The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 438 Begin The Formation

Chapter 438 Begin The Formation

Cain's understanding of Divine Lightning Laws became more fundamental. The flow of lightning, which was both berserk and calmly smooth, the destructive force behind it, and the vital essence mixed within, all these principles smoothly fused into Cain's Spiritual Sea.

If not counting the highest complex Dao Principles such as Space, Time, Chaos, or other peaks nomological truths, the Dao of Lightning is recognized as high-tier in complexity.

It's why, despite Cain facing many foes with elemental Laws, it was a bit rare to see one actually cultivate Lightning Laws.

Cultivators who attempt this path simply can't get far on it. Whether it was the difficulty in controlling lightning flow, tempering its berserk energy principles, or handling its innate destructive force, Lighting Laws have an extremely high stage of comprehension threshold.

Many end up abandoning Lightning Laws altogether or ruining their own cultivation with uncontrollable lightning.

Even Cain could admit that Lightning Laws could have been a major problem for him if not for his crazy advantages.

The main advantage is how Cain has Draconic Lightning essence fused into the very cells of his bloodline! His whole entire being has an immense affinity for anything concerning the element of lightning.

All of this became further amplified when his 9thfall baptism fused that mysterious black lightning into his bloodline as well.

With layering advantages, it was only inevitable that Cain would reach a high comprehension of Lightning Laws.

Cain's epiphany about Divine Lightning Law was equating it to a force of the universe that can also bring life and death. Through both vital force and deadly force within Divine Lightning Laws, Cain was sure could cut through anything, even the most vicious of defenses!

Sword Laws, Strength Laws and Space Laws are all highly regarded as the greatest striking power of all Dao Truths.

However, Cain felt more than assured that Lightning Laws can slice right through any other Dao with only the slightest resistance.

Of course, Cain was nowhere near to achieving this kind of immense prowess. But he was still several steps closer after reaching Late Stage Divine Lightning Laws.

Late Stage Divine Lightning Laws mean that Cain now had a perfect 80% control over this potent Law source. On pure raw Law power alone, Late Stage Divine Lightning Laws could wreak utter havoc in Lower Realms. It could easily flatten mountain ranges or vaporize countries or even split grand continents in half.

In terms of Law mastery alone, Cain and Amber already surpassed Peak Stages Great Divine Sea experts!josei

It didn't even matter that Amber's overall combat prowess was weaker. With a wave of either her or Cain's hand, their Laws can suppress an ordinary Peak Great Divine Sea cultivator to their knees.

As Cain became familiar with the new sensations coursing through his body, he slowly smiled. The Spiritual Sea Core still stayed in his hand as he carefully caressed its smooth surface.

He suddenly said, "Late Stage Laws...can you believe it, Amber? Even 8thfall extreme geniuses wouldn't be able to achieve Large Success of Early Stage Divine Laws. Whereas we can blink weaker Great Divine Sea cultivators to their deaths."

"Even I can't deny this fantastical feeling of Laws. know that can only happen because of your Chaos stuff. I doubt even with these Spiritual Sea Cores, we would be able to make so much improvement without Chaos energy enforcing our Spiritual Sea. Truly, I can understand the struggles of Great Divine Sea people. Unless some cultivator wants to spend hundreds of years in the Divine Origin realm, Great Divine Sea is better for the Spiritual Sea." Amber honestly spoke.

Her tone was apathetic, but Amber's words were honestly true.

Just like with the Inner World and Law comprehension, accumulations of experience also extend to the Spiritual Sea.

The more powerful energies a Spiritual Sea perceives, the more reinforced it becomes. A cultivator's soul energy controls the stronger energies within a Spiritual Sea, subconsciously fusing within the regions of its special space, permanently enhancing it.

This is why even if a genius can comprehend a certain threshold of either Divine Qi or Laws, they still need to wait a lengthy amount of time until their Spiritual Sea becomes properly reinforced to permanently absorb energies.

Chaos energy for Cain and Amber truly did play a major part in the Spiritual Sea process.

But there were also the additional effects of their bloodline powers, black lightning within their cells, and other enhancements fused within their souls.

As he thought about everything, Cain's smile grew even wider. "Since you said that, I think you know where this is leading, right? It's time for our breakthrough to the Great Divine Sea realm."

Amber paused for a moment, eyes widening at their current positions.

