The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 416 Fighting A Divine Star Expert

Chapter 416 Fighting A Divine Star Expert

The leader stood vigilant, his body tensed for battle. With a quick look, he clearly saw those four Extreme Great Divine Sea corpses spilling blood onto the ground. At the center of their foreheads was a large blood hole.

Turning his attention forward, the leader opened his mouth to speak. But right then, a thunderous boom rattled his entire mind!


An explosion of lightning erupted like a pillar, shooting off into the distance heaven. A Divine Aura tremendously more powerful than the last one completely washed away the Divine Law power of a Divine Star expert!

Any slight arrogance or confidence of being a Divine Star expert completely washed away from the leader's face.

His eyes were wide as dozens of meters away, and he could spot a figure within that eruption of violent lightning. Two faint green glows eerily shined within the swirl of dazzling lightning.

The mere presence of this figure caused the leader's heart to violently pump while his soul began to quiver at a ferocious intensity.

A moment later, the eruption of lightning cleared away, revealing an unforgettable scene.

Cain stood firmly proud, like a majestic god of lightning. Draconic Lightning Wings grew from his back and his eyes flickered with faint, hypnotic green lights, mixing in with flashes of lightning.

With his probing strike, Cain's more than aware that facing a Divine Star expert without his full power would simply not be enough.

After all, the leader's Divine Laws are just far too powerful. He reached near perfection of everything concerning Divine Source Laws!

To match this kind of power, Cain had no choice but to reveal his full power.

Draconic Lightning Aura, Chaos Spirit Force, Soul Form, each of his amplifying techniques erupted to near its full limit!

The leader could feel cold sweat pour down his face. Never had he encountered energy so thick and dense that its mere Divine Aura could completely suppress him.

But above all, this lightning-formed person looked eerily similar.

He strained his eyes, focusing on his face, only to come to a horrific conclusion a moment later.

"Yo-you! You're L-"

The leader wouldn't be able to ever finish his words. Not when Cain suddenly vanished from his sight.

A sense of immense danger pulsated from the leader's back. With a bright flash, an sparkling, orange sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

In a hasty move, the Fire Star Orb fused into the sparkling sword as the leader hurriedly sliced it around him.

The sparkling sword now burst out with a sizzling, fiery glow. The leader's power dramatically rose to its peak!

Streams of Fire Law essence crazily spurted out into the environment whenever the sparkling sword moved. Every spurt of flame that hit the ground instantly caused it to sizzle to ash.

This sparkling fire sword smashed right into a Draconic Lightning encased Spiral Sword!


Terrifying waves of energy crazily smashed apart everything for dozens of meters. The ground loudly cracked from the violent energy force.


A miserable wail could be heard.josei

The one who was sent flying back was the Divine Star leader! His protective Divine aura shattered under the terrifying energy collision.

Blood leaked from his mouth. A powerful invading essence wreaked havoc within his internal body and Inner World. The leader needed to use a massive portion of his energy reserves just to barely suppress it.

In just a single moment, the leader's body was flung over 500 meters away.

At the same time, Cain stood completely still. His protective Divine Aura remained firm as a mountain.

Perhaps if this happened right after Lei Bi's duel, Cain would have needed to treat it a bit more seriously.

But with Middle Stage Divine Lightning Laws amplifying all of his already stacked energy, Cain's prowess truly reached terrifying levels!

Great amusement spread across Cain's face as he watched the leader's expression contort through fear and horror.

Everything was far too confusing to make sense of. But the leader didn't care about things making sense. He forced down all the rising pain and stopped his mid-air momentum.

His feet quickly tread onto the group, moving rapidly until the point they were blurry to any weaker Divine cultivator's eyes. Sizzling flames shrouded his feet as the leader tore directly through space, thrusting his sparkling flaming sword straight at Cain's head!

Distortion of space fluttered all around where the leader traveled. The power of his Divine Laws could directly push back the force of the surrounding World Source Laws.

The considerable pressure of space couldn't affect a Divine Star expert as much as it could a Great Divine Sea warrior.

