The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 384 Sneaky Beast

Chapter 384 Sneaky Beast

'Divine Star experts!' The duo narrowed their eyes. They know it wasn't for them since they correctly covered their tracks.

But being careful, Cain extended his Chaos enhanced sense to listen in on their conversation.

He heard an older voice say, "Is it finally ready, young master Li?"

A young voice promptly replied, "Mn. It was a bit confusing to get this thing to accurately work. But finally, I pinpointed the soul relic location! Let's get going before anyone else gets lucky."

And with that, Cain sensed the group quickly get up and fly out. Thankfully, they didn't fly at their peak speeds in order for that young master to give out his specific directions.

When hearing it was about that soul relic again, Cain didn't have to think twice.

He cast Chaotic Concealment on himself and Amber, broke out of his man-made entrance, grabbed Amber's hand, and sneakily trailed behind this three-man group.

Throughout the entire time, Amber didn't question Cain at all.

As they kept a steady distance behind, Cain transmission to Amber, 'This group had mentioned the soul relic again and they actually have a lead on where it is. Since another opportunity fell into our lap, let's take it for ourselves once again.'

Amber nodded in silent agreement. With their increase in cultivation, the duo had no problems at all with trailing behind Zhou Li's group.

Even though it was a bit trickier now that weren't shielded by the forestry area, the duo still managed to never lose their senses off from the group.

After a few hours of tailing behind, the duo had finally stopped when Zhou Li's group was meters away from a cave covered with old grass moss.

Cain and Amber carefully hid behind a small hilltop and Cain stretched his Chaos enhanced sense to listen in.

The stewards protecting Zhou Li expanded their Divine Senses to the absolute limit. Slight suspicion crossed their faces a moment later.

The leading steward said, "It's a bit strange to not encounter any Dao beast when coming. It feels a bit ominous but, even my soul isn't alerting me to any danger."

The other steward suggested, "Perhaps we should cautiously scout ahead? When it comes to doing it, we together can even escape from a Late-Stage Divine Star expert. From the legends told, we shouldn't encounter anything too strong here."

Thinking on it for a moment, the leading steward weighed the risks before eventually nodding. He told Zhou Li, "This won't take long young master. And if the worse happens, remember to use the talisman and immediately escape."

"Mn." Zhou Li nodded, flashing back a few hundred meters. He also revolved energy out of his Inner World, staying alert for any sudden mishaps.

Once a safe distance away, the two stewards turned their attention back forward.

As they said, they took the cautious approach, slowly walking forward while keeping their Divine Sense absolutely focused.

When they were 20 meters from the grass moss cave, nothing alerted. Then, from 10, 5, and 1 meter, nothing made their soul's core pulsate out of danger.

The stewards didn't even realize it when they appeared right near the cave's entrance.

With a Divine Star's Divine Sense, their detection ability is incredibly precise, far more than any Great Divine Sea expert.

When finally assessing there wasn't any danger, the two stewards turned around. They were just about to call out to Zhou Li but abruptly stopped midway turn.

Their thoughts were too slow to react. But they both could still taste a cold sensation appearing right at their backs!

The two Divine Star experts were helpless. It was impossible for them to react to something beyond their Spiritual Sea's rate of thoughts.


With a sickening sound of flesh being torn open, blood gushed out of the Divine Star expert like a fountain! Their life auras rapidly drained away.

"What?!?" Zhou Li's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull. All he could see that two large bloody holes where the stewards' hearts should be.

A horrifying fear courses through Zhou Li's mind.

Even for mighty Divine Star masters, if a vital part of the body, like the heart or neck, is cut off, their deaths would come very quickly. The only reason the stewards didn't instantly die was because of the high vitality essence provided by both Divine Qi and their unique Divine Source Laws.

However, their high vitality couldn't change anything.

Without any warning, a vigorous force engulfed the stewards' bodies from the inside out.

Then, before Zhou Li's horrified eyes, the stewards' bodies exploded into a crimson blood mist!

There wasn't any surge of great power or flashy manipulation of Laws. It was simply pure, overwhelming strength.

