The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 382 Origin Ancestors

Chapter 382 Origin Ancestors

At this time, the green flash had finally cleared away to reveal two ordinary youths standing in front of the embedded Dao Cores.

Cain and Amber had calm expressions as they surveyed the ruined battlefield. Internally, though, they both felt greatly relieved everything went perfectly.

Cain really felt eternally grateful for his numerous superior advantages with cultivation.

His Chaotic Concealment allowed them to perfectly sneak behind the group. His Chaotic teleportation allowed them to confuse the group before they could make any moves. And finally, his Chaos-infused soul energy allowed Cain to activate the talismans without arousing the Divine Star experts' suspicions.

It may be arrogant to admit, but Cain was completely assured that nobody below the Divine Ruler realm could achieve what he performed.

In fact, he doubted if even another Divine Mortal could silently kill Divine Star experts within moments, even with powerful attacking treasures.

The abilities of Chaos energy were incredibly useful, almost to a broken degree.

At this time, Tian Ling could finally see who had just unleashed that fearsome ambush. His face twisted in pain and absolute bewilderment.

His voice came out shaking as he slowly pointed at the duo, "Yo-you two...ho-how?!?"

For a moment, Tian Ling was warped with confusion. But promptly after, he suppressed all questions within his mind and tried to rapidly summon all energies within his Inner World.

When seeing his last, futile struggles, Amber waved her hands, releasing a stream of red Spirit energy that soared forward in a flash.

The Spirit energy easily bounded Tian Ling's severely injured body and suppressed his Inner World.

Under normal times, Tian Ling would be able to suppress the red Spirit energy. But with barely 5% of his strength left, he was nothing but a helpless child in front of Amber.

"Re-red-class Master?!?" Just when Tian Ling didn't think it could get worse, fate threw him into the absolute pits of hell.

Bounded without any options to defend himself, Tian Ling could only use his words to slip out of this situation. "Wait-wait! Don't kill me! It'll only bring you more harm than good. I am a direct bloodline descendent from Sky Bless City Tian Family. You-you should know what it means to be a noble from a high-class family. Even in death, I am tightly protected."

His words seemed threatening, but neither Cain nor Amber could fault him for trying. They were also aware that within their own souls, they both have soul crystals to tell whether they're dead or alive.

Although Cain wondered if their soul crystals got tampered with when that red flash took them away.

Cain and Amber only took one glance at each other, their eyes communicating their thoughts. The next moment, Cain nodded.

His voice sounded very unnatural as he said, "Of course, we're aware that you're from the Tian family."

These words instantly elevated Tian Ling. He could feel there may be one road left to survive.

But just when he started to regain hope, Cain spoke in an ice-cold tone. "But even so, so what?"

Tian Ling felt his heart stop, his face completely blank.

Before he could even process Cain's words, Cain waved his hand, sending out an arrow of Qi energy that smashed onto Tian Ling's head and instantly put him into a coma.

The cave room soon returned to a dreary silence. Anyone who was to stumble upon this scene would be shocked to their cores.

Amber quietly sighed. "After this, we'll need to change our face again and our aura. I can tell this guy is a crafty one. Far too much of a risk of leaving him alive."

Because of the Face Shifting Aura art, the duo truly didn't have to worry about discarding identities. Even when Tian Ling dies, all the higher up will know is some ordinary face and aura who spoke in an unrecognizable voice.

Cain contemplated whether he should've wasted any words at all. But in the end, he decided it was best to speak to throw whoever will watch into more confusion.

Looking over the corpses and Tian Ling, Cain waved his hand again, unleashing a suction force. All of their spatial rings entered his hand.

Sweeping his Spirit Sense over, Cain was mildly satisfied. "I can already sense some good stuff in here. As long as we don't use their family-specific items, we have an extra force to rely on. Good thing too, since we only have 7 more Divine Ruler talismans and only one other top-grade Spirit Artifact to rely on."

While Cain counted their earns, Amber suddenly narrowed her gaze. Her nose wrinkled as if she had just picked up on a foul sense.

She promptly tugged Cain's sleeve, saying, "Some Dao beast is closing in on this cave. And I don't doubt other groups would be following close behind those beasts. Let's cover the entrance up and then cultivate."

