The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 450 Without Remorse, Merciless

Chapter 450 Without Remorse, Merciless

A freezing cold sensation overtook Du Hu's entire being. Her mind, fraught with horror, couldn't believe anything that had just transpired.

Just how...just how did he dodge so quickly?!

Just how...just how did he break my talisman?!?

Du Hu knows with 100% certain that her Ice Destruction skill is supposed to freeze the space around her foe and penetrate their Spiritual Sea with an incomparable frost atmosphere.

The freezing of the surrounding Space Laws should've disabled her foe movement no matter what. No matter the Laws they could exude from their Inner World, the frost from her Ice Destruction skill should've completely frozen it over.

Moreover, the person locked on by Ice Destruction wouldn't have the mental capacity to summon soul energy and stimulate their Inner World. Their Spiritual Sea would be all but useless, either severely slowed down or frozen over by Ice Law's frost energy.

If Demon Tao were to face such an attack, he would've employed his best Demon cultivation art.

But not only does the skill severely limit reaction options, but it's also an ultimate defense breaker!

With this skill, Du Hu's striking power would be condensed into an ultimate singular point, allowing her to unleash an attack far beyond her limits.

Even if an Earth Law affinity cultivator with Quasi-saint level armor were to face this skill, they would still get shredded through like fragile glass.

And yet, Cain so causally got behind her, as if he directly teleported through space itself!

A delirious thought swam through Du Hu's mind. 'Could-could he-Space-control...?!'

It felt nearly impossible to think she was up against a mysterious Space Law user. But in a state close to death, anything seemed possible in Du Hu's mind.

Along with the shock of possible Space Law usage, there was also that powerful talisman connected to her soul. It would automatically activate when her life was in near-death danger, providing the power of a peak Stage Divine Star expert.

But even that was nothing compared to this monstrous genius!

With quivering hands, Du Hu attempted to grasp the bloodied blade spearing through her heart. She violently hacked up mouthfuls of blood, bits, and pieces of her organs spewing into the air. Her eyes showcased extreme unwillingness of how her attack was so easily beaten.

Holding onto his Spiral Sword, Cain briefly reflected on this battle. Out of all Divine Star experts, he can admit that Du Hu was the strongest he face.

Yet, this amount of power barely was enough to make him sweat. He truly needs a challenge, far above his cultivation realm, to give him a genuine thrill of a fight.

'Now' In the midst of Cain's thoughts, he suddenly detected a faint trace of ominous killing intent.

Throughout the crowds of thousands upon thousands of people, the killing intent would be near impossible to trace. But because said person let his emotions slip up and the fact that his Chaos Sense is incredibly hyper-sensitive, it was possible for Cain to just barely detect this person.

Moreover, this person felt distinctly similar. This caused a devious thought to flash through Cain's mind. In any case, Du Hu was a dried-up oil lamp just waiting for death. And those that want to kill him, no matter who it was, will never have a bright end.

At this time, the surrounding audience as well were in a mix of shock, horror, and awe!

"Wha-what was that last move?! How did Lee even dodge that?"

"Even out here, it felt like there was no way to dodge that skill! Is Lee's natural speed truly that fast?"

While many of the younger and senior Zhou members were confused, several of the very old Elders were fraught with horror.

One of the Elders, a mighty Divine Ruler, silently whispered to the Elder beside him.

"I-I can't tell what energy he used. But...I was able to tell that space simply wasn't able to withstand Cain's slight movement. He grasps a far higher mastery over space that allowed him to easily escape a space-locking Martial Skill. How terrifying..."

The Elder beside him slowly nodded. "Lightning Laws alone is enough to be very worthy of praise. But to think, Space Laws? There's no telling how far he can go! Now then, I wonder if Lee wi-"

Before the Elder finished talking, a change that shook everyone's worlds occurred before the whole battle arena.

No pity or remorse could be seen on Cain's face. His lips even curled into the faint of a smile.

Pouring Inner World energy into his Spiral Sword, causing the blade's rune markings to quiver, Cain released powerful strands of essence all throughout Du Hu's body!

In an instant, blood pooled out of Du Hu's seven orifices. Her mouth stayed open as silent screams of pain uttered, or at least tried to leak from her throat.

'Is-is he actually going to?!'

Many in the audience couldn't help but feel cold feet. A prime genius of a Holy Land truly was on the verge of death!

Even though Du Hu displayed clear killing intent throughout the entire match, nobody genuinely thought Cain would repay the favor. After all, her background is still immense!

Who would want the wrath of an Holy Land breathing down their neck? But even so, none of them seemed to register within Cain's mind.

"Tch! Will he actually go this far?!" At this point, Demon Tao shot to his feet, his body tensing to spring into action at any slightest moment.

