The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 525 Advantages Of The Soul

Chapter 525 Advantages Of The Soul

Jin Bo transmitted to Sun Wei, 'So those two are the ones, huh? With how confident they look, it's almost like they're not treating any of us seriously.'

'That's because they have the qualification to do so. When Lee first beat Xu Tao, that was months ago. Since then, he trained nearly every day in the Lightning Law Field. Even now, my Divine Sense can't detect anything from his natural presence. It's all a confusing mist.' Sun Wei patiently explained.

Sun Wei naturally had no goodwill towards either Cain or Amber. But it would be pointless to deny cold, hard facts. Cain had already displayed greater talent than all of them when first beating Xu Tao. With all of his relentless training, just who knew how far his cultivation grew by now?josei

At the very least, Sun Wei could admit he's not a match for Cain.

Jin Bo just had to indignantly grunt in agreement. His eyes flickered over to Amber and Jin Ya. Disdain emerged in his gaze when specifically studying Jin Ya.

'I can understand why Xun will still come. That Spirit energy makes her far more valuable than any of us. But why the hell did they get that random disciple? From what I heard, she's only slightly special among other mid stages, but that's about it. Don't tell me those rumors are true?'

Sun Wei slightly narrowed his eyes at Jin Ya. A multitude of thoughts swirled through his mind. But all he said was, 'Even if it is true, so what? Not like we can use this to our advantage since Xun is practically latched to Lee at all times. And she rarely talks to anyone that isn't a World Spirit Master. Besides, wanting to disrupt their personal lives will only be more harmful to us. Look, just ignore those three and focus on making it to the top.'

'Hmph. Fine.' Jin Bo coldly snorted. Though his dark intentions never faded from his mind.

At this time, Cain, Amber, and Jin Ya had ignored all others and were causally talking among themselves. They were telepathic, so they had free rein on their topics.

Cain was just explaining, 'Remember now, it will be best to study with your Divine Sense than barrel to the top. I'm not sure which master is going to spread their Dao principles down, but it will be difficult to bear. Even for us. And I'm sure I don't need to say anything about the others.'

'Of course, Martial brother. I will take your advice to heart. As for others, I would've never become successful as a wandering vagabond if comments can affect me.' Jin Ya earnestly spoke.

At this point, Amber had briefly jerked her gaze to their back, causally noting the pointed stares at them. She turned back around with a light chuckle. 'You know, if more people were like you, Martial sister, I actually wouldn't mind going out sometimes. At the very least, you're easy to get along with.'

'You're too kind, Martial sister. I just give the best I can no matter what situation I am in.' Speaking so casually like this made Jin Ya's hidden tension and nerves gradually ease.

Since Cain and Amber can treat a life-changing event like this so causally, she knows she needs to take a similar calm approach.

Being calm would have Jin Ya's Divine Sense be much more sharper. She would be able to take in the environment than focus on surpassing everyone else.

A few minutes passed as everyone patiently waited for the start. The disciples at least believed there would've been some pre-warning before the beginning.

However, they wouldn't get such a luxury.

Abruptly, completely out of nowhere, every challenger disciple experienced an immense change. A sensation drilled into their entire beings. It heavily assaulted every inch of their minds, bodies, and souls. Their minds were tossed in a jumble scramble.

Nobody could understand anything about what was happening!

Sun Wei's group struggled to understand, and Jin Ya was wrapped in confusion as well. Only Cain and Amber felt a very faint feeling.

This wasn't the celestial mountain's runes' sensations. But something far more potent and high with complexity. It surpassed their current Spiritual Sea, being a sensation that's practically a new dimension of life.

In this dimension were unfathomable energy principles. Energy principles that could twist and destroy solar systems or even small galaxies!

Only Cain and Amber could make a deeper analysis because of his Quasi-grandmaster attainment levels.

Not even a Holy King can exude such an immeasurable sensation. This could only belong to the Dao energy principles of an existence extremely close to a Primal Soverigen grandmaster!

At this time, the surrounding audience sensed a shift in the atmosphere. Sensations of vaguely intense energy principles rippled to them, but not on the same level as what the challenger disciples felt.

Still, all the Holy King Elder's eyes brilliantly flashed at this vague sensation. They simultaneously muttered, "Very close to Primal Sovereign, the half-step realm!"

The Holy Kings Elders realized to a greater extent that this selection competition will surpass that of the old. It would be far more vigorous for the disciples, but will also birth the rise of extremely talented disciples!

