The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 453 The Second Layer

Chapter 453 The Second Layer

All of Cain's improvements with the source attainment paths and the increased borders of his Spiritual Sea allowed him to touch upon a new level of Draconic Lightning essence by just flowing the energy out of his Inner World.

Truthfully, Cain could've reached the 2nd layer of the Draconic Lightning Art long ago, ever since the mortal realms.

But with so many complications that made a mess of his journey, Cain had no choice but to put it off in favor of other stronger cultivation arts. Now, after years of accumulation and many evolutions to his entire being,

Cain was ready to improve his Draconic Lightning Arts.

Clenching his hand and releasing his soul energy, Cain smoothly controlled his Draconic Lightning to completely freeze up. No thunderous booms that can shatter the eardrums or crack small sections of space. The lightning nearly seemed peaceful.

Cain's hands then moved at a rapid pace, flashing through numerous hand signs. In his Spiritual Sea, the essence of the Dragon Lightning Arts circulated, providing Cain with the next instructions on how to flow Draconinc Lightning essence.

His soul energy dug deeper into Draconic Lightning essence, far deeper than what he could achieve before.

With a deeper connection, Cain's lightning control improved at rapid rates. By the end of his hand signs, the Draconic Lightning essence from his palm began to slowly change. It morphed into a particular image of awe-inspiring proportions.

Seconds later, the Draconic Lightning converged into the faint image of an immemorial Dragon!josei

On his own, Cain wouldn't be able to create an image so intricate. It wasn't that his imagination was lacking, but rather, he simply did not know how to flow his energy to create such an image.

This is one of the many reasons why the essence of a cultivation art is so important and valuable.

The essence of the Draconic Lightning Arts was a blended mix of past cultivators' comprehensions. Like any cultivation art, the past cultivators poured all of their Spiritual Sea essence and soul energy into a jade scroll that any cultivator can learn from.

When comprehending a cultivation art, a cultivator will receive information that their Spiritual Sea can process and then apply to their cultivation.

General cultivation arts provide cultivators with auxiliary abilities, such as the ability to refine the energies of the universe into the body. This can greatly increase the speed of one's cultivation compared to naturally comprehending sources of energies and then absorbing them inside the body.

Other arts and the more common ones are similar to Cain's Draconic Lightning arts. Manuals that actively enhance a cultivator's strength.

The Draconic Lightning Art is ranked as a 1st Grade Divine Art, but its origin is a bit special. At times, Cain wonders if this art was a higher grade than people realize.

Draconic Lightning Arts initially came from an ancient ancestor of the Huang Dragon. This ancestor had reached the peak of the Divine Ruler realm and had a very high chance of breaching the Holy King realm.

However, due to some mysterious accidents, this ancient expert met an unfortunate end before he could exhaust all of his Martial potentials.

Even with his untimely end, the ancient Dragon still put his all into passing down a great legacy.

The ancient Dragon had actually sought out a Holy King level master who was proficient with Lightning Laws. Combining every ounce of his condensed blood essence with that master's comprehension of Lightning Laws created the Draconic Lightning Arts.

The first stage of the Art consisted of a cultivator fusing Draconinc Lightning essence through their very bloodstreams to generate the Draconic Lightning Aura.

It sounded simple on paper, but Cain knew just how torturous the bloodline fusion process was.

Furthermore, the fusion process was just the beginning.

Afterward, one has to comprehend the 40% of Draconic Lightning essence within their bloodstreams to absolute perfection. Achieving this would allow a cultivator's Spiritual Sea to broaden, alleviating to a degree where they could comprehend more powerful and complex Draconinc Lightning essence.

Cain already comprehended the 1st layer of the Draconic Lightning Art, a long time ago. Now, he was breaching beyond the 1st layer, increasing his comprehension to 40%.

Forming the faint phantom Dragon was the first showcase of his improved comrphension.

After forming the phantom Dragon, Cain's hands flashed again, this time, at a slower rate. More soul energy was released as Cain's expression became intently focused.

Without the roaring thunder of lightning, complete silence engulfed the courtyard.

It was only minutes later did a change started to occur.

'Hm?' Amber slightly shifted. The sound of lightning slightly crackling seemed dozens of times louder under this silence.

But more important than that, she could just faintly detect a potent force discharging out of Cain.

Amber kept her eyes closed as she scrunched up her face. 'This is? I wouldn't dare to call it life, but this force is more potent than what normal Law essence feels like. It's like a flower starting to boom into nature.'

It was almost hard to believe such kind of sensation came actually come from the roaring force of Lightning. But as Cain continues to prove, the principles of lightning are far more complex than what appears on the surface. Amber held nothing but praise for Cain as she focused back down on her Spirit energy training.