Even without Amber informing him, Cain's Chaos enhanced sense had perceived various threatening sensations closing in on them.

The duo promptly took action, flying out of the cave room and towards the cave's entrance within moments. They could now use their maximum speed without any worry.

At the entrance, the duo tore out large chunks of rocks from the wall and set them up to seal the entrance. Then, Cain cast Chaotic Concealment on the rocks.

It was a simplistic method to hide, but one that works perfectly for them.

"With this, we can cultivate to our heart's content. Now then, let's see just what can Dao Core Trace off us." Cain gleefully smiled.

The duo rushed back to the cave room, burn the Divine Star experts' corpses to ashes, and walked right up to the Dao Core Traces embedded into the world.

Up close, each of these Dao Core Traces had an unforgettable appearance.

The lights within each Dao Core Trace were mesmerizing. They all hold a fantastical quality that made it impossible to not get lost within its gleaming sights.

In a slight daze, Cain and Amber carefully swept their Spirit Senses through the Dao Core Traces. They specifically searched for their Law affinity. And after merely a few seconds of searching, the duo perceived Lightning and Shadow Dao Core Traces.

There were only around ten Dao Core Traces embedded on the wall and only two held their Law affinity.

Cain felt a bit disappointed, but still said, "We'll only receive less than half of the results with these other cores. But I suppose just for general cultivation, they would be helpful. Alright, let's get this started."

The duo swiftly picked out their Dao Core Traces and promptly assimilated into a cultivation state.

Cain felt a tingling sensation course through his hands. It was barely noticeable to him.

But towards any other Divine Origin genius, directly grabbing a Dao Core was a bold move.

Dao Core Traces, in general, have a massive amount of energy. This Lightning Dao Core carried a vast amount of Divine Qi and Lightning Law essence.

If even a 4thfall were to so casually touch this Dao Core Trace, their hands would have been burnt to a crisp!

Cain adjusted his mental state to his best condition. When feeling entirely serene, he interjected his soul sense within the Dao Core Trace.

A vast amount of Divine Essence and Divine Source Lightning Law instantly ran through Cain's Spiritual Sea.

The overabundance nearly overwhelmed him. It felt as if he was submerging his head into an ocean filled with lightning.

Most shocking to Cain was the fact that this was only him causally probing the Dao Core Trace. If he were to forcefully dig his soul sense deep inside, then would his Spiritual Sea completely collapse?

Cain nearly shuddered at the thought. He quickly focused up, using his willpower to force down the overwhelming energies.

At the same time, he summoned more of his soul energy to enhance his Spiritual Sea's perception abilities.

Gradually, Cain immersed himself in both the properties of Divine Essence and Divine Lightning Source Laws. His attainment intuition started to stimulate.

Within only an hour, a thought formulated within Cain's mind. 'I see...both Divine Essence and any Divine Laws are just heavily filtered energy of the great Heavenly Daos. If not for the fact our Ancestors paved away a cultivation system, I doubt any one of us can live within this Heaven.'josei

Cain's perception of the Heaven and Earth, Source Laws, and life in general, slowly increased.

This Dao Core Trace exudes a sensation that was higher than both the environmental Divine Essence and even the separate Law dimensions. It was placed on a far higher scale, as if it came from the grand Heavenly Dao itself!

When Cain deeply pondered about it, he suddenly recalled another lesson from Shi Wei.

Long ago, perhaps millions or even billions of years ago, the first group of intelligent life roamed the Heavens.

These first life forms are known today as the Origin Ancestors. And these Origin Ancestors all have a high comprehension of the endless Heavenly Daos themselves.

They all lived for an incredible amount of time to the point no one's sure just what were their lifespans.

But one thing is for certain, the Origin Ancestor studied the Heavenly Dao to create the way of Martial Cultivation.

Their creations led to numerous wondrous achievements. One of these achievements includes these Dao Core Traces.

In the uplifting stories Cain can recall, these Cores are the hope the Origin Ancestors want to pass to each succeeding generation.

Only the Origin Ancestors could directly control the Heavenly Daos to create greatly unique resources. And these Dao Core Traces are said to be formed from the energy and Law essence of the Heavenly Dao!

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