The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 428 Suppression

Chapter 428 Suppression

Fear and horror couldn't stop running through Zi Yan as he flew off like a broken rag doll. The severe pain contorted his expression into utter agony.

Never before had he been so injured within just a single move! The emotional damage was as just as great as the physical pain. Within that single attack, Zi Yan could clearly detect that the person attacking was only in the Divine Origin realm!

This person's Divine Qi was dense to all hell. But at the very least, its base energy principles were still to that of the Divine Origin realm.

Just from this, a single and the most horrifying conclusion swarmed Zi Yan's mind. 'Could this-could this be them?!'

Zi Yan's eyes nearly burst open at this point. His gray Divine Aura intensifies as he quickly spun around and slammed his feet into the ground.

Boundless energy soared out of Zi Yan's body as his power frantically rose to its very peak! His Quasi-Saint sword pulsated with violent intensity, the rune markings carved upon it squirming like worms.

"Silence Sword!"

With a guttural roar, Zi Yan revolved his cultivation art, slicing his Quasi-Saint sword down at light speeds. The tip of the blade loudly blasted out a long, gray sword Qi that sliced everything apart in its wake.

The sword Qi manifested into a large gray sword. Whenever it soared, small sections of space were sliced open, long-running cracks split open the ground and numerous tall trees split in half.

The sword Qi's overwhelming momentum completely engulfed Cain's body.

His clothes and long hair recklessly flapped from the frantic airwave pressures. Yet, Cain's expression didn't change at all.

Clenching his palm into a fist, Cain quickly punched out. A thunderous boom shook the earth, and a massive stream of Draconic Lightning essence blasted out of Cain's simple fist.

The Draocninc Lightning instantly converged into an enormous Draconinc Lightning Claw over a hundred feet long!

Deafening booms of thunder continually exploded out from the Draconic Lightning Claw. Even a Peak-Stage Great Divine Sea cultivator would simply go deaf from the Law power exuded behind every thunderous boom.

Before even clashing, the claw's overwhelming momentum completely suppressed the gray sword Qi!

Fear made Zi Yan's pupils dilate. The speed of the Draconic Lightning Claw was far too fast to even think about dodging. He only had one option; to take this overwhelming attack head-on!

With a roaring cry, Zi Yan flew directly into his gray Sword Qi phantom. The Sword Qi phantom fused into his Quasi-Saint sword, elevating Zi Yan's striking power by numerous degrees!

Wrapped around Zi Yan's Quasi-Saint sword, the Sword Qi phantom grew higher than before, becoming over 80 feet large.

Under normal times, the Law pressure exuded from fusing potent Sword Qi into the Quasi-Saint sword would be enough to completely suppress any other Middle Divine Star warriors and even pressure Late Stage experts!

But no matter how much his power grew, the Draconic Lightning Claw momentum didn't weaken in the slightest.

In a flash, the Draconic Lightning Claw violently smashed against the fused Sword Qi phantom!


Horrifying energy waves frantically discharged into the surrounding. A sizable region of space shattered, revealing a tiny portion of the Void Space.

The after-shock waves couldn't affect Cain at all. His body stood tall and firm, like an unmovable tree.

Whereas Zi Yan, who bore the brunt of the energy collision, once again flew backward like a speeding bullet.

The pain was even worse than the last attack. Draconic Lightning essence chaotically rampaged through his internal body, mainly focusing on his sword-wielding arm.

On instinct, Inner World energies flowed into Zi Yan's arm. But it took nearly all of Zi Yan's energy reserves just to barely suppress it!

Even then, when suppressing the Draconic Lightning essence, the pain didn't let up at all. Zi Yan nearly lost all feeling within his sword-wielding arm. The bones within it were cracked to pieces!

This kind of pain was utter hell.

However, the nightmare had only just begun.

A faint green flash gleamed above Zi Yan as he soared through the air.

This time, there was no moment to rest. Cain wouldn't give Zi Yan a moment to simply think. He had teleported before him once again.

The Draconic Lightning converging on Cain's arm transitioned into a terrifying Draconinc Lightning Claw.

Like with Zi Yan's gray sword Qi phantom that fused into his Quasi-Saint sword, Cain's Draconic Lightning Claw fused with his bodily strength!

The intensity of a Dragon's body severely raised Cain's striking power!

Swinging with a force of several mountains, the Draocninc Lightning Claw smashed towards Zi Yan's head.

