The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 500 Absorbing The Thunder

Chapter 500 Absorbing The Thunder

The very instant Cain could grasp the atmosphere of the Lightning Law Field, the sound of roaring thunders blasted into his eardrums.

The raging lightning strike smashed right upon his palm.

However, instead of charring Cain's palm or even slightly damaging it, something incredible had occurred.

There wasn't any energy collision explosion, space tearing, or ground shaking from an overwhelming force. Only a deathly calm, even amongst the other chaotic lightning strikes all around Cain.

With utter ease, Cain had actually caught the Lightning Law Field's strike!

His Divine Sense had already comprehended the single lightning strike before it even landed on his palm.

When the Lightning strike connected, a thin stream of soul instantly shot through the Lightning strike and grasp its most complex energy principles.

Staring into the now calm lightning strike, Cain's mind began to wonder. He wasn't entirely sure if the rules were different here. But on the outside, it's heavily discouraged to absorb source Law energy principles from the environment.

One reason why is that a cultivator's Spiritual Sea perception ability simply isn't enough to comprehend these Law principles. The Environmental Law principles are far too chaotic and unfiltered. The Force behind it can completely ruin even grandmaster cultivators' Spiritual Sea.

A destroyed Spiritual Sea was nearly a fate worse than death. That Martial cultivator or World Spirit Master would be a permanent idiot until death! They would be no different from a human vegetable.

Another reason stems from that even if a Martial cultivator could comprehend the Source Law principle, the energy principles within it would still be far too destructive to efficiently make use of.

The chaotic energy principles came from a place above the skies and were filled with a destructive force that could make legendary Heavenly Venerate existence sweat.

Of course, inside a Law training field, these Source Law principles lack that immensely powerful destructive force.

But as they are potent recreations, the force inside is still enough to tear apart even top-tier disciples.

However, Cain had an overwhelming advantage. The Chaos energy in his soul and bloodline!

In an open field, Cain didn't want to take the risk of using the Dragon Charm. His Chaos Sense vaguely hinted that there are far higher existences keeping tabs on this area.

But the Dragon Charm simply isn't necessary.

Cain surged his soul energy to become a suction force. The Lightning strike began to rapidly flow into Cain's palm, soon disappearing out of sight in only a few seconds.

In that moment, Cain paused. A tingling feeling went down all the way to his toes.

The Lightning strike rippled out potent energy principles that tried rampaging through his body. But, before it could truly start, brilliant green lights flickered from Cain's veins. His Chaos energy automatically surged as its green lights engulfed his entire internal body.

A powerful suction force rapidly absorbs the Lightning strike into Cain's veins mere moments later.

Under Chaos lights, the Lightning strike had completely changed. Anything potentially dangerous or destructive was wiped away through the sheer overwhelming force of Chaos energy.

What was left was pure Lightning Law energy principles. This pure force had directly fused into Cain's bloodstream.

On the outside, Cain's body slightly quivered. He felt that both his Spiritual Sea borders, Inner World foundation, and tenacity of his bloodline slightly grew.

The connection he felt towards the Lightning Law Field increased to new heights.

Snapping his fingers, Cain could now produce small wisps of natural lightning principles.

It appeared for only a split second, but that snap of lightning rippled with power surpassing that of Middle Stage Divine Star warriors!josei

A small region of space had slightly locked from snapping Cain's finger. That kind of power could be done by Middle Stage Divine Star experts unleashing a powerful Martial Skill.

Cain stared at his finger in no small wonder. Numerous thoughts swirled through his mind. He only needed a few moments to order his mind as soul energy coursed through his entire being.

'That single strike had slightly empowered the power of my Draconic Lightning and my Inner World Law marks. Absorbing more can't cause my base cultivation to increase. But my comprehension abilities will continually increase, my bloodline will strengthen and the energy within my Inner World will grow denser! Plus, with this connection to the atmosphere...'

Cain's eyes glinted. His soul sense communed with the atmosphere, and his soul energy had spread into the atmosphere.

The combination of pouring soul energy into the atmosphere caused the surrounding Lightning Law Field to stimulate. Thunderous roars that can shatter eardrums once again covered the region.

Another powerful lightning strike aimed straight toward Cain's head. Once again, holding his palm out, this time Cain created a small bolt of Draconic Lightning.

The Lightning strike precisely fell upon this small bolt of Draconic Lightning. And just like last time, an incredible scene occurred.

No loud energy collision or potent shockwaves stormed the area. The Lightning strike simply flowed directly into the Draconic Lightning bolt.

Upon absorption, a faint shine sparkled from the bolt. A greater amount of dense energy principles rippled from the Draconic Lightning bolt, instantly increasing its raw power output.

