The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 410 Unrelenting Study

Chapter 410 Unrelenting Study

Several days quickly passed.

The Zhou Family's manor was in a strange process of change.

The battle arena has been completely shaken up to an unpredictable degree. Many faction members dreaded facing two people in particular. All hope they wouldn't get randomly called in by either one of the terrifying duo.

The factions members who couldn't forfeit anymore were on the verge of mental exhaustion. They felt as if there was a grim reaper blade resting at their neck.

However, ever since that day, the terrifying duo went back into their dwellings, which really wasn't all that uncommon for them.

While faction members were in a state of unrest, Cain and Amber were in leisurely training.

In fact, on this day, Cain was close to a new understanding of his Divine Lightning Laws.

At Cain's courtyard, streaks of dazzling blue lightning could be seen occasionally streaking towards the skies. Every streak of lightning produced a thunderous boom that can break apart weaker cultivators' eardrums.

Additionally, the space around the lightning strikes distorted wherever it flew. The World Source Laws had a difficult time keeping space stability under this lightning force.

A powerful Law aura engulfed the entire courtyard. The density, thickness, and intensity of this Law aura would be more than enough to bring Extreme Great Divine Sea warriors to their very knees.

Standing 200 meters away from where the streaks of lightning occurred was Amber causally sitting. A faint Shadow Law essence aura radiated around her body, shielding her from the surrounding Law pressure.

She stared on with a genuine intrigue plastering her face. Her profound black eyes seemingly glowed as she studied every passing lightning strike.

Typically, Amber would be the furthest from taking extra time to cultivate more than needed. With how speedy her current cultivation is, she honestly didn't see a reason to work herself to the very bones.

But after some convincing from Cain, Amber decided it wouldn't hurt to analyze Cain's Law principles while he's in the middle of a breakthrough.

In the end, she couldn't deny that Martial Dao Laws and Spirit energy Laws held similar qualities to each other.

Both act as fuel for the entire universe, providing everything and everyone with a vitality essence. These Laws operated on their own sources of energy and yet can perfectly coexist with the essence of the Heaven and Earth.

Understanding Martial Dao Laws can certainly lead to a Spirit Law breakthrough.

As Amber studied the streaks of lightning, despite each flash only lasting a second, she was able to make some gains. 'At least if it's him, it's far more fascinating than others. The principles within his Laws seem even more complex than mine. And it's undoubtedly more complex than that girl. Jeez...I can even sense it becoming increasingly profound as time goes on. And this crazy guy hasn't moved an inch since that duel. I bet only someone demented like him could make progress like this.'

It was more clear than ever that Cain's Law comprehension is simply superior to most.

To Amber, Lei Bi's Lightning Laws only seemed like a small bolt of lightning that is slightly annoying. She could easily understand the principles within her Lightning Laws.

As for Cain, his was an akin roaring thunderstorm that can cover an entire dessert! It seemed like his whole entire being was in in-tune with Lightning Laws. Every fiber of his being burst with potent Lightning Laws.

Even more terrifying, Amber could clearly detect a stronger Law power faintly emerging from the current Lightning Laws.

At this time, where the streaks of lightning flew out from, Cain calmly stood with his palms open wide, Draconic Lightning flashing from each palm.

His once deep, black pupils now gleamed with an overwhelming lightning glow.

Within this lightning glow, traces of Divine Lightning Law essence continually flashed.

This was a state of Law comprehension for Cain.

Normally, Law comprehension wouldn't be this flashy of a show. Traces of Law essence would occasionally sparkle within his pupils, but nothing to a degree that seemed like it could change the heavens itself.

However, ever since Cain experienced Lei Bi's purple Thunder Domain, his Spiritual Sea underwent rapid advancements.

The way Lei Bi used her Lightning Laws and fused them with Divine Qi wasn't anything complicated. Cain had managed to easily understand the domain fusion of energies.

But what Lei Bi did have that was genuinely superior to Cain was the level of her Lightning Laws.

Though it was inferior in its density, thickness, and intensity, on a purely fundamental level, Lei Bi's Lightning Law essence was several degrees more powerful than Cain's Draconic Lightning.

