The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 418 A New Slave

Chapter 418 A New Slave

Ignoring the struggling man for a moment, Cain continued to say, "So, what do you think we should do with him? Kill? Or keep around?"

Before Amber could speak, Mr. Fu desperately said, "Ah-ah! You should really keep me alive! I-I have insider information on a Divine Decree Lord. I'm one of his higher subordinates, and he has his eyes on you two for a while now!"

"Oh?" Now intrigued plagued both Amber and Cain's gazes. What was going to be a causal decision turned into something far more important.

Amber scratched her chin for a moment and then said, "Perhaps we should keep around? You still remember that Dragon Slave Art, yes?"

A glint lit up Cain's eyes. There wasn't any real need to use that art so far, but now it seemed like the appropriate time. His mind processed every possibility within a moment.

Even if he were to plant a Dragon Slave Seal onto this guy's soul core, his backing would never be able to detect it.

After all, Cain is going to fuse the Dragon Slave Art with Chaos energy. If even a grand Heavenly Venerate fails to detect Chaos energy, just how could any mere lower realm cultivator could?

With his mind made up, Cain touched Mr.Fu's forehead with one finger while surging his Inner World Law Marks. A very small portion of the Law Marks was slave Law Marks.

These Slave Marks coursed through Cain's body, flowing to and out his fingertip. This slave essence penetrated into Mr.Fu's body without a hint of resistance.

Cain kept his full focus at this point. His soul energy smoothly guided the Slave Law essence, flowing it into Mr.Fu's soul's core.

Mr.Fu's soul's core was on the very verge of completely shattering. It couldn't possibly put up any defenses against even a sliver of Cain's power.

Slave Law essence marks completely fused into his soul's core within a matter of seconds.

On the outside, Mr.Fu's body violently trembled. In his last brief moments of clear thoughts, he fully recognized that this Lee and Xun duo isn't simply just special.

Perhaps...they are future Divine Decree Lord in the making.

A few seconds later, all clarity was devoid of Mr.Fu's eyes. His vacant eyes now only held devout dedication to Cain.josei

Smiling in satisfaction, Cain popped a Master Grade True Spirit healing pill into Mr.Fu's mouth while dropping him to the ground.

The duo took a few steps back in patience.

At the same time, a less deathly complexion emerged on Mr.Fu's face. Healing energy rapidly fixed most of his near-fatal injuries and kept his Inner World from completely collapsing.

Healing pills are a combination of either healing path World Spirit Master or Martial cultivators with Light Laws.

Healing Spirit energy and Light Law essence can easily revert physical internal bodies, injuries, and cracks formed within the Inner World.

Mr. Fu certainly won't collapse over and die at any moment now.

However, from this point onwards, Mr.Fu's prowess will never be the same. The cracks within his Inner World completely ruined his foundation. His Law Marks lost a massive portion of vitality essence and the density of his energies lowered by numerous degrees.

But above all, Mr.Fu's star orb, even when he regenerates it in the future, will forever be an inferior quality. When his star orb was destroyed, it caused a permanent crack in his Dao Source Core.

The best Mr.Fu could hope for now is to be a lower-tier Divine Star expert for the rest of his life.

Neither Cain nor Amber even really cared about his prowess in any case. Since they could genuinely kill Divine Star experts, what point would they need with a mere Early Stage one? People like him would be more useful for information gathering.

When a few seconds passed, Mr.Fu could finally rise to his feet. His expression was blank, but his gaze still held total devotion.

He instantly got onto a knee, respectfully saying, "Master."

"Good." The duo nodded with a growing rise of satisfaction. It still fed their pride that they were able to control a mighty Divine realm expert such as this one.

Not even a mighty Holy King master could say they could completely enslave any Divine realm cultivator's soul.

Cain looked down on Mr.Fu with a true bearing of a master, asking, "Now then, tell us everything about this situation. What is your name? Just what is going on in the background?"

"Reporting to Master, my name is Peng Fu. And Master, your Mistress caught the massive attention of the Cloudsea Holy Land and two Divine Decree Lords. These Divine Decree Lords include my previous boss, Wen Shao, and his brother, Wen Dao. Wen Dao is currently working with a high-elder in the Cloudsea main sect branch to eventually recruit the two of you. Whereas Wen Shao wants to put a stop to his brother from gaining any potential, powerful allies."

