The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 360 Sacred Martial Disciples

Chapter 360 Sacred Martial Disciples

A small sonic boom burst from the wake of Cain's speed. The demonic creature's corpse was swept into a hurricane of powerful winds.

At this time, Cain came close to the treasure podium. When he neared ten meters away, a burst of danger rushed his Spirit Sense.

Cain couldn't see where the danger was coming from but he knew something powerful will strike him.

Although, even when knowing this, Cain's speed didn't slow down at all. He tried continuing forward when an invisible pressure tightly restricted his body. His movements promptly became sluggish.

At the same time, an invisible force of immense smashed upon Cain's body!

The sounds of bones cracking burst Cain's eardrums. Numerous spots all over his body had shattered all at once!

Cain couldn't help but pause his flight. Blood leaked out of his mouth, and his teeth violently gnashed together.

That invisible force had to be the strongest attack he received to date!

All of his defenses were as fragile as glass facing whatever this invisible force was.

Any 5thfall genius would have already crashed to the ground with nearly all of their bones shattered to pieces.

But for Cain, his eyes showed determination just a moment later. He rapidly summoned soul energy into his Spiritual Sea, suppressing the sensation of agonizing pain.

Then, without any hesitation, his Dragon Lightning Wing unleashed a powerful flap!

Cain soared in a blinding streak, he tore through the invisible pressure, escaping a second attack from that terrifying invisible force.

Once finally passing through that hurdle, Cain forcefully stopped his momentum. His feet slightly dragged through the ground as he got near the treasure podium.

A sigh of relief leaked from Cain's mouth.

He honestly wasn't all too sure he could continue tanking attacks like that. Even his Dragon body would've smashed to pieces under only a few more attacks.

Moving his gaze from the ground, Cain could finally take a good look at the treasure podium.

'Hm? This is?' Cain was a bit surprised.

All other treasures in the outer ridge had the standard cosmo sack. But for this treasure podium, there was a spatial ring and a clean-looking jade scroll.

Given the time period the Sea Realm was taken over, Cain could only wonder how a modern-day spatial ring ended up down here.

From a quick sweep over his Spirit Senses, the spatial ring even had a higher quality essence permeating out of it.

Whatever was inside that ring was kept completely intact for thousands of years.

Cain took one glance at the ring before deciding to reach over and pick up the jade scroll. He unravels the scroll, interjects his Spirit Senses into it, and had instantly received a load of information.

After only a few moments, Cain's expression turned grave.

This set of information completely dampers his mood. The jade scroll detailed the demonic creature Cain previously killed.

That creature wasn't some mutated Dao Vicious Beast or a variant beastman race. But instead, it hails from one of, if not, the most terrifying race of the whole Divine Boundless Heaven.

A Primal Vaiser demon!

Cain nearly sucked in a cold breath. He had just fought and killed one of the greatest threats known in history!

Such achievement didn't elate Cain but made him confused and worried. He thought to himself, 'After so many years, why is a Vaiser demon still around? And for that matter, wasn't it said the Sea Realm master extermined all Vaiser demons within this mystic realm?'

Cain wished the jade scroll offered more information beyond just describing what the Vaiser demon was.

Whether they more around here or the level of their prowess was all unknown.

The most reasonable option now would be to use Kali and Amber's contact ring to inform them of this great threat.

However, midway through pulling his contact ring out, Cain paused.

His call could very well disturb the girls if they're already in some kind of perilous situation. Moreover, it was impossible to communicate just what these Vaiser demons look like without showcasing their appearance.

There was one silver lining, however.

These Vaiser demons are apparently only in the Inner ridge, though how many are unknown.

Cain hesitated to fully believe this unknown number since these Vaiser demons should've been completely exterminated. Perhaps even more relics of the past permeated the Sea realm.

But Cain had high hopes that both Kali and Amber would instantly avoid situations that were actually impossible to overcome.

Calming himself down, Cain turned his attention to the spatial ring, picking it up and sweeping his Spirit Sense over it.

The contents inside slightly lifted Cain's mood.

There was a great abundance of low-rank Heavenly Sea Qi and Law crystals. But better than that were several mid-rank Heavenly Sea Qi and Law crystals!

A plan quickly formulated within Cain's mind. He certainly didn't forget about the reasons why he's even in the Inner ridge in the first place.

If those peak mid-tier Holy Lands disciples were after him, who's to say there weren't other geniuses with malicious intentions in here?

Furthermore, this Inner ridge is simply dangerous all on its own. If he were to be faced with traps or a Vaiser demon surpassing the 6thfall stage, he would be hard-pressed to survive.

