The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 362 Breakthroughs

Chapter 362 Breakthroughs

"Shit! We need to leave!" Ren Ming decided without any hesitation.

Ren Ming, Lin Shi, and Lu Ming all decisively stimulated their Inner World, gushing forth their Divine auras. They then rapidly flew backward, crossing hundreds of meters within mere moments.

The Spear disciples expected to clear away from the Spirit fire sea. However, to their dismay, the Spirit fire sea rapidly sped up!

It was as if their actions were intentionally provoking.

The Spear disciples were bewildered. Does this Spirit trap actually have sentience?

And at this time, they finally noticed that Amber did not move a single inch. The calm vampire maiden silently stared at the incoming Spirit fire sea. Her focused eyes glossed over with perfection layer Spirit energy.

Her breathing stayed calm and even, her presence seemed to be in an unbreakable trance.

Within her spiritual sea, all different forms of Spirit sensations frantically swirled.

The chaotic mess of Spirit sensations didn't disturb Amber's focus. Rather, her soul energy continually gushed forth, causing her thoughts to rapidly increase. This, in turn, increased her comprehension and understanding abilities.

Despite performing numerous actions at the same time, this whole scene took only a mere second.

When a second passed, the Spirit fire sea was inches away from engulfing Amber!

The Spear disciples' pupils dilated, thinking they were about to witness an unprecedented tragedy.

However, contrary to their expectations, Amber had suddenly moved. And this wasn't any regular movement. She swiped her hands up at lightning-like speeds, naked to even 3rdfall geniuses' eyes!

From Amber's speedy hand movements, a single stream of dark blue Spirit energy gushed.

This stream of Spirit energy defied all expectations. It directly slices right through the imposingly powerful Spirit fire sea!

The stream of Spirit energy went unhindered for hundreds of meters. It was impossible for the Spirit fire sea to contend against it. Within the stream of Spirit energy contained an additional unique essence.

If the Spear disciples could sense it, they would've found it similar to the Law essence they cultivate.

Indeed, from the Spirit sensations permeating the island, Amber managed to comprehend a small portion of its Spirit Laws. Through this, she manipulated the surrounding Spirit Laws to infuse into her stream of Spirit energy.

The combination of her heaven-defying prowess and the surrounding Spirit Laws was enough to split the massive Spirit Fire sea right down the middle!

When the Spirit fire sea was completely sliced through, it vanished into particles of fiery light.

"Fuuu..." Amber took a small breath, beads of sweat glistening down her forehead.

The amount of Spirit energy and concentration she needed for this sudden comprehension was immense. Thankfully, her own attainment with Spirit Laws reached the expert level.

At this level, her intuition to comprehend the complex properties of Spirit energy tremendously increased.

The power of attainment levels allows one to have not only deeper knowledge, but also a powerful affinity with it. It was akin to a genius being able to solve complex equations or problems because of their pre-existing knowledge. And with each complex question solve, that genius attainment would slowly increase.

All of these increase their mastery of Spirit energy, allowing them to draw forth more power from it and manipulate it in numerous ways.

This attainment ability doesn't only occur with Spirit energy. It was precisely the same principles as the Heaven and Earth Path or the Source Law Path.

The greater the attainment with the Heaven and Earth Path, the greater one's Qi energy power and control would be. And the greater the attainment of Source Laws, the greater one's unique Law essence, power, and control would be.

In the future as well, higher attainment levels can negate comprehension bottlenecks that can keep other geniuses stuck for hundreds of years.

Attainment levels are all about control. And the higher the control one has, the better and faster can one grasp all energies fueling the universe.

At this moment, Amber felt her Spiritual Sea greatly expand. Her Spirit Path attainment level had received a small boost from this complex situation. She stayed still for a short moment.

At this time, the Spear disciples completely froze up, their very pupils shaking in awe.

That trap exuded a sensation of danger that could easily sweep them away. None of the Spear disciples believed they would've survived by trying to barrel through the Spirit Fire Sea.

Yet Amber so easily resolved it without exuding any semblance of overwhelming power.

Just what could this possibly mean?

Are skills in Spirit energy that high that she could bypass physical threats?

None of the Spear disciples could say for sure. But they could certainly feel their reverence for Amber increase even more.

While the Spear trio was in awe, Amber still didn't move from her spot. She actually paid zero attention to the outside world.

Her mouth subconsciously moved, her voice, quiet as it can be, slowly said, "My Spirit Laws...they're improving by the second."


Sea Collision Realm's Inner Ridge.josei

Deep within one of the abandoned islands, flashes of gleaming blue lightning dazzled the area. The source of the brilliant lightning came from the center of the island.

Here, one young man, exuding a powerful Sacred Sage aura, calmly cultivated. Within his hands were a dragon shape charm necklace and a crystal blue bead.

Because of this young man's cultivation, the environment was in a chaotic state.