Right at this point, Amber suddenly spoke up, "Before you continue on. Did you say main sect branch? So even in Sky Bless City, the Cloudsea sect has its own higher branch? I'm assuming a hidden world?"

Peng Fu nodded. "Indeed mistress. The true power of Cloudsea is within their hidden world. The main sect branch only has decently talented disciples and some Late Stages Holy Kings to control it. While the hidden world holds the true peak geniuses and the Primal Sovereign ancestors. The size of the hidden world is at levels beyond my comprehension. Perhaps it's even larger than a mini planet. It can hold millions of disciples easily. This is where I and my partner come from."

It was a little shocking to hear such a broad size of a hidden world. Cain's and Amber's eyes certainly gleamed over in surprise. Comparing Cloudsea's hidden world to the Huang Dragon's hidden world, the Huang Dragon seemed like a tiny mortal village! And that realm space had an overall diameter of at least 50,000 miles.

Shaking his head of confusing thoughts, Cain asked, "You say you and your partner? There's more to this little scheme?"

"That's right, master. Wen Shao didn't believe you quite had Divine Star prowess, but he wanted to be thorough. Thus, I and my partner Du Ru worked together with the Zhou and Tian to kill you."

"Oh? Zhou and Tian?" A vague sense of intrigue plague the duo's eyes.

Mortal enemies working together always seemed unlikely unless there were some special circumstances behind it.

"So I'm assuming you believed yourself to be enough for the two of us and if it goes wrong, your little partner will be waiting for us at the Zhou Family?" Amber asked in a mocking tone.

Peng Fu felt a considerable amount of shame for his previous actions, but he still solider on to answer, "Correct, mistress. And at this point, I believe Du Ru went back to the sect, expecting for me to succeed."

Looking past that issue, Cain went back to the Zhou family topic. "From my understanding, the Zhou and Tian families are, at the very least, greatly hostile towards each other. If they really are working together, I can only see one eventually backstabbing the other."

"This would typically be the case, master. However, there are some defectors in the Zhou Family. Zhou Ling, Pei, and Lei specifically are highly ambitious and greatly fear or hate both of you. They already have past dealings with the Tian family before, but now they're working closely together to pull a full stop on you."

"I see...and this Wen Shao? Just what is his Divine Decree ranking? For that matter, what is Wen Dao ranking?" Cain calmly asked, as if a Divine Decree Lord didn't matter at all in his eyes.

Those geniuses certainly have amazing merits. But if it isn't a fellow Divine Mortal, Cain couldn't put too much care into any other genius.

"Wen Shao is ranked 276 while Wen Dao is ranked 274. They're both powerful Late Stages Divine Rulers that can easily match most Peak Stage Divine Rulers. Their influence over the Cloudsea Holy Land is immense. They're their absolute peak disciples and have numerous other disciples and Elders swayed under their influence. Master and his Mistress are indeed powerful. But I would still suggest allying with Wen Dao to protect from Wen Shao's retaliation. I am certain Wen Shao would feel a greater threat from Master and Mistress after this event."

Even though Peng Fu is now nothing but a slave to Cain, he could still give out his honest opinions deep within his Martial Heart. The impression Cain made could never truly wash away.

Cain and Amber stayed silent for a moment, contemplating the situation. After a few breaths of thinking, the duo simply shrugged.

Cain confidently said, "A Divine Ruler indeed is far above our weight, but so was a Divine Star expert not too long ago. Now, with just our Divine Origin cultivation, we can crush Divine Star experts like slapping around a weak animal. They say attaining Divine Ruler is a monumental step for all Divine cultivators. A stage where one's prowess takes a qualitative and quantitive leap, surpassing all manners of comprehension. However, to us? The day won't be long until a Divine Decree Lord is squirming beneath our feet."

His ambitions were as high as the heaven! Not even a Heavenly Great World genius would dare to produce such holds while merely a Divine Origin cultivator.

But perhaps, the only person with the qualification to claim this is an absolute freak like Cain.

He and, to an extent, Amber may very well bring fundamental changes to society as a whole! At least, that's what Peng Fu thought as he stared into his new master's faces.

Their supreme confidence stance made it seem like the future was already in their grasp.

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