The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 515 Nether Ice Spirit

Chapter 515 Nether Ice Spirit

This time traveling in the jungle region, Cain chose a route in the opposite direction of the Lake Of Stars.

At first, the trio could still detect other groups of cultivators and Dao Beast wandering the area. Traces of energy collision had even vibrated the air from time to time.

But the longer they went on this specific route, the less populated it became.

Five minutes into this route and the trio couldn't sense a single other soul.

Cain stopped using chaotic teleportation at this point. He dispersed the Lightning barrier and took the lead at the front.

Both Cain and Amber were completely fine as they walked through the eerily quiet jungle.

Only Jin Ya appeared slightly concerned. She journeyed many times pre her Holy Land days. To wide-open plains filled with bandits and Dao Beast, mysterious Spirit jungles crawling with traps, and the darkest caves that have untold danger.

But for some peculiar reason, this part of the jungle made her skin slightly crawl.

Some of the trees were entirely coated in a sickly blue glow. The light shining off these trees would give one a strange sense of nausea.

Dead bushes and plants littered the plant they traveled on. It was as if this part of the jungle haven't been explored in years.

Above all, the most ominous aspect was the absolute silence. Even the air seemed to have gone deadly silent.

Jin Ya had her Divine hearing heightened to its maximum. But all the sound she can hear was the crunching of her, Cain's, and Amber's footsteps.

At times, Jin Ya swear she even heard a slight tap on the trees or a dead bush just meters away from them.

Every time Jin Ya would look over, nothing but the eerie silent jungle would greet her vision.

Jin Ya had to surge some of her soul energy just to quell her nerves. She then transmitted to the duo, 'Before today, I did some more research about this Demonic Dao Spirit. I've heard despite their biases and hatred against everything that isn't them, they are sinisterly intelligent. Their records prove that a Demonic Dao Spirit had even tricked a legendary Heavenly Venerate existence. Nether Ice Spirits are known to trap their opponents without them even realizing it. Could we be...?'

'You don't have to stress too much, Martial Sister.' Cain lightly spoke. 'These Ice Spirits are just a slightly larger threats than the regular cultivator. The only troublesome thing is their special abilities.'

Amber spoke up into the conversation, lightly giggling. 'Amusing about this is that some of these Spirits can end up with completely useless abilities or one so overpowering. Those who have those useless powers end up just hiding them in shame. It's like a blessing and curse for them.'

Cain spoke next. 'The Spirit we're going for isn't anything too special besides its massively high prowess. I've already made several plans around this Spirit. It's just a manner of finding him at this point.

'I see. You two really overly prepared,' Jin Ya commented, feeling her intrigue park. 'Martial brother and sister really work hard. In fact, all I have ever seen you two doing is training. I won't pry into other matters, but do you two invest time into something else? I'm curious. Other people sometimes tell me I shouldn't be this determined about my cultivation.'

Cain gave a good chuckle. 'People who say that just have a different mindset than us. For you and I, Martial Sister, exploring the Heaven and Earth, and exploring the Dao is our passion. I can enjoy my time with other things, but cultivation gives me soulful satisfaction. Amber is the same way, just with Spirit energy. Us being like this helps our Divine Will become better forged.'

Hearing this made Jin Ya subconsciously smile. More tension left her body as she explained, 'It feels good to be with like-minded people. I can always safely say there's never a dull moment in cultivation.'

Amber suddenly snorted in jest. 'You guy's intensity would be too much for others. Some days I wonder how even I can keep up with you.'

'Without me, everyone else would be intimidated to talk to you. You have traits just like her, you know?' A smirk etched its way onto Cain's face as he spoke.

As Amber rolled her eyes and Jin Ya kept a small smile, the trio continue their light conversation as they continued deeper into the route.

They were subconsciously on edge, but also silently anticipating for the action to come.

Minutes into their travel, Cain suddenly stopped, causing Amber and Jin Ya to tense up. The moment they stopped, the trio felt a shiver crawl up their spines.

Everything suddenly switched up in an instant. Chilling frost suddenly covered the trees and the ground for miles. The atmosphere instantly dropped to an absolute freezing temperature.

Cain narrowed his eyes as his itch for battle began to surge. 'So it thinks it has the perfect ambush, huh?'

Cain, Amber, and Jin Ya watched as the whole area started to rapidly turn into a frozen wonderland.

Terrifyingly cold ice started to spread as if it was a mutated virus. It engulfed the frosty trees and the ground, stretching right beneath Cain, Amber, and Jin Ya's feet!

At the same time, misty frost descended upon the area. Mysteriously, complex energy principles rippled from the misty frost.

If an ordinary Peak Stage Divine Star cultivator were to stand on the ice, their legs would be completely frozen. trapping their movements.

At the same time, the frosty mist energy principles would invade their Spiritual Sea, confusing the target's mind to the point it would be difficult to gather their energy.

For a brief moment, Jin Ya certainly felt a horrifying cold rise up her legs and her Divine Sense become a jumbled mess from the frosty mist.

But in that moment, Cain's Divine Aura abruptly rises. He waved his hand and unleashed a stream of Draconic Lightning essence infused with Chaos energy.