Swirls of Qi energy and Law essence continually flowed into the young man like a rushing dam.

Anybody that managed to stumble here would be able to witness visible flows of Qi energy and Law essence.

Such a phenomenon could only be caused by Cain.

His cultivation was finally nearing its end. His Sacred Sage aura grew to rapid heights, quickly surpassing the Early Stage of Sacred Sage Qi.

Then, within a few moments, a powerful eruption of energy discharged out of Cain like an atomic bomb. The ground shattered beneath him. Pieces of stones and rubbles frantically flew from the chaotic energy wave.

The powerful breakthrough phenomenon only lasted a few seconds before quickly dispersing.

When the surroundings finally became calm, Cain slowly opened his eyes. His once turbulent aura quietly receded without any trace.

A great transformation occurred within Cain's dantian. Now he had 85 Sacred Sage Qi Marks and 10 Lightning Law Marks!

This signifies he had reached the Middle Stage of the Sacred Sage Realm. And that his comprehension of both Sacred Sage Qi and Major Lighting Law had increased.

The essence Marks of a dantian provide powerful nourishment for the space of anyone's datian. More essence Marks mean one can contain a far more powerful amount of energy.

Furthermore, essence Marks can be used to greatly enhance attacks. As essence Marks are created by combining the purest amount of Qi energies and or Law essence together.

For typical geniuses, even in the Divine Realm of cultivation, such a process could range from weeks or months to form one essence Mark.

While Cain merely needed ten minutes at most. He received tremendous help from both the Dragon Charm and Sea Qi and Law crystals.

But the biggest reason he could advance so quickly was because of his amazing Martial Comprehension and massive Spiritual Sea.

He had already reached the expert attainment level of the Heaven and Earth Path, meaning he could easily master the separate stages of Sacred Sage Qi very easily.

That superb control allowed him to rapidly form more Qi Origin Marks from all the abundance of energy from potent resources.

Cain's Source Law attainments were only quasi-expert, meaning his Law advancement would inevitably be slightly slower.

But even with this, Cain had sensed he had reached peak Ordinary Success of Major Lightning Law.

He fully mastered 35% of Major Lightning Law's essence as a whole. This was enough for him to push through and create the next 10 Law Marks for a full breakthrough.

Cain's dantian now has Middle Stage Sacred Sage Qi energy and 35% Major Lightning Law essence.

Furthermore, each speck of his energies has been converted to heavily dense energy properties. His combat prowess took another step forward.

Cain quickly shot up to his feet, complete confidence filling his bones. Now he had the assurance of dominating those Zhun siblings, even if they both used their full powers at the same time.

A shudder of anticipation coursed through him at this thought. The hunger for battle gradually arouse within Cain.

A faint Chaos aura shrouded Cain. He took a step forward, teleporting high into the crystalline skies.

The Chaos enhanced sense spread out for a 100 miles radius.

Almost instantaneously, Cain detected three familiar auras grouped together on an island. These three carried distinct fiery qualities, akin to standing next to lava.

Cain instantly recalled why these auras felt so familiar to him. A devious smile lights his face at a sudden thought.

'So, those Phoenixes are this daring, huh? Let's see what's going with them.'

Cain cast Chaotic Concealment, pinpointed the Phonxies' auras' specific location, and began flying straight towards them.

When Cain reached only a mile from them, he paused, summoned more Chaos energy, and activated Chaos teleportation.

Space Laws tore apart as Cain teleported right through the Void Space.

The next moment, he appeared on the same island as the Phoenixes, arriving merely hundreds of meters behind them. He briefly looked around, noting that he had teleported directly into a ruined room containing the rewards, before switching focus.

Cain curiously observed his next victims.

Two young men and one young woman were all wearing the same luxurious Phoenix-designed robes. Each of them was blissfully unaware of a tremendous threat behind them.

Nothing about this trio of Phoenixes truly surprised Cain. Their Divine auras barely caused a wave within his mind.

One of the young man had a powerful, upper-tier 6thfall Divine auras. While his partners were only upper-tier 4thfall geniuses.

The level of their foundation certainly wasn't anything ordinary. Cain could admit that these geniuses must have around the adept level of attainment with the Heaven and Earth Path.

Their attainment could be felt through their Divine auras. Each of them had a high level of understanding of converting all energies that they absorbed into heavily dense properties.

Their Inner World essence Marks undoubtedly contain a massive amount of power that is enough to dominate those on their same fall stages easily.

But just this alone wasn't enough to dissuade Cain. Instead, he felt a shudder of anticipation for his next actions.

While Cain didn't recognize this trio of Phoenixes, if any other genius were here, they would immediately identify them as the Ancient Phoenix Sects' strongest and most talented Divine Origin geniuses.

Indeed, these three were Liao Wu, Huo Lei, and Huo Lian!

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