At this time, the phantom lightning Dragon was around half complete. While not at its full potential, the half Dragon phantom rippled out a vigorous force.

40% Draconinc Lightning essence was a mix of the vibrant force of a Dragon blood and a Holy King master's Law of Lightning power. Both vibrant forces relate to the overall vital essence fueling any life form. It's about generating stronger vitality within oneself, enhancing their body, Spiritual Sea, and soul by numerous degrees.

This is why Cain needed to at least formulate half of a Dragon phantom that exudes the faintest sense of life. It showcased his perfect mastery of 40% Draconinc Lightning essence.

Upon the Dragon phantom half completion, Cain's Spiritual Sea subtly quaked. His mind broadens as cracks split open the borders of his Spiritual Sea and then considerably increased.

Merely a few hours have passed and Cain has already comprehended the Draconic Lightning Arts second layer!

Upon completion, Cain's soul energy practically became a vacuum. It greedily pulled 40% of Draconic Lightning essence from its jade scroll, absorbed it into Cain's body, and began fusing it into his bloodstream.

The scroll containing the Draconic Lightning Art is quite literally made up of the Inner World essence of both high realm cultivators. Even if it was only one cultivator creating a cultivation art, these scrolls will contain an infinite supply of essence for anyone to absorb once they properly comprehended that layer of the art.

Compared to his first day absorbing Draconic Lightning essence, Cain had an incomparably smooth.

His Spiritual Sea wasn't under any stress or pressure from directly absorbing Draconinc Lightning essence. The principles within energy continue to improve his Spiritual Sea's perception abilities even as he already comprehended the threshold for the 2nd layer.

It was genuinely remarkable how the principles of both Dragon god blood essence the Laws of Lightning so seamlessly fused together. Almost as if this was meant to be, like it had always existed this way since the dawn of time.

For a Dragon like Cain, his Spiritual Sea started to feel pleasurably relaxed the better his Draconic Lightning comprehension turned. It was a direct connection from his own bloodline and soul that caused the perfectly comfortable sensation.

As for the physical pain, with Cain's highly amplified Divine body, he could very well tolerate the agonizing sensations. He didn't have that amazingly comfortable sensation from Spiritual Sea, but no longer could lightning pain intensely affect Cain.

As time flew by, the half phantom Dragon rapidly dispersed. At that moment, a monumental change occurred within Cain's palm.

Deep blue flashes of Draconic Lightning crackled from Cain's palm, directly contrasting the energy aura already shrouding him. His pupils similarly contained the same deep Draconinc Lightning flashes.

The sensation of blissful enlightenment swirled Cain's Spiritual Sea. Cain's body shook, and he felt as if his entire Spiritual Sea quivered.

It was only a faint realization, but one that put things in perspective about the principles of Draconic Lightning essence.

As Cain had previously guessed, the roots of Draconic Lightning weren't as simple as a cross between it and Lightning Laws.

For sure, Divine Lightning Laws and Draconic Lightning essence hold numerous identical energy principles. They both are nearly the same origin, after all.

However, the differences come with the fusion of Dragon blood essence and Lightning Law essence. It was a concoction of two forces that only grew with power over time.

The energy principles within the blood essence of a Dragon god and the principles of the Law of Lightning perfectly complimented each other and mixed into a unique evolution.

One can say that both energy forces practically mutated into a new source of energy, being able to generate their own specific set of energy principles.

In the 2nd layer, Cain needs to now comprehend more of the properties of Dragon god blood and Lightning Laws.

Given his advancement with Divine Lightning Laws, this was a straightforward task.

The complications come with the Dragon god bloodline.

As he is now, Cain at least comprehended enough to where he could absorb 40% of Draconic Lightning essence. But for the future, he will need to greatly improve his bloodline perception.

Cain realizes that this isn't only for his Draconic Lightning essence, but also for the general improvement of his entire cultivation.

There is still a tremendous amount of untapped potential slumbering within Cain's Dragon bloodline. If he can further his comprehension of this, both his prowess and Spiritual Sea's perception abilities will be broadened by an immense amount!

But just like with Chaos energy, this was a process that couldn't be rushed.

Step by step would Cain need to slowly perceive the principles of his Dragon god bloodline.

For now, Cain focuses entirely on finishing the bloodstream fusion process.

A few more hours passed.

At this time, Cain's entire energy aura transformed into the far darker shade of Draconic Lightning essence. Simultaneously, all of his Inner World energy completely compressed into the darker Draconic Lightning aura.

Pulsations of powerful Lightning Laws and Draconic power soared from Cain's body. His prowess suddenly rose to its very peak!

The mere release of his aura smashed tiny sections of space. It engulfed the courtyard and directly disturb Amber's Spirit energy training.

Her red Spirit energy dispersed as her eyes flashed open, instinctive alarm running through her pupils.

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