The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 497 Law Training Field

Chapter 497 Law Training Field

Pausing for a moment, Amber smirked at Cain this time and said, "Let's not focus on me anymore. After all, you're the battle maniac between us. I can already guess you'll be in those training fields while I'm gone, right? Have any plans on starting more chaos?"

Cain lightly chuckled as he stood up. "You should know I only become aggressive towards those who are just asking for it. If those geniuses are willing to accommodate, I don't mind having a civil discussion. Although, I certainly would prefer battling it out."

Since the Law Training Field is one of the most helpful resources to all Martial cultivators, Core disciples would regularly be seen going.

Facing the stronger half-step Divine Rulers filled Cain with a great amount of excitement. He was really curious about seeing the true limits to half-step Divine Ruler prowess after all of his thoughts.

Amber lightly snorted as she stood up. "Well then, let's not waste daylight. I also have quite the itch to improve my Spirit energy."

These last few days saw that Cain and Amber barely had any time to rest. But such was the life of highly talented Martial cultivators and a World Spirit Master.

The best way to improve is through diligent, hard work. Slacking off for any period of time can greatly stall one's cultivation.

Moreover, just like any other Martial cultivator or World Spirit Master, Cain and Amber weren't any different in feeling satisfaction from their souls over cultivating. They, like many others, dedicate their long lives to mastering their crafts, never once finding it dull or boring despite the continuous work and stress they have to endure.

Cain nodded to Amber and said, "Alright, be careful now. I doubt Juo will try anything, but you can never be too sure."

Amber giggled a bit. "I should be saying that to you since you're inevitably going to be brawling it out. But I already know you can't be touched."

Cain laughed while shaking his head. Then, he and Amber flew off from their royal house and split off in the skies.

Amber went towards the Spirit Association, while Cain flew in an entirely new direction, heading directly towards the Law training fields.


In a little time, Cain reached the clouds that had the transmission array leading toward the Law training fields.

Any other time, when wanting to go through a transmission array, it was a simple process. He would simply walk right into the cloud and allowed his entire being to be engulfed by its energy.

However, this time, making it to this transmission array wasn't so simple.

Cain didn't feel anything until he was mere meters away from the transmission array. At this distance, a sense of pressure flowed over his body as if it was trying to wrap him in a cocoon.

Intense and various energy sensations assaulted his Spiritual Sea at the same time. Everything, the pressure, and the source sensations came all at once.

It forced Cain to pause and collect his bearings. He simply closed his eyes while flowing soul energy throughout his entire body.

The pressure evaporated as Cain slowly perceived the invading energy sensations.

He dealt with it with amazing ease. Not like he was undergoing a strenuous test. But more of an opportunity he was using to enlighten himself.

Unknowingly, Cain's calm state was caught by passing disciples.

These disciples were all considerably high in the Inner Rankings, yet they didn't dare to approach close to the transmission array.

In fact, these disciples stayed a set 200 meters away. Though, even at this distance, everyone's eyesights were enough to see Cain as clear as day.

One of the disciples audibly gasped. "Martial brother Lee is just making this seem so simple! I even saw top-ranking Inner disciples struggle to get through the initial Law pressure."

Indeed, the pressure descending upon Cain was completely normal. To be able to train, Cloudsea obviously wants to push their disciples far beyond their extreme limits.

It would only be a waste to have disciples with limited potential experience the best they had to be offered. They would only be a distraction to the real, massive talent of the sect.josei

Thus, in order to gain access to the Law training fields, one must be able to both understand its mere release of pressure and then push right past it.

All of this was easier said than done.

Even Mid-Stage Divine Star experts would be greatly fatigued under this Law pressure after only a few seconds.

The energy principles wouldn't be anything Divine Star or Divine Ruler cultivators hope to match. From both complexity and density, it felt like an entirely new realm of power.

Thankfully, one only needs to successfully comprehend a small portion of this Law pressure to make it through. The Spiritual Sea would be able to directly control a small flow of the surrounding Law sensation and create a path toward the transmission array.

Making it past this Law pressure would demonstrate a deep Inner World foundation and exceedingly high Spiritual Sea perception abilities.

