The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 367 Struck By Water

Chapter 367 Struck By Water


In another area within the Sea Realm's Inner ridge.

A group of three extraordinary youths flew closely together with a great sense of courage. Their expression showed zero fears about the potential danger that lies within the Inner ridge.

Naturally, this group consisted of freaks of the younger generation.

The freaks include Sacred Martial Palaces' top-tier disciples, Wang Lin and Huo Li.

And, of course, following closely behind them was the beautiful ice maiden, Kali.

This trio of geniuses experienced a rather smooth time in the Inner ridge. Their prowess combined practically made them invincible under the 7thfall stage. No peak upper-tier 6thfall alone can hope to be their match.

Despite only knowing each for a short amount of time, Kali found the Sacred Martial disciples more tolerable than others because of their great strength.

Wang Lin and Huo Li as well felt as if they were taking steps toward forming a decent relationship with Kali.

The trio even made some light conversation as they flew.

Kali's indifferent smile was quite beautiful when she said, "These mid Heavenly resources are quite good for our troubles. Probably the best in this competition. However, we still haven't encountered that specific great challenge. I hope the rumors don't disappoint."

Her bold statements only made Huo Li wryly smile. She met eager geniuses on the same wavelength as Kali. And most were more troublesome than they're worth.

Of course, Kali was one of the few rare exceptions to being troublesome.

Thus, Huo Li spoke with a slightly joking tone, saying, "Miss Kali, any more great danger and even we could simply just be killed. The dangers here are even greater than the mystic realms around our realms."

"Oh? Is that right?" Kali's intrigue rose. "If so, then you two should be just as eager as me! The greater the danger, the more opportunity there is. Speaking of, just what is the environment of those high realms?"

Wang Lin felt an opportunity had just appeared for him. He gave an earnest smile, answering with, "The High Realms of our God Galaxy is known as its central hub for a reason. Compared to lower realms and even Heavenly Great Worlds, there's an unprecedented number of mystic realms. And not just that, there are also many inheritance grounds, treasure tombs, and other special areas that can greatly increase one's cultivation. All of this could only be achieved if one has the appropriate strength, of course. Still, with so many opportunities, it shouldn't be a shock that most in the Galaxies reside in the High realms."

"So it's really is true. Then the competition there must be fiercely competitive. Am I right?" The hunger for battle was clearly evident in Kali's eyes.

Huo Li lightly sighed. She said, "Yes and no. Because of how massive the High realm is, it's very possible any Holy Land or Martial families can seclude themselves in a hidden world or a secluded star planet. But at the same time, that will lead to an inevitable case of stagnation. Most people, whether Martial or Spirit Master, are fine with this. But for many others, they would come to the Central Starfield region where the competition is brutal, but the rewards are even more incredible. Our Sacred Martial Palace hails from the Central Starfield region."

Kali felt her interest growing by the second. The small hidden world of her Imperial Palace started to seem like a tiny birdcage for her. The desire to explore fully stimulated within her very soul.

She happily said, "When this is all over, I'm itching to explore all over this Central Starfield region."

Just when the Sacred Martial disciples were about to reply, they and Kali abruptly stopped.

A shadow of a figure loomed meters above them. Accompanying the shadow was a powerful aura sensation.

Such a potent sensation made Kali's group halt in instinctive cation. The trio shot their gazes up, only to see a mysterious man floating a hundred meters ahead of them.

The man calmly stood before them. His face was hidden by his overly large hoodie, but Kali's group could still feel his penetrating gaze.

With a look, it was as if he saw through everything and anything.

It made Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Lin feel a cold chill creep through their spines. Their senses hurriedly swept over the mysterious man, only to be even more confused.

None of them could accurately perceive his cultivation!

All they could detect was a vague Divine aura sensation. No words were exchanged between them.

Yet, in a single moment, Kali's group felt a great sense of danger that arouse from their very souls.

The mysterious man took a single step forward.

And in that moment, Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Lin didn't bother sparing any words.

They all trust their gut instincts, thinking this was the true danger of the inner ridge!

'Don't hesitate!' Kali's overwhelming qi energy was transmitted to both Huo Li and Wang Lin's minds.

Neither disciple didn't need to be told twice.

With a loud bang, as if multiple sonic booms were occurring at the same time, Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Lin erupted with all the strength within them. Their auras rose to their peak and were superimposed on top of each other.

A terrifying, freezing atmosphere gushed out of Kali. Her body transformed while engulf in a gleaming icy blue light, gaining her Ice Draconic Wings and Master Grade True Spirit Sword a moment later.

Kali instantly swung her True Spirit Sword, discharging a massive Draconic Ice Claw from the tip of her blade.

