The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 440 Great Divine Sea Realm

Chapter 440 Great Divine Sea Realm

The entire ground of the Inner World completely broke apart to reveal a rapidly growing sea of essence.

Divine blue lights, endless blue lightning, flashes of black lightning, and shines of Chaos energy flickered from the sea of essence. It all was a perfect combination of Divine Essence, Source Laws, and even the mystical Chaos energy!

A tremendously powerful presence rippled out of the sea of fused essence. Existing just by itself was enough to exude the sensations of far higher Law power.

The creation of the sea of essence wasn't as simple as a power upgrade to an Inner World. Rather, it symbolizes the first major step towards complete Inner World evolution!

To use one's Inner World power as a substitute for the Great Dao is the goal of all cultivators. But of course, just at the Great Divine Sea realm, it was far too early for Cain to even consider such matters.

Still, Cain's sea of essence, even at its first creation, was stanchly unique compared to other geniuses. His sea of essence rippled with boundless vitality force, exuding the faintest sensations of life.

Other geniuses' sea of essence would typically just have a dimmer shin and definitely lack the faint sensations of vitality force.

If high realm masters cultivators were to obverse Cain's breakthrough, they would feel a faint sense of inferiority. Their Great Divine Sea certainly wasn't as great as this phenomenon.

As the perfect fusion essence spread out for hundreds of miles, completely reforming the ground, a large section of the multi-essence split up into the air and towards the borders of Cain's Inner World.josei

The multi-essence transformed the sky while also continually shattering and expanding the space stability of the Inner World.

Cain's Great Divine Sea was finally taking shape. Every aspect of his Inner World foundation, from space stability to the multi-essence, grew denser, thicker, and more intense.

As the Great Divine Sea formed, Cain's Spiritual Sea also underwent a grand evolution. He was observing the formation of a very miniature world that certainly lacked a massive amount of principles from even the lowest of mortal worlds.

But even so, the principles of how Divine Essence, Source Laws, and Chaos Laws all came together in perfect harmony caused Cain to touch upon a faint universal truth.

His connection to the natural world around him rapidly grew, massively surpassing his previous limit and the limit of other geniuses in the same realm.

With a wave of his hand, Cain knew he would be able to effortlessly summon an oceanic wave of Divine Qi. The Divine Qi wave would be compromised by 30% power of the Divine Essence of the Heaven and Earth. This was the Middle Form of Divine Qi power.

Throughout the Great Divine Sea realm, cultivators would need to familiarize themselves with this tremendous increase in power in order to fuse it within their Inner World. Rarely could only smoothly control the full 30% upon just forming the Great Divine Sea.

But just like many things in Cain's life. he broke through all rules and limits like it was an inevitable conclusion.

When he controls 30% of Divine Qi power, it would be incomparably smooth, almost to a perfect degree!

Cain's greater connection to the Heaven and Earth wasn't just metaphorical sense within his mind. It genuinely allowed him to grasp greater power from it and control it on his own!

This state of enlightenment had surpassed anything Cain had previously experienced. He could feel himself taking new steps towards a different world that was always close to him.

In this enlightened trance, time lost all meanings.

Cain wasn't sure what it felt like. Almost like seconds, minutes, days, hours, months, and years have passed all in a single instant. And within this instant, he just faintly comprehends how a separate dimension can form within a person's body.

At this time, Amber was also undergoing critical shifts within her Inner World and Spiritual Sea. It took a considerably longer time for her to arrive at this step, but she, like Cain, formed a Great Divine Sea far surpassing that of other geniuses.

Time quickly passed.

During this process, unbeknownst to Cain and Amber, the majestic black Dragon rune markings at the center of their forehead pulsated with an violent intensity.

Streaks of black lightning flickered out of their Dragon markings. Each lightning flash amplified the results of Cain and Amber's cultivation.

The black lightning within the cells of their blood continually exuded a mysterious essence that enhances both their Inner World and Spiritual Sea.

Though Cain and Amber still don't quite understand the black lightning, they could certainly feel the rapid improvements to their whole entire being.