As the group of disciples watched on, another one said, "I Can only imagine the Core Senior disciples doing just as well. But even then, I can recall, the Eldest Martial siblings on the core ranking struggling. Senior Martial brother Bo spent hours his first time trying to pass the pressure. And he was giving it his all!"

p "Not just the core seniors, even the direct seniors can't fully say they can breathe through the Law pressure. Just how much talent does he have?"

The comparison between Cain and the other core disciples and even the Supreme Elder's direct disciples was only growing large by the day. Just how would a monstrous talent like Cain compare to those already cultivating for dozens of years?

The lower-ranking disciples honestly couldn't deny the excitement.

One of the other disciples suddenly said, "Say, when he does past the pressure, do you think he's going to straight towards and face the Core Martial Seniors? It's pretty obvious he would go to the Lightning Field, so that would mean..."

"He's going to face Senior Martial brother Tao and Senior Martial sister Wen. Those two have been practically the king of that area for years now. It seems like the situation is about to change!" An eager disciple said.

"I can't even remember the last time either of those Martial Seniors fought seriously. Even across our city, barely any other half-step Divine Rulers can challenge them."

"That's why they're called the young Lightning Lords. Even the Eldest Core Senior need to treat them seriously."

Complete reverence was in every disciple's tone. Though the young Lightning Lords may not be Divine Decree Lords or Supreme Elder's direct disciples, they absolutely can't be underestimated.

None of the top 10 of the Core-ranking list can't be underestimated. It's widely accepted that if anyone of the top 10 were to reach the Divine Ruler realm, their prowess would even eclipse the old Divine Ruler Elders!

These are extreme geniuses that stand at the top of society. Typically, other geniuses would find it hard to compare others with them.

But all that changed with Cain's overwhelming talent.

Every action of a great genius like Cain would mean change is inevitable on the horizon. Moreover, Cain wasn't just an uprising genius. He had genuine, powerful connections that can shield him from any consequences of acting so daringly.

Only an uprising star like this can cause unrelenting change across the Holy Land.

At this time, Cain had finally flung his eyes open. No strain or stress could be seen on his face. Any confusion sensations in his Spiritual Sea have cleared away and the pressure slightly constricting his body had vanished.

Without wasting a second more, Cain flew right into the transmission array.

The sensation of space twisted and pulled Cain through dimensions. Blinking his eyes, Cain felt a bit enlightened at this new scenery.

Waves of pure Divine Essence and a multitude of Source Law essence permeated the entire atmosphere. Compared to the outside world, the essence of energy within this area was dozens of times intenser. Almost felt like gravity had increased by dozens of times, forcing any martial cultivator to stop and adjust themselves to the new atmosphere.

A normal cultivator would need to meditate upon these essence energies and at least comprehend its surface-level energy principles. Upon doing so, one would be able to relieve themselves of the increased gravity and probably absorb the essence energies.

As for Cain, he merely needed to perceive the essence energies for a few seconds before the intense gravity cleared away.

Because he already had a full handle on the initial Law pressure when coming here, it was more than effortless for Cain to apply the same principles within this atmosphere.

After clearing away the pressure, Cain took the time to analyze the scenery. He was transported to a unique-looking celestial mountain.

The mountain peaks off in the far distance all varied in appearance.

One was completely drenched in hellish flames that could burn the heavens. A suffocating pressure could be felt from just looking into the burning flames. If not careful, a cultivator could burn their eyes from the principles of the hellish flames.

Another one appeared almost similar to an island. Large bodies of water covered the entire mountain peak, making it look refreshing compared to the hellish flames. But at the same time, lulled into a false sense of security, would be trapped in a hypnotic trance from the waves.

The mountain peak covered in terrifyingly cold ice and the mountain peak shaped like several sharpened swords with utmost killing intent were all equally dangerous, yet thrilling.

However, one mountain peak stood out from the rest for Cain.

The mountain peak that caught Cain's attention the most was the one completely covered in thunderous lightning. Every flash of thunder seemingly reflected in Cain's pupils.

He nearly fell into a trance for a brief moment.

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