The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 536 Effortless

Chapter 536 Effortless

Cain faintly smiled. He casually flicked his Draconic Lightning Sword, sending it straight toward Lan Rui.

With a flick of her palm, Amber tossed her Spirit Web toward Lin Zui.

Both Lan Rui and Lin Zui narrowed their eyes. To be safe on the side of caution, they pulled out 40% of their Inner World power! Yet, they actually felt so stuffily suppressed!

The duo had the mind of increasing their powers. But the moment Cain and Amber tossed their essence energy attacks, they perceived it would reach them in a split second!

There was no time to even consider stepping it up!

Lan Rui gripped her Ice sword, causing its Law Runes to sparkle, and tossed it out with overwhelming strength.

Lin Zui clenched his Azure Wind Sword, stimulating its Law Runes, and violently threw it with extra might.

Supreme Divine Law's energy principles rippled the atmosphere. But it couldn't suppress Cain and Amber's essence energy at all.

Even before clashing, the Ice sword and Azure Wind Sword slightly trembled.

With a loud clash, the Ice sword and Draconic Lightning Sword smashed into each other, instantly exploding on impact!

All of the Ice sword's energy force was wiped away by the Draconic Lightning Sword! Only a little bit of energy force remained from the Draconic Lightning Sword, but it dispersed into particles of light.

At the same time, there wasn't a loud crash from Amber's side. However, the Spirit Web had instantly covered the Azure Wind Sword.

The Azure Wind Sword couldn't budge an inch. Red Spirit energy easily penetrated into it, suppressing all of its energy principles. A split-second later, the Spirit Web lightly burst, causing the Azure Wind Sword to burst into particles of light as well.

Silence, complete and utter silence, filled the area. Seconds later, realization gradually kicked in for everyone.

Lin Zui and Lan Rui had the most dumbfounded and equally horrified expressions in their entire lives!

Lin Zui couldn't help sputtering out, "You-you two!!"

After all, his exaggerated reaction, who could really blame him? Even the Primal Soverigen grandmasters had trouble finding their words.

Even though this was just a casual attack, it was still the power of Supreme Divine Laws! Energy principles of a True Great Dao!

And yet, nothing went into expectations.

The power of a Divine Ruler not only couldn't suppress Cain and Amber's powers, but it was also instantly defeated by them!

A thought suddenly streaked through everyone's mind. Even the Supreme Elders couldn't help but think so.

Could Cain and Amber be Divine Mortals?

In that moment, Cain and Amber had a split-decision to make. That was to either to let what they did go or downplay their achievements.

Truthfully, Cain and Amber had the mind to utilize their Quasi-Saint Weapons to counter the direct disciples.

However, as it was just a casual exchange of moves, the duo believed there was no reason to take out their weapons. It would just be seen as too aggressive.

Furthermore, neither Lan Rui nor Lin Zui were unleashing their full powers. Their attacks would be far lower than even their usual limit.

Thus, Cain and Amber counter with their own causal attack, simply hoping to match them. Pinpointing the weakness of their energy flows should've tipped the scales for the clash to be more equal than wholly dominating.

Cain transmitted to Amber, 'If we let them assume we're Divine Mortals and reveal our identity, we can be protected. But, we also run the risk of inviting attention from unwelcome parties. I don't doubt for a second there are people even in this Holy Land who wouldn't want threats like us to rise.'

'And I don't even want to imagine what would happen if some vicious Heavenly Venerate comes after us. Nobody can save us then and it will just be luck if that Heavenly Venerate is good or not.' Amber added on.

Though the situation was serious, the duo stayed serenely calm. Them talking to each other already allowed them to make a decisive choice.

Cain spared just one look at Amber. Their gazes matched and their eyes glinted. Their choice was made.

Before anyone else could speak up, Cain clasped his fist once again and said, "What an enlightening experience, Martial siblings. Truthfully, we're glad you've decided to be so lenient. I'm sure to actually have a chance to fight you, we would need our Quasi-Saint weapons at great comprehension."

His words awoke everyone from their stupors. Their Divine Minds started to work at normal capacity again.

Indeed, what Lan Rui and Lin Zui utilized was only a small portion of their abilities. No cultivation arts, Martial weapons, Dao Origin, or other special abilities were used.

In a full fight, how could Cain and Amber match all of that without external aid?

Elder Gao regained his calm with a small smile. "Juniors achievements are indeed tremendous, but there are still quite some ways to go until you are on Divine Ruler level. Even the greatest of Divine Decree Lords can't hope to cross over this level without the appropriate cultivation base."