This came from the fact that Lei Bi's Divine Lightning Laws had reached the Middle Stages!

She was only at the ordinary success stage, but that alone allowed her to control 50% of Divine Source Law essence power.

Cain's Divine Lightning Law currently only reached Early stage peak success. It only gave him 30% Law essence control compared to Lei Bi's 50%.

Even for genius cultivators whose Law's amplification can allow them to fight above a minor boundary, they would still be heavily suppressed if they faced Lei Bi's Laws with Cain's Law stage.

The higher power of Divine Laws wasn't a joke. One is essentially grasping the more complex and stronger principles of the universe, bringing them closer and closer to understanding the Great Daos.

Naturally, the stronger the Law principles, the higher one's prowess will grow. Furthermore, these stronger Law principles do a complete fusion into one's internal body and Inner World.

This all elevates a Martial cultivator's entire being with immense power and steps closer to surpassing the Great Daos.

Cain had a better understanding of this after Lei Bi's duel. Without his Chaos Spirit State or Draconic aura amplifications, he would be hard-pressed to achieve victory even with his higher abundance of essence Marks.

Thus, Cain took the last few days to do nothing but comprehend the Law principles he experienced while in that purple Thunder Domain.

Cain didn't even move from this single spot these days. He didn't need to sleep, eat or rest. His mind stayed fiercely determined on grasping Middle Stage Divine Lightning Law essence.

With each passing second, Cain felt increasingly closer to everything regarding the principles of lightning. It was as if his soul was trying to become a true spirit of lightning.

In the Divine Law dimension, Cain's soul sense continually prodded the edges of Middle Stage Divine Lightning Laws. Things weren't as nearly perplexing as they were when he first attempted this.

In the confusing mist that his Divine Lightning Laws, Cain could perceive a small portion of the perception mist clearing away.

After days of studious hard practice and relentless work, a powerful sensation suddenly emerged within Cain's Spiritual Sea. This sensation contained power very similar to Lei Bi's Divine Lightning Laws!

Excitement rose through Cain. His soul energy poured into his Spiritual Sea, carefully grasping this sensation as he used all of his thoughts to fully comprehend it.

Cain's Source Law quasi-expert attainment level provides him with intuition at least thousands of times greater than other geniuses.

Towards understanding the complexities of Divine Lightning Law principles was similar to him slowly filling in the blanks to a puzzling math question.

Moreover, Cain has been stuck in the Early Stage for a few months now. His mental accumulation of the Early Stage, which is every Lightning Law principle that he managed to fully comprehend in this stage, reached its very peak.

As Cain gradually grasps this breakthrough sensation, powerful Law essence began to silently fuse into his body.

Minutes went on until a full half an hour passed.

At this time, Amber, who was engrossed in her thoughts, suddenly sensed a mass rush of power!

"This is?" She quietly muttered while completely focusing on Cain.

His Divine Lightning Laws rapidly grew in power by the second. The Law aura engulfing the field increased its pressure and more streaks of Draconic Lightning flowed from Cain's palm.

A sense of suffocation stifled Amber's chest. With a black flash, she hurriedly retreated over 1,000 meters within a second.

Once a safe distance away, her eyes slightly widened when gazing at Cain's current form.josei

Now there were two full streams of Draconic Lightning bursting out of Cain's palms. The streams of Draconic Lightning instantly reached the skies and then quickly spread out like an oceanic tidal wave.

This Draconic Lightning stream didn't expand too far out, only covering a range of 200 meters around Cain.

When the maximum length was reached, the Draconic Lightning stream then began to pour out of the skies.

Like a stream beautiful waterfall, the Draconic Lightning essence formed into a 200 meters wide and long barrier!

In an instant, a domineering pressure discharged from the massive Draconic Lightning barrier. It was at a level that left Amber's mouth feeling dry.

Even Divine Star Elders would need to treat this new move with the utmost caution.

Amber nearly gasped at this sudden transformation. She said out loud with clear astonishment, "Hey, this! It's exactly, it is what Lei Bi used in their duel! Did he really manage to create a Domain by just recalling it?"

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