Zi Yan's pupils had completely dilated. Without any hesitation, he bit down on his tongue, spurting his blood essence all over his Quasi-Saint sword.

As the blood essence fused within the silver sword, Zi Yan erupted into a roar.

"Sword Borders!"

A gray Sword Law essence barrier instantly appeared around Zi Yan's body. Due to the massive influx of blood essence power, Zi Yan's Martial Skill didn't even need a split moment to form.

However, Zi Yan was continually weakened over the last two attacks. Even with a blood essence power boost, his power could only amount to around 60% of its usual.

Zi Yan was already greatly suppressed, even at full power. Could 60% of his defenses really defend against the overwhelming might of Cain's full power?

Of course, it couldn't. All defenses ended up as a futile struggle!


The Draocninc Lightning Claw combusted right upon the gray sword barrier, exploding it into tiny particles bits!

This time, being quite literally in the middle of it all, Cain was forced to flash out of the resulting energy shock waves collision less he wants to foolishly take damage.

Whereas Zi Yan once again bore the full brunt of the energy shock waves, his body flying straight into a nearby tree. His loud impact directly toppled over the tree hundreds of feet long, breaking it into utter pieces from the waist up.

Zi Yan vomited mouthfuls of blood. The blood splattered onto his utterly ruined body. His luxurious Martial robes that were made up of Spirit energy and Divine Qi, giving him some added defense, were torn at multiple points. It no longer had any grace of a cultivator, but more of a beggar.

However, instead of slumping to the ground, Zi Yan shot right up to his feet!

His expression twisted into horrifying killing intent, his eyes glazed over in a blood-red rage.

While raising his Quasi-Saint sword, he roared with a demonic intensity that seemed to come from hell itself!

"Enough of this! You will die! Demonic Arm!"

Boundless energy swelled into Zi Yan's sword-wielding arm. An eerie black essence fused into his gray Sword Law essence.

Before Cain's very eyes, the combined essence transformed Zi Yan's arm. The clothes on his arm completely tore off as his arm transformed into a pitch-black form of a demonic creature.

Strange Law rune markings flashed upon the demonic arm as Zi Yan's presence underwent a massive change.josei

His overall power somehow broke through its limit again, rising to the very peak of Middle Divine Star experts!

Zi Yan waved his demonic arm at light speeds, his flurry of movements instantly exuding out thousands of grayish-black sword lights!

The grayish-black sword lights sliced apart numerous massive trees as they seemingly covered the entire sky.

Slicing his Quasi-Saint sword down, Zi Yan burst the thousands of grayish-black sword lights straight towards Cain's lone figure.

In the face of an attack that can overwhelm the heavens, Cain's lips split into a massive grin.

"Come! Domain Spread!"

His hands rapidly flashed through numerous signs, all within a split second. The next moment, a massive tidal wave of Draconic Lightning essence exploded from Cain's hands.

Within this Draconic Lightning essence wave contained mysteriously profound energies principles of both Qi and Law power. Both principles seamlessly blended with each other, fusing to create the effect of a Law Domain!

This time, Cain didn't just use the domain skill as a dome. He expertly controlled it to come out as an energy wave, concentrating all the energy principles within the domain into a powerful attacking force.

The power released from the lightning domain wave suppressed the momentum of the overwhelming grayish-black sword lights.

Not only that, it even considerably surpasses Cain's Draconic Lightning skill combined with his Dragon body!

Zi Yan felt his heart stop at this unfathomable power. But it was far too late to change the course of his attack. He had to commit or suffer!

Unstoppable, without any equal, the lightning domain wave expanded to immense size, covering the sky and engulfing the thousands of grayish-sword lights.


Like shards of glass continually breaking, the grayish-sword lights combusted under the immense power of the lightning domain wave.

As they continued to clash, both massive attacks canceled each other out.

The demonic essence infused into each sword's lights did amplify each power to the peak of the Middle Divine Star stage. But Cain's domain fusion was endless and far too dense in quality.

With each explosion of grayish-black sword lights, pulses of energy shock waves smashed into the air and towards the ground.

Zi Yan could barely defend himself against the aftershock waves. He already poured all of his power into a singular attack. It was far too sudden for him to gather any amount of massive defenses.

His arms were crossed in front of his face as he just barely guarded the shock waves, this time not flying backward.

Although Zi Yan still took heavy steps back, each step deeply imprinting the ground. Blood continually flowed out of his mouth as Zi Yan couldn't help but feel breathless anger.

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