The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 432 Chase In The Lake

Chapter 432 Chase In The Lake

Passing through all manners of potentially dangerous traps and other slumbering dangers, Cain's body appeared in front of an oceanic wall.

Despite being underwater, bright flashes that managed to cause a stinging pain assaulted Cain's eyes. At the same time, his mind felt a bit overwhelm. A huge wave of energy practically assaulted his Spiritual Sea.

The intensity of these energies was greater than anything he experienced before. Not even the Dragon celestial pool could compare. His mind even started to gain a slight headache from potency overloading.

Cain had to quickly cut off his Chaos sense just to retain his own sanity. As he switched back to his Divine Sense, surprise, elation, and greed all mixed within his expression.

He cast intent gazes on the source of the current energy sensations, analyzing three small crystal cores embedded into the oceanic wall.

These crystal cores gleamed with a near blinding sliver light and exuded potent sensations of both Divine Qi and Source Law essence!

Floating right in front of these crystal cores almost felt like he was peering into a high realm master's mind. The experience nearly brought Cain into a trance.

In front of Cain were three-lifetime experiences from three high realm experts practically unfathomable to Cain's current perception abilities.

A core of a Spiritual Sea basically is called impossible to obtain across the entire God Galaxy. The most cultivators have golden Law Cores or Divine Essence Cores that are formed from high realm's experts' condensed blood essence.

These resources are mainly reserved for peak, high realm organizations, pseudo Heavenly Great Worlds, and full Heavenly Great Worlds.

With a golden Law core, one's Source Law attainment level has a high chance of increasing. While a Divine Essence core could potentially increase one's Heaven and Earth path attainment level.

Given the importance of attainment levels, especially after the Divine Ruler realm, resources like those are even a rarity in those peak organizations.

As for these crystal cores, Cain faintly realized he was getting the very best of most world and a whole lot more.

But before Cain went into enlightenment, he quickly suppressed all external sensations warping his Spiritual Sea and regained focus.

Cain wasn't sure at all about what to call these crystal cores. He can recall everything his grandmother taught him, but rarely would she ever mention anything about resources with essence identical to a Spiritual Sea.

The most he got were Law and Divine Essence Cores' explanations. But even then, those explanations stretched incredibly thin. Shi Wei had claimed both mystical cores were far too rare and can even be considered a myth.

But before his very eyes, Cain saw not only one but three of those myths embedded into the wall. 'If I had to fathom what they're called, these are most likely Spiritual Sea cores. More importantly, just like with any other core full of energy, we should be able to directly absorb them! Alright, now just very carefully...'

With his mind made up, Cain prepared himself. His Chaos energy glowed with a higher intensity as he pushed his soul energy to the absolute limit. He spared no expense, utilizing the full power of 3rd layer Chaos energy.

At the very peak of his focus, Cain's hands went at blurring speed, instantly snatching the Spiritual Sea cores off the wall and into his spatial ring.

The very moment Cain collected the cores, a tremendous sense of danger made his soul's core rattled with earth-shattering intensity!

The threat of death came very close to Cain's neck all within a split moment!

Chaos energy frantically blared out. Cain revolved Chaos energy to its zenith limits as he smashed part of all surrounding World Source Laws.

A large hole in space formed in the wake of chaotic teleportation. Glitters of Chaos energy sparsely flashed within the torn open space hole.

From behind the torn space hole, the wall began to violently tremble. Jets of powerful water currents stormed the area for hundreds of meters. Anyone of these water currents is powerful enough to decimate an Early Stage Divine Star warrior to bits and pieces.

At this time, Cain had instantly teleported 20 miles ahead. Cold sweat pooled his face and drenched his back.

Just a split-second slower, Cain doubted he would be able to properly stand, or worse, his life snuffed out altogether.

In this very brief moment of rest, Cain thought he at least temporarily escaped from near-death.

However, he couldn't have been more wrong.

Without any warning or notice, an unbelievable pressure engulfed the entire atmosphere for hundreds of miles!


A massive pulse of energy billowed everywhere in the Lake of Stars. The whole Lake of Stars began to violently quake as if a world-ending earthquake suddenly went off!