Cain nodded with a satisfied expression and dispersed the Draconic Lightning bolt. 'As expected, I can call upon Lightning to further enhance my attack and still slightly increase my foundation. Of course, I can only have such an easy time since the energy principles in this graded field aren't highly complex. But, even if it is a Heavenly Grade field, I'll adapt within just seconds.'

Cain wasn't boasting just to boast. The longer he stayed in this Lightning Law Field, the broader his Spiritual Sea becomes and the better his Lightning Law compensation becomes.

Even with only a few seconds of being here, Cain could already feel where the more complex lightning energy principles were.

Looking up into the skies, Cain smiled, his body starting to float slowly at first before gradually climbing to great speeds. He didn't stimulate his Inner World too much. He simply used enough to fly forward with great speed.

Unprotected like this, he allowed any random lightning strike to smash upon his body.

This insane style of cultivation could only work with Cain. Every strike of lightning that smashed upon him was absorbed and further enhanced every aspect of his foundation.

Like this, Cain flew across hundreds of miles in just a couple of minutes.

Below him, thousands of other lower stages Divine Star disciples suddenly look towards the skies. Each of them felt an odd premonition pricking their souls. It felt as if an unstoppable force was tearing through the skies, annihilating every and all lightning like a god!

However, when looking at the skies, only the most talented of disciples in this field could just barely spot a streak of blinding blue light.

These disciples were either at the top of the outer ranking or low to mid on the inner ranking at best.

None of them could understand just who that genius was. But when barely detecting that genius' lingering energy principles, many felt a sweeping fear.

"Such Lightning Law control! It was like he was controlling everything around him to his very whims. Is it the young Lightning Lords? But, they always spend their time in the Heavenly Grade field?"

"That-that honestly doesn't feel like the young Lightning Lords. Whoever that was has a terrifying understanding of Lightning Laws if he can manipulate the atmosphere. I never saw the young Lightning Lords do that so smoothly!"

"Could it be? Could it be him...?"

A thought simultaneously streaked through disciples' minds. They all had the same person in mind, but nobody dared to speak up.

At this time, Cain had already reached the borders of the mortal grade field. He didn't stop as he barreled right through the edge of the space.

Instantly, Cain felt the sensation of space pull him into another dimension. He smoothly transitions right into the earth-grade part of the Lightning Law Field.

The Lightning energy principles were more complex here. But Cain comprehended the surface-level energy principles within just seconds.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that in the mortal grade field, he had completely master nearly all of its Lightning energy principles. He had used mere minutes, but it wasn't enough to enhance his comprehension master by numerous degrees.

As of now, it became simple for Cain. He merely needed to apply his previous experience to a slightly new equation.

After adjusting himself, Cain didn't stop and quickly flew off, still letting random strikes of lightning smash upon his body.

More intense lightning energy principles swarmed through his body and Spiritual Sea. High intensity that could melt the inside of a Divine Star expert body couldn't stop Cain in the slightest.

As Cain flew, the Chaos energy within his blood burst out and directly absorb the physical energy force. There wasn't a single issue that the intenser Lightning energy principles brought.

Every aspect of his internal body, including his bloodline, was enhanced to a far greater degree.

Not just his internal body, Cain's Inner World foundation gradually deepened. His already highly dense Inner World grew to a level no other genius would be able to understand.

This was great might of Chaos energy. Something that no other genius or high cultivation master would ever have access to.

No matter how much more intense, dense, or complex an energy principle becomes, nothing can block the unstoppable force that is Chaos energy.

At the same time, Cain's Spiritual Sea rapidly comprehended the mental force of the Lightning energy principles.

Unlike his body, he didn't have Chaos energy to instantly perceive Lightning Law principles. However, he wouldn't need it in the first case.

His previous experience already gave Cain ample amount of comprehension to rapidly perceive earth-grade Lightning Law principles.

Similar to other parts of his body, Cain's Spiritual Sea perception abilities grew at an alarming rate.

Cain's base cultivation wasn't improving. Yet, his already terrifying personal strength grew to even greater alarming levels.

A faint blue light swirled around Cain's body. His speed began to subconsciously increase from the sheer amount of lightning strikes he continued to receive.

In the mortal grade area, the disciples there were far too low of a level to detect Cain's insane way of cultivation. They all only felt as if there was something greatly worrying that flew past their heads.

But in the earth-grade field, the higher talented cultivators here could just barely detect a force that was heavily manipulating the Lightning Law principles in the atmosphere.

As their Spiritual Sea perception ability was higher than those of before, they were far more sensitive to any little change in the atmosphere.

These disciples tossed their gazes to the skies and were soon treated to a bewildering sight. They all only had a second to catch a speeding blue light that tore through multiple lightning strikes like it was nothing!

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