The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 434 Connection

Chapter 434 Connection

At the edge of the Lake of Stars, Amber quietly stood with the utmost attention. Flickers of shadowy lights sparsely flashed from her body as her Divine Aura stayed tense to erupt at any moment's notice.

Amber's lazy disposition was nowhere to be seen.

When Cain started to take longer than necessary, Amber instantly knew complications happened. Naturally, she worried and wanted to see just what was going on.josei

But at the same time, Amber knew her limit. She wasn't anywhere near strong as Cain, nor did she have the ability to break through the Void Space.

Even though her bloodline did give her a great sense of smell, it wouldn't be able to help against the Lake of Stars. Amber had actually tried smelling Cain's scent through the water. But whatever source this Lake of Stars came from, it was evidently greater than her own Laws.

Amber could just faintly tell that this Lake of Stars may even surpass that of a Divine Ruler. At the very least, the sensations she detected felt superior to that of the energy within Divine Ruler-charged artifacts.

Around 20 minutes passed since Cain dived in. At this threshold, Amber seriously contemplated forgoing all risks to dive in to save Cain.

However, without any warning, Cain's life aura suddenly appeared right beside her!


Amber instantly swilled to her right, her eyes widening to Cain's bloody state.

In that instant, Amber's body moved on autopilot. She didn't make any noise as she swiftly moved about. Her face was as serious as it could be.

Amber quickly turned Cain's body around, flashed out several True Spirit healing pills, covered them with red Spirit energy, and flowed it into his mouth.

Through her utmost focus, Amber flowed the pills to the center of Cain's internal body and combusted each of them at the same time.

She didn't let up her control, even at this point. Her red Spirit energy carefully guided the healing essence to fuse throughout his internal body and Inner World.

Truthfully, this process wasn't necessarily needed. But Amber wanted to make sure there weren't any hidden injuries that could be a consequence later.

Throughout the healing, Amber made sure she paid intent attention to the kinds of injuries Cain had suffered. What she detected even left her face looking a bit pale.

His bones weren't just cracked or fractured but utterly broken into pieces. Many of his organs, including his vital ones, had greatly ruptured and were bleeding profusely. It was only an amazement that his Inner World only had a few small energy cracks.

Amber lightly sighed with relief and pain. "Seriously...if this was another Divine Origin cultivator, they would have already kicked the bucket long ago. You're just crazily tenacious."

Her words weren't exaggerated at all. While a Divine Origin cultivator can evidently live through injuries that those in the mortal realms can't, their life force still had a limit. If the automatic regeneration of an Inner World can't keep up with current injuries, then even a Divine Origin cultivator can perish.

Cain's advantages were obvious. His Divine-ranking Dragon bloodline and body, Chaos energy, and the mysterious black lightning all molded his life force to be extremely tenacious.

Although, even with this, one could say it was either through a miracle or simply Cain's steel-like Divine Will that kept him alive.

Thankfully, with healing pills that Shi Wei personally gifted to them, his injuries reverted back to a perfectly healthy state at lightning-like speed.

The healing process went on for a few minutes. When the last bit of healing essence finished fusing within Cain, his eyes swung open.

His first sight was of Amber's face, which appeared equally relieved and in utter bliss.


Amber clung to Cain's neck with all the force of her soul. She gripped so hard as if afraid that this was nothing but an illusion.

Even though she knew that Cain would survive and wasn't even near death, the mere thought of losing Cain made her more horrified than her worst nightmares.

"'s okay..." Cain quietly sighed while calmly stroking Amber's lush hair to soothe her worries.

The road of Martial cultivation is an undeniably cruel and vicious one. Many simply burnt away to ashes without even coming close to achieving their dreams. They would die alone, forgotten by all, waste away by the endless sands of time.

But, even with all the despair, pain, depression, and hopelessness, moments like these could soothe Cain's very soul. His and Amber's soul's core meshed together despite being in different bodies.