Truthfully, if Du Hu were to die, her single loss wouldn't have an overly wide impact. She is a genuine genius with upper-tier prowess, but it wasn't too hard for their Holy Land to cultivate another genius similar to her.

No, the main fact about Du Hu's death clearly showcases that Cain doesn't fear their faction at all!

Demon Tao concluded it was more than likely that Cain and Amber knows about their specific backgrounds given the duo's reaction in their first meeting. Furthermore, it was evident to see that Cain wasn't some rashly arrogant genius, all actions he takes lead to his overwhelming victory.

Thus, Demon Tao couldn't help but believe that someone from Wen Dao's faction is supporting Cain, causing him to take extreme actions such as a death of a Holy Land genius.

If this wasn't true, then no matter how much of a genius Cain was, the Cloudsea Holy Land would be sure to severely punish Cain for killing a prime genius of theirs.

The only way for Demon Tao to truly verify the truth would be to go up and confront Cain himself. However, once again, the moment he tried to move, a sickening cold sensation seemingly gripped his entire being from movement.

At this time, in the skies above the battle stage, the light from Du Hu's eyes was rapidly fading.

As Du Hu's final moments were among her, she thought of something.

The power to overcome space, suppressing all of her moves and even a Quasi-Saint weapon, all of this was done while Cain was merely an Early Stage Great Divine Sea warrior. Plus, every action of Cain was too casual, as if he wasn't putting any real effort into this battle.

Just where does his real limit lie?

Just how terrifying will he grow in the future?!

If Lord Wen Shao doesn't come down to kill either Lee or Xun, they both will utterly annihilate his whole faction!


A sickening, wet impact reverberated in everyone's ears.

Du Hu's head completely burst open like a watermelon as Draconic Lightning essence utterly overwhelmed her internal body.

Charred brain fluid and blood flew into the wind, but none of the gore managed to stain even a slight spot on Cain's body.

Pulling his Spiral Sword out, Du Hu's headless corpse crashed straight towards the ground.

Cain was indifferent as he wiped the blood from his Spiral Sword. Staring down at Du Hu's cold corpse, a light of appraisal gleamed across his eyes.josei

Those in Wen Shao's faction could very well give him a challenge, provided their cultivation bases were high enough. Though people continue to call Du Hu this 'prime genius', Cain was fairly certain she couldn't be more than a high Inner Ranking disciple.

Zi Yan had even informed Cain that Inner Ranking disciples are only around from Mid Divine Star realm to Peak stage Divine Stars. The freakish genius above them is sorted into various special categories.

Still, a genius like Du Hu showcased considerable potential. Cain could admit that if Du Hu had the opportunity to burn all of her blood essences and stimulate more of that blue Katana power, it would've been considerably troublesome. Thus, he took the opportunity to kill Du Hu in one stroke.

As for taking Du Hu's possession from her spatial ring, Cain didn't want to incite Wen Shao's faction too much, at least not yet.

As for sparing mercy to the ones that want to kill him, Cain obviously won't stay his hand.

If people want to plot and scheme against him for his death, then it is inevitable that their roads lead to death!

Cain's ruthlessness only increased with his higher cultivation realm. To fulfil his own ambitions, stepping over corpses of other freakishly powerful and ambitious people was an automatic necessity.

Even though Du Hu was dead, Cain didn't actually recall his prowess. His eyes swirled around, a faint smile hanging on his lips, waiting for a specific person to finally erupt.

A cold presence, even more chilling than Du Hu's Ice Laws swarmed through the crowd. Many of the weaker cultivators didn't even dare to meet his lightning-filled eyes.

Blood dripping off his Spiral Sword and a corpse beneath, Cain seemed like a lightning god of death.

In this moment, Cain finally heard the horrified cries of the crowd.

"He-he actually killed a Holy Land genius?! Without any hesitation?!"

"This-this is far too wild! Doesn't he fear any consequences?!"

Even though people had a feeling it was going to occur, it was still immensely jarring to see an important youth like Du Hu butchered like a helpless animal.

To kill someone with such a status without even blinking an eye caused many to feel a chilling sensation grip their soul's core.

Cain, however, didn't pay attention to any of the crowds. His eyes never moved an inch as he locked gazes with one singular target within the massive audience.

Only a few seconds after this invisible stare down, a chilling killing intent locked right upon Cain.

A sickening Divine Aura suddenly swept through the audience. Numerous Divine Star cultivators felt their skin crawl under this Divine Aura. All threw their eyes over to see a black light shooting out from the stadium and into the skies.

The black light revealed itself to be Demon Tao. Upon his face was a calm expression, but his gaze was cold as ice. He unhesitatingly stared into Cain's lightning-filled eyes.

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