The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 377 Demonic Cultivator

Chapter 377 Demonic Cultivator

The Spirit Vicious beast's corpse made a sickening thump as it smashed to the ground. Cain waved his Spiral Sword, spraying off the blood.

Recalling his Spiral Sword and powers, Cain approvingly nodded towards Amber. "That Spirit Web Art is some good stuff. We can practically kill on the first strike."

Amber smiled while walking closer. "I told you to practice this Art. I'm only in its second stage, but even with this, I can make the Spirit Webs move at extreme speeds. There's no attacking behind it. But it's great for catching anyone off guard."

Nodding in understanding, Cain noted to later study Spirit Web Art. For now, he and Amber turned their attention to the small jade scroll.

Cain's Chaos Enhanced sense scanned the jade scroll and didn't detect a hint of danger. The couple exchanged a glance, nodded, and then touched the jade scroll at the same time.

Upon first contact, Cain and Amber felt the pulling force of Space Laws engulfing their bodies. It dragged them both directly into the small jade scroll without any problem.

When Cain blinked his eyes open after a small bout of dizziness, he was met with completely white space.

This whole place felt a mix of eerie and serene. There wasn't anything here besides two jade scrolls merely a few meters from Cain's feet.

Amber ran her gaze over the left jade scroll, pointing at the words along its surface while muttering, "Demonic Lei Huo? As in a demonic faction cultivator or a demonic race being?"

She and Cain were greatly intrigued. When speaking of a person who is demonic, it is either referring to their species or moral faction.

There is an uncountable number of beings inhabiting the Divine Boundless Heavens. Naturally, there are also various species that are either thriving or close to extinction.

The demonic race is one of the rarer species of the Heavens. They are known to be inherently vicious and bloodthirsty, being a race that is intently disliked by most of the God Galaxies.

Whether this was actually true or not, Cain could only go off on what Shi Wei told him.

As for a demonic faction cultivator, these types of people are completely unbound from all of society. They have no care for anything but themselves and are typically natural enemies to most other cultivators.

Cain could still recall Shi Wei's word of advice to never get close to any demonic faction cultivator. They would bring him nothing but endless trouble and the possibility of even being killed.

And just like the demonic race, Cain had no way of verifying if this was true or not. Thus, when seeing something left behind by a person calling themselves demonic, both Cain and Amber were eager to put their curiosity to rest.

Cain carefully picked up the left jade scroll, making sure to stay alert just in case anything jumps out at him. When everything still seemed safe, he unfolded the jade scroll that only revealed a blank page.

Just as Cain and Amber felt puzzled, the seemingly blank page gleamed with a brilliant red Spirit energy glow. Spirit energy flicked out of the glow, turning into a stream that formed into an energy projection.

Cain and Amber were silent as they intently watched the scene rapidly forming within the energy projection.

A voice suddenly boomed from the jade scroll. It reverberated within the young couple's minds as it said, "If one wants to reach eternal life from cultivation, then one must be daring and smart to unnatural degrees. Cultivation isn't to follow the will of the Heaven or obey the Heaven and Earth. But rather to seek past all surface-level truths. These truths can either be in Source Laws, Nature itself, or even the people surrounding you..."

The moment the voice finished speaking, the scene on the energy recording had finally formed.


Years ago on a random grassy plain in the God Galaxies. A young man stood bravely in front of a group of five.

The young man carried a somber atmosphere. His face had attractive good looks, but his expression remained completely cold. It was as if he had never smiled a day in his life. His clothes as well were all black and hid most of his bodily figure, completing his mysterious appearance.

With one look at this young man, anyone would assume he was a ruthless cultivator. They would stay far away from a person who obviously is a natural loner and cut down lives like cutting down weeds of grass.

But no matter other people's assumptions, the young man still stood as the protector of a five-man group of cultivators.

Within his hands was a long, light blue spear that exuded a presence distinctly different from Source Laws, Heaven and Earth essence, and even Spirit energy.