No matter how old they get or how much they will need to slaughter to get ahead, Cain and Amber's emotions will always remain firm, like mt.tai.

The duo stayed comfortably together for a few seconds until Cain suddenly remember how he ended up in his previous, terrible state.

Images of that horrific, hallowed creature flashed through his mind like an unending nightmare. Beads of cold sweat slowly poured down Cain's face. Even though they should be safe, he couldn't get rid of an ominous sinking feeling swirling within the pits of his gut.

Cain's expression grew serious as he urgently patted Amber's hair. "Alright, come on. I doubt we're in any near danger, but I'd rather not stay here."

"Can you even move at this point? Can you summon Chaos energy?" Amber asked in rapid succession. She was basically ready to carry Cain's body to safety. Even as his weight felt like she was carrying a mountain itself.

'Sheesh, Kali wasn't kidding at all about this impossible weight!' Amber mused to herself, wanting to spare Cain's feelings.

Twitching his fingers, cracking his joints, Cain didn't feel it was too hard to move. Those three healing pills at least gave him 20% of his combat strength. Just this alone is enough to instantly leave their predicament.

As Cain slowly rose up to get a better feel of his situation, a sudden, tiny sensation pricked into his soul's core.

Cain suddenly froze up. His Divine Sense didn't detect danger, nor did he feel the cold looming of upcoming death. And yet, he could stop goosebumps from crawling up his entire body!

He simply didn't feel safe staying here at all.

Seeing how odd Cain was acting only left Amber in confusion and worry. She attempted to touch Cain's face, but when putting her hand close, Cain's hand instantly moved.

Without warning, he grasp Amber's petite hand, shrouded their bodies with Chaos energy, and tore open the Void Space.

The duo then flashed into the Void Space, teleporting far away from the Lake of Stars all in an instant.

Several hundred miles away, space loudly shattered as a green sparkle gleamed from thin air.

Cain and Amber appeared out of the green sparkle, landing right in front of a closed-off cave that appeared to be worn down for many years already.

Though they made an escape, Amber didn't dare to relax her guard. She vigilantly looked around, her body tensing for anything to spring up at any moment's notice.

While staying alert, she asked, "What is it? Is something from that Lake going to get us?"

Cain didn't promptly respond. His eyes stayed close in absolute focus, giving an absolute bit of attention to the sensations of his soul's core.

When that previous strange feeling vanished completely, Cain slowly said, "Something like that. The treasures I got ended up awakening some creature with some serious power. I would've ended up killed if not for leading that creature into a trap and then escaping with Chaos energy. But even's just...I'm not sure. I feel far too unsafe staying any closer to that lake. Thankfully, whatever my soul was feeling had completely vanished. Plus, I can't detect any other danger around here, so we seem to be in the clearing."

"Fuuu...alright..." Amber sighed, slightly easing her tension. "Just, did you get a good look at that creature? When I tried sniffing out your scent, it felt like that Lake of Stars has a source far superior to Divine Ruler."

Cain managed to let out a chuckle despite their situation. "Not just Divine Ruler, try even greater than the Holy King realm! I'm simply lucky to have my body intact after leaving that lake. Next time we go, we must be at least powerful Divine Rulers to test our luck."

"Well, I'm certainly not going to argue with that. I prefer to stay at home days than adventuring." Amber wryly smiled.

Feeling more relaxed, she asked next, "So, what kind of treasure did you get that warranted so much cation? I'm assuming it's something that will get us through our weird situation, right?"

Similarly feeling calmer, Cain could just give a small smile. He nodded and spoke with an eager tone lacing his voice. "Indeed I did. Remember how grandmother said that resources that increase a Spiritual Sea are basically impossible to ever come across? Well, I actually discovered three crystal cores that are the Spiritual Sea essence of far higher realm cultivators! Seeing it is more believable than hearing it. So..."

As Cain trailed off, he ignited his spatial ring, flashing out a Spiritual Sea core.

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