At this point, Elder Xi suddenly smiled. She even started to chuckle. Her beautiful voice caused everyone to instantly pay attention to her. "Lee, it is not necessary to downplay you and Xun's achievements. I can attest the results may be unclear in a full battle. However, let me ask this. Do anyone here know of Great Divine Sea cultivators who can match Divine Rulers with Martial Weapons? After all, Martial Weapons, while they indeed amplify the density and complexity of a cultivator's energy principles, they are unable to completely transcends a higher realm on their own. To transcends a higher realm, that all depends on the cultivator's base abilities."

Elder Rian's and Gao's eyes brightly lit up. Because they would need to rely on Martial Weapons instead of their base abilities, they couldn't be Divine Mortals.josei

But in their own way, the duo could be faintly counted as pseudo-Divine Mortals!

Elder Rian held a deep gaze at the duo. He quietly sighed a moment later, saying, "It appears even after overestimating both of you, we all still underestimated you. I fear even the top Divine Decree Lords are inferior to two's future."

A tremble ran through Lin Zui's body as he heard this. Looking at Cain and Amber now, their figures became more and more mysterious. He simply didn't know what to think of them.

Lan Rui was far calmer in direct contrast. Though, her gaze was more curious toward Cain. She couldn't put her finger on it. But she swore there was some familiar sensation about Cain's Divine Aura.

At this time, Cain didn't hear Yulong speak up, but her eager voice mentally transmitted to him, 'You really are a Divine Mortal of legends! I've heard from my grandfather that not even the current Divine Mortals or most of the ancient Divine Mortals can cross the Divine Ruler threshold! You and Sister Amber are more freakish than I thought...'

Cain nearly snapped his gaze around to Yulong. Doesn't this just confirm his earlier suspicions? Divine Mortals really aren't what they're cracked up to be!

Out of all sources of information, Cain was more inclined to trust an important figure of status from a Heavenly Great World.

All Heavenly Great Worlds stand at the summit of the universe. But the Celestial Dark Dragon Heavenly Great World is publicly known to have been around for two full eras! Their history dates back millions upon millions of years.

If one couldn't trust their vast array of knowledge, where else should they go?

​ Cain was half-tempted to question Yulong more right there. However, at this time, Lan Rui clasped her fist with respect and even gave a slight bow.

"I am the one who was enlightened Martial brother. I hope we can fully exchange moves in the near future."

Not one to be left behind, Lin Zui also clasped his fist and gave a slight bow. Although, his tone came out as more strained when saying, "Martial Sister's Spirit attainments really is something others could only look up to. I hope I can also fully exchange moves in the near future."

Cain gave a hearty chuckle. "If you want to exchange moves, I'm always willing to accommodate. To train with Divine Rulers is already a great pleasure. Martial Sister Lan's Ice Laws is simply a marvel."

A smile that Lan Rui couldn't stop found its way onto her face. Even Cain's ordinary appearance had an inexplicable charm. She gently said, "You jest Martial brother. I was in marvel of your Lightning Laws."

"I think it's safe to assume we are all in marvel of each other! It'll be nice to get to know each other more." Yulong suddenly cut in, her smile brighter than them all.

In that split moment, Cain's Chaos Soul Sense detected a faint change in both Lin Zui and Lan Rui. They both tensed ever so slightly, causing their Divine Auras to fluctuate.

Towards Yulong, their tones went up a slight pitch. Lin Zui hurriedly agreed. "Indeed. I look forward to the future."

"Mn. It would be better to build relations." Lan Rui added on.

Just from that small interaction, Cain could tell that the direct disciples were completely aware of just who Yulong truly was. Yet, there was still no news of Yulong anywhere else.

Asking outright wasn't a clever idea, so Cain put this thought to the back of his mind for now.

At the same time, his Chaos Soul Sense detected another slight oddity. He didn't dare to gaze over at Elder Ma. But through his senses, he could detect a strange sensation from her mysterious aura.

Cain didn't know what to call it. However, he was sure there was something unnatural about her aura. Perhaps it was because of her unique Breath of the Great Dao?

Cain found that hard to believe when considering that Elder Rian, Gao, and Xi's mysterious aura didn't have any strange sensations.

He may know nothing about the Primal Sovereign realm, but Cain was absolutely sure that the profundities of Chaos energy far surpassed anything at the Primal Sovereign realm.

Still, with no way to bring up the topic, Cain put it to the back of his mind. He wasn't going to forget as Elder Ma is a close sister to his current master. Helping Elder Ma would be beneficial to everyone.

That was all for the future, however.

For now, Cain engaged in pleasant, light discussions with the other direct disciples. Even Amber chimed in once in a while.

At the same time, the Supreme Elders all held their own discussions. None of them even needed their souls to alert them. It was more than obvious that not just the future of Cloudsea Holy Land, but the entire Winthrop World will be heavily influenced by Cain and Amber in the far future.

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