In the midst of Zhou Li's horror, he suddenly realized something. 'No wonder we didn't encounter any beast...the one here is at Divine Ruler level! Only Divine Rulers can perfectly conceal their presence and have this kind of supreme Law control.'josei

The higher power of Laws isn't anything to take lightly. Divine Qi gives the foundation for one to be able to store greater Law power within their Inner Worlds. And Law Sources are the true power that can decide life or death.

Even with just simply using the natural World Source Laws in the environment, a Divine Ruler can use a small portion of it to wipe off any Divine Star experts!

Zhou Li's Divine Origin eyes and senses had no way of seeing just how that Divine Ruler beast moved. But was he knew enough to know a losing battle was ahead of him.

Zhou Li was moments away from summoning his escape talisman. However, right at that moment, his soul's core frantically pulsated, alerting him to deathly danger.

A cold sensation engulfed Zhou Li. But he was far too slow to react to whatever was coming at him.

Without knowing who or why an immense force violently struck his head.

Zhou Li's body shook, feeling as if a mountain had smashed down on him. He promptly lost consciousness a moment later.

In that instant, Cain and Amber appeared right behind Zhou Li's fallen form.

The duo was actually a bit shocked.

Cain didn't use much strength within his attack, barely surpassing 5%, and yet Zhou Li, a 5thfall Divine Origin genius, could not resist at all.

The jump from Middle Stage to zenith Extreme Stage Sacred Sage was far greater than they could've expected.

Although, neither Cain nor Amber had the leisure to marvel around.

Cain quickly took Zhou Li's spatial ring and took out his unique compass. Pouring his Spirit Sense into it, he felt a pulling sensation directly towards the grass moss cave in front.

At the same time, Amber's gaze swept over Zhou Li, asking, "Should we just leave him here?"

Thinking for a moment, Cain nodded. "He didn't see who attacked him and I rather not alerting more attention here. Though, if he dies by anyone else, it won't be our fault."

Turning his attention forward, Cain knitted his brows. His spatial ring flashed and out came a dazzling purple necklace.

In a heavy tone, Cain said, "Using this and we'll be short one Divine Ruler Spirit Artifact. But whatever behind that cave..."

"Mn. It seems too good to pass up." Amber solemnly nodded. "And I rather not take a chance since we can't turn invisible. Even with Chaotic Concealment, who knows if we accidentally stumble into that beast? There's no option to escape then."

Cain begrudgingly sighed. "Alright. Let's just get into place. Right when the beast blasts off, we rush in!"

The duo promptly went into action. They flickered over to 200 meters to the right, picking a spot where the beast won't strike them.

In that moment, Cain surged his soul energy into the Spirit Artifact, instantly activating it.

The necklace suddenly pulsated and flashed a near blinding purple light. A tremendous amount of energy suddenly released into the atmosphere.

The power from this energy far surpassed anything mere Divine Star experts can show off, directly causing small spatial tears in the air.

Space Laws and World Source Laws twisted all around the release of energy.

At the same time, the purple flash dissipated, revealing a majestic creature.

A long ancient Dragon silently floated above Cain and Amber's heads!

The Dragon was truly beautiful. Its scales were of a dazzling purple, its horns were divinely crafted to perfection and its whisker gracefully twirled on their own.

The overwhelming presence of a true Dragon crashed upon the atmosphere for hundreds of miles!

An Immemorial legendary creature with unrivaled prowess has descended upon the mortal world.

Under this Dragon's presence, Cain and Amber felt securely protected.

At the same time, change suddenly occurred in the front of the grass moss cave.

A huge wave of Divine Aura erupted as a massive Dao Vicious beast came into an appearance.

The Dao beast was a python type of monster, being over ten meters long, with poisonous green scaley skin and a horrifying long snake tongue.

This was the Dao beast that so easily slaughtered two Divine Star experts at the same time. It merely revealing itself caused the air to weirdly distort. Small cracks in space silently formed around it.

The beast's Divine Qi and Divine Law Sources had such an effect on the environment that the beast sat firmly in the Divine Ruler realm!

However, despite being in the same realm as the majestic purple Dragon artifact, the python still displayed a greater fear. Its imposing body shivered as it stared at the grand purple Dragon gracefully floating mid-air.

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