Suddenly, a plain voice echoed in the atmosphere. It traveled throughout the Void Space, engulfing everything for minds.

Divine Ruler Elders and lower realm cultivators all felt their hearts intensely thump just from this all-encompassing voice.

"The competition begins now. You all have 30 minutes to reach the top of the celestial mountain."

"30 minutes?!?"

The challenger disciples were completely bewildered.

Sun Wei muttered in rising horror, "But why? From what text and the current direct disciples told, we would always get at least 2 hours? Why so limiting now?!"

His despairing sentiments were shared all across the challengers' disciples.

Everyone who came evidently did their own research. And it was to their utter dismay that things had so abruptly shifted from the past.

Jin Ya couldn't quell her nerves. Even Cain and Amber creased their brows at this strict time limit.

Truthfully, crossing over a country-size region in an hour was something perfectly possible for even Early Divine Star warriors. Their Law energy principles can weaken the surrounding Space Laws, allowing their traveling speed to tremendously enhance.

However, now, in such an environment where there's an immense pressure suppressing one's Laws, the difficulty of attaining such speed had increased by thousands of folds!

Cain and Amber drew a silent breath. Their Inner Soul Space surged. All of their 600 Soul Law Marks pulsated, gushing out streams of rainbow color soul energy.

The soul energy spread throughout their entire body, providing instant nourishment. The duo felt their tension evaporate and the unfathomable Dao energy principles pressure had greatly eased up.

In that brief moment, the duo scanned themselves over. Pleased smiles found their way onto their faces.

This has absolutely nothing to do with their Spiritual Sea's perception abilities.

But because of the high level of their Inner Soul World with all of their Soul Law Marks, it gave Cain and Amber access to 50% of their Inner World power even under half-step Primal Sovereign Dao's pressure!

In a way, this challenge was greater than that of when they first tried to join Cloudsea Holy Land.

However, because of their high soul attainments, Cain and Amber actually had an easier time managing this challenge.

Cain even had the leisure to transmit to Jin Ya. 'What you're facing right now are Dao energy principles from at least a half-step Primal Sovereign. Simply focus on what I taught you about the soul and study the atmosphere with your Divine Sense. Take your time.'

Jin Ya would've jumped if she wasn't tightly bound by the atmospheric pressure. Her eyes flickers as memories swirled through her mind.

When Ren Bao had first gifted the Soul Nourishment Art, he never expected to get it back. In fact, he wanted Cain to keep the Art indefinitely.

However, Cain was much kinder than he could've expected. His comprehension of the soul far surpasses the likes of Ren Bao and Jin Ya. The soul energy principles Cain could exude were slightly more helpful than simply studying the Soul Nourishment Art itself.

One day, Cain decided to occasionally give pointers about the Soul to Jin Ya.

Of course, these pointers were immensely difficult for her to grasp. Jin Ya had zero attainments with the Soul before this. Everything she sensed from Cain was a deeper, confusing mist than any other energy principles she experienced before.

Feeling outclassed by a new sensation didn't upset Jin Ya. Instead, it lit a fiery spirit within her Divine Will. She placed her utmost efforts into studying the soul whenever Cain would introduce it.

Currently, her soul progress is still snail-like. But when compared to other Divine Star experts, she had taken giant steps ahead.

Jin Ya closed her eyes, focusing on her soul's core. She precisely controlled soul energy to flow through her entire body. Though it wasn't at a monumental level like Cain and Amber, Jin Ya began to feel a slight layer of the Dao pressure ease up.

Cain smiled at Jin Ya's sudden change. He then turned over to Amber, the duo trading knowing looks.

Seconds later, Draconic Lightning rippled from Cain's body. And Shadow Laws that had red lights flowing throughout exuded from Amber's body.

Their essence energies pulsated profound energy principles that connected right into the atmosphere.

Cain and Amber creased their brows. Their Spiritual Sea suddenly underwent considerable pressure. The sensations of Greater Dao could still heavily disturb their Spiritual Sea despite all of their new advancement.

But Cain and Amber didn't let loose their focus. Cain flowed Draconic Lightning essence and Ice Law essence into his Spiritual Sea. Both essence energies gradually drilled into a tiny portion of the Great Dao's sensation in an attempt to control it.

The same process occurred in Amber's Spiritual Sea. Only difference was that she utilized both Divine Shadow Laws and Red Spirit Energy Laws.

As their essence energies drilled into the Greater Dao sensations, Cain and Amber split off soul energy to flow into their bloodstreams. They used only a second to activate their mysterious black lightning!

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