The Draconic Lightning essence converged around Jin Ya, forming an impenetrable barrier. Inside the barrier, Jin Ya felt the freezing sensation vanish and her Divine Sense return to normal.

She then heard Cain's transmission, 'Stay there and focus your Divine Sense. You may be able to learn something from this fight.'

Without hesitation, Jin Ya promptly went into a meditative state.

At the same time, Cain and Amber narrowed their eyes forward. They watched as two powerful Divine Auras erupted from between the trees.

Energy principles infinitely close to the Supreme Divine Law levels swirled throughout the area.

Two half-step Divine Rulers were the ones who ambushed the trio!

Blinding blue flashes illuminated from the sides of trees. Out from the sides of the trees, two extremely long ice pikes soared towards Cain and Amber, respectively.

The ice pikes violently distorted the space where they flew. They locked square on the duo.

Frosty mist spread from the ice pikes. Particles of frozen air appeared wherever the frosty mist could travel to. The ice pikes' speeds were lightning quick, surpassing the standards that any peak Divine Star cultivator's Spiritual Sea could possibly react to.

Even a half-step Divine Ruler would feel immense dread just from this single attack!

In the face of the violent ice pikes, Cain coldly smirked. His spatial ring ignited and his Dragon Swift Sword appeared in his palm.

At the same time, dazzling electricity danced out of Cain's eyes. Draconic Lightning Aura, Chaos Spirit Force, and the power of his Soul Form erupted to a full 70%!

A thunderous explosion rattled the ground, creating a force that directly split open cracks in the ground.

The region of space around Cain heavily distorted. Tiny cracks could be heard. Cain's sheer overwhelming power began to break open regions of space!

Dense and complex energy principles engulfed the frosty mist atmosphere, completely overpowering it!

Cain casually swung out his Dragon Swift Sword, his speed leaving an afterimage behind.

A harsh black light coated the Dragon Swift Sword. Its Dragon runes pulsated with power as Cain assimilated his boundless Inner World energy into the blade.

Two small bolts of electricity soared out of his blade and violently smashed upon the ice picks.

Even before clashing, the ice picks were violently pulsating, as if they were on the verge of collapse. The fundamental Law Suppression was far too much.

Without any resistance, the Lightning bolts smashed the ice picks into tiny light particles.

Cain didn't stop his assault. The very moment he destroyed the ice picks, he took an invisible step forward, teleporting right where the ice picks came from.


Two horrified voices sounded in Cain's ears. In a brief moment, Cain got a good look at who had ambushed them.

Two humanoid creatures with eerie blue skin had swiveled around in absolute shock. Their faces seemed like humans, but their pupils were only a swirl of Ice essence energy. Patches of their skin and hair as well were actually pieces of crystal ice.

Cain indifferently glanced between these two. 'So it's true. It really can create perfect clones of itself.'

Killing intent surged from Cain's eyes like a thunderous storm.

At this time, Amber was calm as she turned to her right. Her Divine eyesight focused and could witness a humanoid figure standing just a few hundred meters away from her.

This creature had the exact same appearance as the one Cain had encountered.

The difference was that this creature had pure ice crystal swirling in its eyes and larger patches of ice coating its body.

Before Amber was the original Nether Yin Spirit. Its powerful half-step Divine Aura savagely rippled out of its body.

An expression of clear disgust, hatred, and caution mixed on its face.

Amber was unaffected by this Spirit's expression or potent Divine Aura. None of its Ice energy principles could affect her body in the slightest.

"Let's get this over with." As Amber spoke, an eerie black glow engulfed her pupils.

Her spatial ring ignited, causing a red glow to appear on her palm, which then took on the form of her Red Noble Staff.

Armed, Amber erupted the power of her Soul Form to 90% and completely opened up the power of her Inner Spirit World to its full capacity!

Red Spirit energy spewed from Amber's body, converging into a dark, gleaming energy aura that drowned out the area.

Dense and complex Spirit energy principles rippled from her Spirit Aura. The combination of potent Spirit energy Law principles directly dispersed the swirling frosty mist's principles around her.

With ease, Amber calmly matched the power of a half-step Divine Ruler, surpassing both its density and complex energy principles!


The Nether Ice Spirit gripped its fist and clenched its jaw. An overwhelming Spirit pressure smashed on its body. Breathing became harder and its mind became severely disturbed.

'Shit! How can I actually run into two freaks at the same time?!'

For a moment, the Nether Ice Spirit locked its fiendish gaze onto Jin Ya meditating in the Lightning Barrier. Insidious ideas floated in its mind as it viciously glared at Jin Ya.

But at this time, Amber gently raised her Red Noble Staff.

"Spirit Webs." She softly called out.

Luminous red lights spewed from the tip of the Red Noble Staff. Ripples of Amber's potent Spirit energy Law principles swirled into the atmosphere before the attack was even unleashed.

The principles range went at light speed, covering the whole hundreds of meters between Amber and the Nether Ice Spirit.

The Nether Ice Spirit suddenly felt an ominous sensation. Danger that threatens his life alerted his very being.

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