Cain could just barely react as he still heard a powerful, loud explosion that occurred over 20 miles behind him.

A strange Law power permeated throughout the atmosphere. Just slightly breathing in this atmosphere caused Cain to feel a sickening sensation, all for a split moment.

Just this split moment informed Cain how much of a crisis he was in. After all, even with his stronger Law powers, Cain could barely distort space at best. He knew this Law power can instantly snuff him out if he gets too close.

Naturally, Cain wasn't foolish enough to stand around and wait for death. He tried to move, only to realize his body suddenly felt immensely sluggish!

The moment that explosion was released into the atmosphere, Cain didn't even need to sense it. He could just feel a terrifyingly powerful presence lock square onto his entire being!

Using only a split second to look back, Cain caught the trace of what appeared to be a human figure but held very distinct qualities from any other human.

The creature's eye socket was hallowed, its skin was burnt to a sickening crisp, and the only clothes it wore were tattered rags.

This horrifying creature stared straight at Cain.

Even thoughts its eyes were hallowed and its expressions were blank, Cain could still feel the immense flow of killing intent billowing out of the creature.

"Hah!" Cain gave a roaring shout as Chaos energy revolved to its zenith limit once again.

The pressure around Cain couldn't withstand the mysterious principles of Chaos energy, it shattered completely!

Even though the pressure was tens of thousands of times stronger than Cain, its space locking effect couldn't possibly hold Chaos energy!

Unhindered, Cain instantly teleported away in a faint green flash. The sickening Law power poisoning the atmosphere experienced great disruptions as remnants of Chaos energy flickered in the area.

At the same time, the hallowed creature's body slightly shifted. With only a slight movement of his body, the hallowed creature vanished from sight, World Source Laws shattering all around it.

The creature tore open the Void Space, traveling through it in a similar manner as Cain!

While in the Void Space, though Cain's Chaotic teleportation speed was obviously faster, he could still detect that hallowed creature keeping pace with him.

Cain's speed can certainly surpass even Divine Star or perhaps even Holy King's masters through Chaotic teleportation.

However, his overall teleportation speed was still limited by his base cultivation.

Whatever this hallowed creature was, it certainly grasp Martial Dao Law to a fundamentally extreme level. Through slight shifts of its body, it can use the surrounding World Source Laws to propel him at speeds near equal to teleportation.josei

'Alright, then what about this?' Draconic Lightning Wings suddenly tore out of Cain's back. Lightning Law power specifically overlapped with Chaos energy, bringing about a boot to Chaotic teleportation.

Each flap of his Draconic Lightning Wings only propel Cain's group faster each time they arrived out of teleportation.

However, despite his best efforts, the hallowed creature's pace never changed. Its body eerily jerked as it appeared to continually teleport. Faint pulses of Law essence exuded from the creature the longer it drew more power for its unique teleportation.

In no time at all, Cain was back in the same position.

'Shit! This can't go on for long!' Cain indeed has massive energy reserves. But in a high-speed chase like this, he could only hold out for so long.

When he's all used up, that hallowed creature would have easy pickings.

Obviously, Cain wouldn't go up to the surface and endanger Amber. His only other option was to find something in the Lake of Stars to trap this creature.

Chaos sense spread out at light speeds. Under Cain's zenith state, the range of Chaos sense greatly increased. It extended up 400 miles now!

Cain sorted through all the energy sensations. His Spiritual Sea worked at high speeds, alienating just which one can save him from a brutal end.

As of this moment, Cain didn't dare to recklessly choose a path just because it seems greatly dangerous. Although, at the same time, had no luxuriously to safely choose the one with the most rewards.

Seconds passed within this high-speed chance seemed like hours for Cain. During this time, the hallowed creature still retained a consistent pace.

Cain initially believed that the hallowed creature already met its limit.

But oddly enough, Cain felt that within only seconds, the creature had become just slightly faster!

Just a slight increase in speed didn't bode well for Cain at all.

Death was right upon him and Cain didn't have any leisure to take a moderately safe route.

He threw all caution into the wind, pinpointing his Chaos sense to a far more powerful sensation of danger than that what the creature exuded!

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