In front of the young men were the corpses of several large Vicious Dao beasts. These beasts weren't anything ordinary. All of them had at least a Middle Stage Divine Star realm cultivation!

The young man was only an Early Stage Divine Star expert. But despite the considerable gap in power, the young man still managed to cleanly kill all of the Vicious Dao beasts. He didn't care at all about having to expose the secrets of his unique spear.

When the group of five witnessed the young man kill the last Dao Vicious beast, they all deeply bowed their heads in absolute respect.

Their leader had even said, "Thank you, Lei Huo, for saving all of our lives. We have no idea if we could ever repay this de-"

"I don't need debt to be repaid. After all, I'm simply returning the debt I already owe you all for saving my life." Lei Huo calmly interrupted.

The group all looked up. Honest gratefulness was still evident in their eyes.

One of the young women had even quietly sighed, saying, "No matter the rumors tied to your name, you're actually a very soft-hearted demonic cultivator Lei Huo."

One of the other men spoke up, "Indeed. And that Heavenly Venerate Soul inheritance truly is powerful! That soul spear can make anyone ordinary into a great genius. I mean, just by slightly comprehending its soul essence, you can already slaughter those on the same stage and one minor boundary as easily as chickens."

Lei Hou nodded, his cold expression somehow casting a grateful look at the soul spear. "This soul spear is half the reason I am so well renowned now. I can't deny it even if I wanted to."

Suddenly, Lei Hou turned his gaze from the group and narrowed his eyes back in front of him. He quickly said, "I sense a more powerful beast rapidly approaching here. I will take care of it now."

Without warning, Lei Huo flickered forward in an immense burst of speed. He vanished from the group's eyes within seconds.

When the group could no longer sense Lei Huo's aura, each of them released a collective sigh.

The young woman who spoke earlier dawned a slightly regretful expression. "It feels a bit sickening to do this after being the ones to save his life and he saves our...but..."

"It is for the greater good of our own Sect and our own lives. I mean, Lei Huo already made so enemies around and even in our sect. His rise to fame will be very short until he's finally cornered. We're barely scraping by in our lives. How can we afford to pull ourselves down with him?"

The leader had also given his nod of approval. "The number of contribution points we can gain from this would be enough to support all of us for a long while. In the end, we can't be blamed for this. Many of our Martial siblings would take the same route if in our shoes."

"Indeed. Many others would follow the same route. And I, as a demonic cultivator, will also follow my own demonic heart."

An ear-splitting, cold voice engulfed the area.

The group of youths who believed Lei Huo to be far gone suddenly trembled to their knees. Their gaze shot towards the skies, horror filling their face as they witnessed the cold-looking young man looking down on them all.

His posture made it seem like he was an Imperial ruler just awaiting to execute his disloyal subject.

The leader of the group tried to come up with the best excuse he can. Evidently, he and nobody else in the group could ever expect Lei Huo to have such powerful concealing abilities that can even disappear from other Divine Star experts' senses.

The leader hurridly chocked out, "Mr-Mr Lei Huo. We-we-"

"Just die."

Once those words were spoken, a ruthless slaughter commence. The group of five were all ordinary Divine Star experts. Their combined prowess shouldn't be easy to take down. But that meant absolutely nothing in front of Lei Huo's soul spear.

He had reaped their souls within a matter of minutes.

When the slaughter ended, Lei Huo's expression still remained indifferent. Being betrayed barely caused a ripple in his mental state. He took off into the distance skies in a blue streak of light.


At this point, the energy recording began to rapidly dissipate. Before completely clearing away, the same booming voice, which Cain and Amber can now identify as Lei Huo said, "There is two sides to everything. And the balance is to play and think on both sides. This is but one of my nine inheritance points. If one wishes to seek more truths, then achieve Golden-Class World Spirit Master while carrying this jade scroll."

Cain and Amber stood in contemplative silence. Their minds continually replayed that memory, pondering Lei Huo's hidden message.

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