Indeed, with attainment levels at master and Late Stage Divine Laws, they finally have the full qualification to quickly reach the Great Divine Sea realm.

Their Spiritual Sea can not only easily comprehend the breakthrough energy principles but also stabilize their Inner World from becoming even the slightest bit unstable.

Furthermore, their bloodline abilities are practically divine when absorbing external energies, further boosting their cultivation speed.

Out of the whole God Galaxy, perhaps only they had ended up in this unique position.

The number of people who would turn green from envy if they knew Cain and Amber only needed a couple of months to reach the Great Divine Sea realm from Divine Origin could drown an entire ocean!

"Well then...with so many threats breathing down our necks, I suppose those no reason to hold this off. And to think, achieving master attainment seemed like a far distant goal we can only gain within the Holy King's realm. At least, that's what Senior Wei implied. I bet what we're doing now can finally break her ever-present calm face." Amber sighed with a wry smile.

In the end, no matter how quick their cultivation progress, their enemies will only get stronger. To survive and achieve success, swift speed is what they absolutely need.

Cain eagerly assimilated into a cultivation state and said, "So let's make grandmother proud and achieve a feat probably nobody had ever heard of throughout the God Galaxies."

Though the duo had just gotten out of a long cultivation session, they were ready to get right back into another long seclusion.

Martial cultivation does require an immense time adventuring, discovering new experiences, and drawing out new inspirations from the Heaven and Earth.

But of course, long periods of lonely seclusion were inevitable.

To perceive the Great Dao and uncover the mysterious truths of the universe, shortcuts can be made, but in the end, methodical time of long periods of accumulation are absolutely required.

Suffering in silence is the temperament all Martial cultivator needs if they one day want to control the Great Dao.

But there was also another profound point to these long close-door cultivation seclusions.

These long times are to accumulate everything about one's cultivation to very perfection before breaking through. Wringing oneself to their very limits should be the most optimal way to make any breakthrough.

At least, Cain and Amber believed it was the most accurate guess, given everything they know.

At this time, the duo already closed their eyes back into focus.

Cain's consciousness moved into his Inner World. He curiously gazed around the long stretch of pure white ground, dazzling blue lightning skies, and his gleaming essence Marks.

Excitement ran through Cain for a moment before he quickly suppressed it, returning to a completely calm state.

Soul energy began to rapidly pour into his Inner World with only a thought. Every bit of his soul energy was absorbed directly into both sets of essence marks.

Under normal times, wanting to draw out power from the essence marks took practically no time at all. He could utilize nearly his full power within an instant.

However, bringing out his full power was only a small percentage of Cain's entire energy reserves.

For the Great Divine Sea realm, Cain needed to draw out every single bit of energy from his Inner World essence marks. Even for as much control as he has, such a process was immensely time-consuming.

The Divine Essence Marks glimmer a hypnotic blue glow, appearing like a calm ocean wave washing over the skies.

While the Law Essence marks billowed out violent waves of Draconic Lightning. Flashes of lightning continually sparkled out, each spark producing a deafening boom.

Like this, Cain continues to draw out more energy from the essence marks.

To Cain's small surprise, not only was the process long, but it also gave him a bit of trouble in just trying to control an overabundance of energy.

Even with all of his Law and Heaven and Earth comprehension, his soul energy greatly strained when attempting to directly control the full energy of 199 essence marks.

Although, the strain on Cain's soul wasn't anywhere near as terrible as other geniuses. Some would even feel as if their souls were on the verge of completely shattering while in this process!

For a rare time, while cultivating, the level of Cain's soul core was actually playing a major part in his success. He may have skipped critical parts of soul cultivation, but it was still just powerful enough to have an easier time with the Great Divine Sea formation.

Although, Cain's progress would be faster if he had generated more soul Law marks before attempting this breakthrough. Because he did skip numerous soul cultivation realms, Cain had no other choice but to slowly craft soul Law marks through the Divine Seal Art.

His soul evidently surpassed the common genius. But it still wasn't enough for him to smoothly pass through the Great Divine Sea process.

Within a couple of hours, a considerable sluggish feeling crawled over Cain's entire being. Out of all his intense training and fighting, he never felt so tired as he does now.

Yet, Cain didn't dare to falter here. Doing so will only make his chance to reach the Great Divine Sea realm that much longer and more difficult.

He just had to grit his teeth and force through the exhaustion and headache pains.

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