Before doing anything, Cain whipped out his Dragon Charm. After continuous cultivation breakthrough, he could now utilize the Dragon Charm to 60% of its full capacity.

Compared to Shi Wei's 100% method with the Dragon Charm, Cain was still miles behind. But his current ability was enough to rapidly absorb resources within only a short time frame. His time for cultivation far surpassed the norm by hundreds of times.

Cain stretched his Chaos enhanced sense far out. For a radius of 100 miles, he couldn't detect any other lifeforms.

The danger was still potentially here, but Cain had confidence in instantly reacting while even in a cultivation state.

He didn't hesitate any longer, assimilating into a cultivation state with the Dragon Charm and the spatial ring hand in hand.


The Inner ridge of the Sea Collision Realm.

At another random section, a trail of blue icy light tore the skies.

Another genius youth had so valiantly decided to try their luck in the dangerous Inner ridge. Of course, someone so daring to go in alone could only be the ice maiden, Kali.

Kali's pace was moderately fast as she flew. Her expression stayed alert but not to a point of appearing severely grave. Her mental state stayed calm and collected.josei

A short while earlier, Kali realized her gains in the Outer ridge are far too little. She had no unique treasures like the Ming Family youths to specifically locate great resources.

And because of her icy personality, Kali was a natural loner. All she had was herself to depend on making great gains.

After repeated low gains, Kali weighed her possibilities before deciding to head into the Inner ridge. Her high combat prowess provided the confidence to storm into the most deathly areas.

And so far, Kali believed it was the correct decision. Her gains already far surpassed what she could score in the Outer ridge.

The traps and Dao Vicious beast could even provide an exciting challenge!

Kali nearly felt the legends surrounding these areas were a bit exaggerated. Either that or her combat prowess is enough to effectively deal with the Inner ridge danger and the rest were too weak.

That's her pure arrogance talking.

But her actions backed up her pure arrogance.

As she flew, Kali had the thought of meeting up with Cain. She was certain her daring brother wouldn't miss the great opportunities here.

Kali was about to come to a decision when she suddenly paused. Two distinctly powerful Divine auras rapidly approached her.

After repeated weak encounters with other geniuses, Kali's curiosity greatly stirred.

'These two are both 6thfalls! Moreover...the potency of their Divine auras...why is it so different from others? It feels richer, like, dozens of times more potent than even my foolish siblings. Coming to the Inner ridge and to me, these two are sure to be strong.' Kali narrowed her eyes, her lips slowly curling in slight anticipation.

Soon enough, two beautiful people appeared within Kali's vision.

One young man and woman, both incredibly dashing gracefully flew through the crystal skies. They both wore luxurious Martial robes that had intricate symbols pattered all over it.

An unfathomable presence exuded between them. If placed on the Thunderous Collision World, they both could easily outshine any of their peak geniuses.

Kali intently focused on these youths' Martial robes. Within moments, she quickly recalled pieces of information. 'Those robes...the Sacred Martial Palace?'

Not just a high realm Holy Land but one of the absolute strongest!

Kali is usually calm in most tense situations. But even she felt a small pang of unease from getting targeted by high-status people.

​ Although, she didn't let show on her face. Her beautiful face didn't change her ice-cold expression even as the Sacred Martial youths reached meters before her.

The Sacred Martial disciples paused, their gazes scanning Kali all over. Her calm demeanor already left a slightly positive impression.

They were just about to speak when Kali beat them to the point.

"So? The Sacred Martial Palace?" Kali first called out in a completely even tone.

The Sacred Martial disciples didn't falter, their grins turn broader.

The young man spoke first, his tone carrying an indomitable persuasive momentum. "Indeed we are. My name is Wang Lin and this is Huo Li. We are the palace's first Sacred Core disciples and have come here with a very special offer for you Huang Kali."

Huo Li promptly followed up, saying, "Mn. We are inviting you and your brother as direct Sacred disciples. A position far above even our Sacred Status. It's a befitting status Divine Mortals, right?"

Kali didn't give a prompt reply. She appeared to be genuinely considering the decision. Her eyes flickered with a contemplative light.

And a moment later, she said, "I'm certainly interested in this offer. However, this decision would also need my brother's full support. So, how about this? He's certainly here in the Inner ridge. Let's travel together and make the final decision then."

The Sacred Martial disciples traded a single glance with each other, a silent message flashing between their eyes.

Coming to a decision, Wang Lin nodded, saying, "That would be fine. Banding together would also lessen the dangers around here."

"Indeed it would." Kali's smile suddenly turned devious. "But before we go, how about a one move exchange? You know, to get a feel for one another?"

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