The Draconic Ice Claw instantly reached a tremendous size. It breached over 100 feet and stormed forward with unstoppable momentum.

Waves of tremendous power filtered out of the Draconic Ice Claw. Wherever it soared, slight sparks of Ice essence appeared from thin air.

At the same time, Huo Li and Wang Lin gained their white sacred flaming energy aura and equipped their Quasi-Saint Swords. Their Sacred Flaming Arts revolved it to their absolute maximum, causing their flaming aura to dramatically intensify.

'Sacred Sun!' Huo Li and Wang Li thrust their Quasi-Saint Swords forward, unleashing large miniature white flaming suns from the tip of their blades.

The white flaming sun grew to an intimidating size, dazzled with gleaming white sunrays, and pulsated with a powerful fiery atmosphere.

This was the great Divine grade Arts of the Sacred Martial Palace. These Sacred Suns contain a tremendous amount of heavily concentrated Fire Law essence that has temperatures surpassing that of a boiling volcano!

Achieving such heat was no easy task. Both Huo Li and Wang Li needed a great amount of Divine Fire Law comprehension to understand the way to form their Fire Law essence into a sun.

At their level of comprehension, the power behind the two Sacred Suns was immense!

The miniature Sacred Suns shined brilliantly as they valiantly surged forth with the Draconic Ice Claw.

The combination of dazzling white flames and sparkling blue Ice was a wonderful sight.

An unfathomable momentum engulfed the whole atmosphere. Even if 7thfall geniuses like Lanwei were to face this combination of attacks, he would have no choice but to use his full power or hurriedly dodge away!

Facing this overwhelming combination, the mysterious person slightly nodded. A quiet voice uttered from his mouth. "Not bad."

The mysterious man then raised his left hand and performed numerous hand signs within the span of a split second.

Crystal lights flickered from his body as a stream of crystal blue water gushed out of his hand. The massive stream of crystal water expanded to nearly a 100-foot size, completely matching Kali's group combination attack!

In a violent collision, the Sacred Suns and Draconic Ice Claw smashed into the stream of crystal water.

A muffled explosion reverberated, the terrifying energy shock waves rolled out like a chaotic storm.

In this brief collision, neither side can gain an advantage. Both overwhelming attacks were rapidly canceling each other out.

Kali had her senses heightened with soul energy at this moment. As she kept her focus, she suddenly detected a considerable amount of essence rapidly forming from right under her.

The crystal ocean below began to bubble like rising steam.

Neither Huo Li nor Wang Lin had even noticed the change. Only Kali just barely managed to detect the essence.

Her response was rather apt.

She surged the Ice Law Marks fused within her legs and was a split moment away from rushing forward.

But even quicker than her, in the span of a thousandth of a second, the mysterious man clenched his right fist.

The steaming bubbles within the crystal ocean instantly erupted into three powerful streams of crystal water pillars. This attack couldn't compare to any attack unleashed before. As this came from the natural environment!

Indeed, this mysterious man had managed to manipulate the natural World Source Law of the Thunderous Collision Realm!

And the power of natural World Source Law was superior to the filtered energies Martial cultivators use. It contained all the pure and destructive force of the Heaven and Earth itself.

Even with just a 5% portion the mysterious man was able to manipulate, it was twice stronger than Kali's group peak prowess!

The crystal water pillars shot up at near-instantaneous speeds.

Huo Li and Wang Lin simply couldn't react to such speeds, surpassing the rate of their thoughts. Even though Kali detected danger, both her body and rate of thoughts were far too slow to put up proper defenses.

The crystal water pillars penetrated right through Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Lin's protective aura, smashing their chest with a violent force powerful enough to split a 200 meters hole in a Lower Realm planet ground.

The three youths all stuffily coughed, tasting the metallic sensation of blood as they felt bones in their chest crack.

Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Lin had no choice but to pause in order to suppress the invading World Source Law essence rampaging through their internal body.

In this split second of weakness, the mysterious man performed more hand signs with his left hand. His aura faintly stimulated as another massive stream of crystal water blasted towards Kali's group. Its speed surpassed the last attack, reaching merely an inch from the trio near instantaneously.

Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Lin only had a split second to feel a premonition of immense danger. Now they had their attentions split-off, their reactions time turned even sluggish.

It was impossible for them to dodge or defend against this swift strike.


The crystal water stream blasted the trio right out of the skies.

The three were like shooting stars, shooting out for nearly half a mile within a single moment.

Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Lin helplessly smashed right into the edge of a nearby island. Their bodies created meters deep craters as a small rise of dust shot into the air from their craters.

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