When it seemed like days have already passed, the majestic Dragon marking upon Cain and Amber's forehead started to rapidly dim.

The duo had finally reached the end of their breakthroughs.

At times like this, wild phenomena would typically occur because of their tremendous increase in power.

However, nothing spectacular occurred during their Great Divine Sea completion.

At least, on the surface, everything appeared normal.

But with every slight breath, either Cain or Amber took, a faint ripple tore through thin air. This wasn't a ripple of pure power or Divine Aura.

Rather, a trace of the duo's comprehension.

With a breath, they can just faintly affect the surrounding World Source Laws. Even though the phenomena were very subtler than their previous, this feat completely surpassed any flashy showcase of power!

Their natural state of being was becoming increasingly closer to the state of Source Laws. Even at just the threshold of this step, Cain's and Amber's prowess took a tremendous leap forward.

At this moment, Cain's Inner World had finally finished its evolution. From the sky to the dimensional sea, everything greatly expanded.

His Inner World grew from merely 200 hundred miles to now several hundred miles, being at least around 600!

The multi-color essence within both the sky and the ground flowed as calmly as an ocean. Within both sets of multi-color essence were bright traces of Law and Divine Qi essence Marks. When Cain now draws upon power, it would come from this seemingly endless supply of essence.

This was the dramatic difference between Divine Origin and Great Divine Sea.

Divine Origin cultivators can only supply themselves with the limited capacity of Law and Divine essence Marks. While Great Divine Sea cultivators have both essence Marks and the endless supply of their dimensional sea!

Once his dimension sea formed, Cain stopped taking small breaths. He turned completely silent, like a divine sword entering its sacred sheathe.

With one last breath, his eyes slowly open. His pupils were the same deep, black glow, but there was now a mysterious depth about them. The wisdom, the knowledge, the experience Cain has now acquired would be enough to be considered sage-like by mortal realm cultivators.

Gazing into the depths of his pupils could even lull an average mortal talent into an enlightened trance!

With each proceeding cultivation realm, the unfathomable depths of Cain's abilities only massively grow. All factors within his body had played a major part.

To his royal Dragon god bloodline, the unfathomable Chaotic emerald, and the mysterious black lightning, all of them grew Cain to a point that seemed to be heaven-defying.

It would be rare to find a genius with both a Divine-ranking bloodline and high innate Martial talent. It was even rare to find a cultivator with a source of energy fused into their soul's core!

Even Heavenly Venerate wouldn't dare to say they had such immense advantages during their long cultivation journey.

Moreover, despite his changes, Cain's core personality didn't change at all. His Spiritual Sea did evolve, and his mental state took leaps forward, but his drive towards the Martial Dao didn't waver in the slightest.

In fact, the drive to reach the peak of the Martial Dao massively grew. Understanding more of the universe completely broadened Cain's worldview.

Complicated subjects such as absolute freedom, life, and death, the formation of the heavens itself, and cultivation itself, Cain felt like reaching the peak of the Martial Dao can at least gain him a foothold on these subjects.

The continuous seeking of knowledge and new perspective were all fascinating to Cain.

This is why he and many other cultivators live and desperately strive forward. Uncovering the seemingly endless mystery of the entire universe!

Cain's lips curled into a blissful grin. The power running through him felt natural, as if he had simply regained what he had lost in a past life.

Sweeping his gaze around him, the world had turned equally clearer and more mysterious. He could obverse traces of Laws and the Heaven and Earth within the air but couldn't even grasp their most basic principles.

Even so, the fact he reached this state showcase the immense progress Cain made within a single cultivation session.

In the midst of Cain coming to reality, he suddenly detected Amber's Divine Aura potently shifting for a split moment before returning to a completely calm state.

Cain smirked as he watched Amber's brilliant eyes open. Quite literally, without any flowery language, Cain could see the depths of Amber's cultivation.

She took great leaps forward to comprehend the ways of the Divine. Even in her unassuming appearance, any Divine Origin genius would feel smitten by just the look within Amber's eyes.

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