Breaking through the restraints of space allowed the leader's speed to reach monstrous levels. He nearly crossed the entire 500 meters in a single instant as well, 100% of his Inner World force poured into his flaming sword, ready to slice Cain's head into smithereens.

However, as fast as the leader was, Cain's Spiritual Sea had zero problems reacting with equal speed.

He didn't even bother with clashing against the leader. A green flash briefly engulfed Cain's body.

In a fraction of a split second, Cain teleported directly behind the leader, completely avoiding his full-force sword strike.

A smaller Draconic Lightning Claw burst out from the tip of his Sprial Sword. It swung down with overwhelming momentum, shreds of space cracking apart under its Law power. All of Cain's power smashed upon the leader's back like a meteorite destroying the earth!

Pools of blood gushed out like a fountain, flesh scattered into the wind, and particles of clothes were burnt to ashes. Another blood-curdling screech tore through the area.

The leader's protective Divine Aura was already shredded a moment earlier. It couldn't regenerate in an instant. Leaving him with only his innate Divine defenses.

Against Cain's full power that could already suppressed the leader's Inner World power, how could his innate Divine defenses possibly hold up?

His Divine Star body shattered apart like fragile paper. The injuries on his back even went to a terrifying point of being able to see white bones.

Like a bullet, the leader burst forward once again. His injuries kept on stacking, but the vitality of a Divine Star expert was amazingly high.

The leader swallowed the rising bile, hellish pain, and forcefully suppressed the invading force within his internal body. He then smashed his feet to the ground, bursting it open and leaving a dozen feet crater beneath.

The leader swiveled around to face Cain, ferocious killing intent contorting his expressions. His sword raised to the heavens as he released a guttural battle cry.

"Blaze the Heavens!"

With his cultivation art activated, Fire Law essence crazily discharged out of the tip of his sparkling sword. It instantly expanded out, forming into a massive sea of flames thousands of feet long!

Everything the sea of flames touched was instantly scorched into ashes. The sea of flames burnt away specks of space as it soared straight towards Cain's head.

In the face of a Divine Star expert ultimate attack, Cain stayed calm, even with excitement pumping through his blood.

The surrounding space was tightly locked around him. Normal movement would be very hard to attempt. This sea of flames locked down to his very life aura.

Only Chaos energy could break through this space lock of Law power.

However, this time, Cain didn't try to dodge the overwhelming flames because it simply wasn't needed.

Violently clenching down on his Spiral Sword to the point veins bulged on his palm, Cain quickly swung his blade out.

Draconic Lightning essence burst from the tip, converging into a massive Draconic Lightning Claw hundreds of feet long and wide!

Each blare of lightning made the air tremble and tore open more sections in space than the leader could achieve.

Its power momentum rose and quickly surpassed the sea of flames within a second.

The Draconic Lightning Claw tore forward through space, instantly colliding with the sea of flames.

It was a head-on collision between powerful Divine Star experts!


However, instead of chaotic energy collision shock waves, the Draconic Lightning Claw shredded the sea of flames apart!

The force of the Dragon Martial skill completely suppressed the sea of flames, dispersing it into particles of light.

Tearing through the sea of flames did weaken the Draconic Lightning Claw power force. However, this remaining power still smashed towards the leader.

The leader was completely horrified. He only had a split second to hastily form a faint Fire essence barrier.

But such flimsy defenses didn't hold any value. His accumulated injuries severely affected his power output. Moreover, the leader wasn't a freak like Cain. His energy reserves rapidly depleted with all of his full-force moves.

With a loud impact, the Draconic Lightning Claw smashed apart the Fire essence barrier and then combusted on the leader's body.


The leader wailed with agony once again. He spurted out mouthfuls of blood as his body flew away like a broken sack.

He finally smashed to the ground hundreds of meters away, the earth caving beneath him for 20 feet.

Blackness nearly engulfed the leader's vision. He was on the verge of simply fainting right then and there. But, within his Inner World, a source of great power continues to pump energy into the leader's Spiritual Sea, forcing him to keep awake.

Cain had faltered for a split moment upon gazing at this resilient man. Power that would crush his previous opponents into bloody bits still couldn't make this Divine Star expert faint! His Divine Senses focused on every aspect of this mysterious phenomenon.

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