused when transmitting, 'I can tell there's something to learn here. Just sensing their energy control, it is easy to perceive they are miles ahead of us. Alright, let's go, Sister Lin.'

The moment they came to their decision, Yang Lin nodded with even more respect than before.

He told the Dragon siblings, "My Martial siblings want to exchange pointers with you two. And if you don't mind, I would like to record this match."

None of the Huang Dragons voiced any disagreement, knowing full well of the advantages of having their fight broadcasted.

Elder Weilong spoke a moment later, claiming, "Then I will overseer this match."

Yang Lin promptly retreated hundreds of meters back. The spacious courtyard was enough for the geniuses to go unhindered in their battle.

When Yang Lin retreated back a considerable distance, he was shocked to still feel a significant amount of pressure crushing down his body.

Yang Lin rapidly took out his recording ring, all the while anticipating the true might of a Divine Mortal.

At the same time, Lu Lin and Huo Zhi fully unleashed the strength flowing within their Inner World.

'Radiance Sword Arts!'

A burst of white light discharged flashed the scenery.

Lu Lin and Huo Zhi's bodies became shrouded with a sharp white energy aura that seemed to resemble the shape of a sword. Even the top tip of their aura was pointed like the tip of a blade.

Their Divine Qi and Divine Source Law Marks gushed out waves of power that was no less than a middle-tier 4thfall stage expert.

However, their Divine Aura could only just barely resist the Dragon siblings now.

At this juncture, Lu Lin and Huo Zhi realized this may be the greatest challenge they had faced so far.

But even so, as powerful Radiant Core disciples, they couldn't doubt themselves in any way.

That would only be disgraceful to themselves, their Holy Land, and even to genius everywhere.

They must strive forward for victory!

Before the match started, both pairs of youths backed thousands of meters away from each other.

At that moment, Elder Weilong slowly announced,  "Begin!"

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