The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 548 Ancient Withered Ice World (2)

Chapter 548 Ancient Withered Ice World (2)

Lan Rui's and Lin Zui's expressions turned a bit serious. They would need to expend considerable efforts to get rid of the ice hurricane itself. Then killing the Ice Spirits off would be a troublesome task if one decided to run off.

Ideas ran through Lan Rui's mind. But she came upon a perfect plan within a split second. Her eyes glinted a chilling icy glow.

However, before she could say anything, Cain's and Amber's Divine Aura erupted!

The snowy ground shook as space violently vibrated. Chaos Spirit Force, Draconic Lightning Aura, and the power of his Soul Form all surged to a full 70%.

The Dragon Swift Sword simultaneously appeared in Cain's hand. The mighty emperor of lightning had awakened from Cain.

At the same time, the power of her soul form, her bloodline power, and energy from her Inner World had all surged into Amber's Inner Spirt Space. Her Red Noble Staff simultaneously appeared.

Golden lights swirled out of Amber like a majestic queen!

"Go-gold World Spirit Master?!" Lan Rui, Lin Zui, and even Yulong's eyes open wide.

None of them knew Amber was hiding an extreme depth like this!

Cain and Amber didn't give anyone a chance to think, however.

The Dragon Swift Sword surged out an ominous black light. Trickles of Draconic Lightning spewed out.

With a blinding flash, a dark bolt of Draconic Lightning tore straight at the Ice Hurricane.

A blinding golden flash lit up the area at the same time. Streams of Gold Spirit energy flew towards the Ice Hurricane.

Draconic Lightning principles and Spirit energy principles superimposed on top of each other! Double energy principles instantly suppressed the combined Ice Law essence energy!

The Ice Hurricane violently trembles before even clashing. Every Ice Spirit's body quivered as if they were experiencing a sensation close to fear.


No fancy or dramatic explosion overturns the world. The Draconic Lightning bolt and Gold Spirit energy sliced right through the hundreds of feet Ice Hurricane!

Down to the tiniest light particles, the Ice Hurricane dispersed into nothingness.

Meanwhile, the Draconic Lightning bolt and Gold Spirit energy continued flying through the skies before suddenly dispersing.

When the crushing had ended, neither Cain nor Amber stay idle.

Cain didn't look back as he exclaimed, "Kill them!"

His whole body suddenly vanished. Cain took an invisible step forward, teleporting right next to a random Ice Spirit.

This kind of speed was too much for even geniuses like Lan Rui to react to, much less an ordinary Early Divine Ruler!

The Dragon Swift Sword slashed down at demonic speed. Little resistance couldn't hinder the blade speed at all. Chucks of ice splattered out as the Dragon Swift Sword cleanly cut through the Ice Spirit's neck.

An overwhelming energy force surged through both the Ice Spirit beheaded head and body, wiping away its soul completely.

The Ice Spirit couldn't even comprehend how it was killed.

At the same time, another stream of Gold Spirit energy whirled from Amber's Red Noble Staff. A terrifying slaughtering intent burst from the Gold Spirit energy stream.

In an instantaneous flash, the slaughtering Spirit energy appeared right next to another random Ice Spirit.

Such speed was less than Cain's. But more than enough to still surpass a mere Early Stage Divine Ruler!

Nothing could impede the Gold Spirit energy. The stream brutally tore through the Ice Spirit's head, instantly destroying its soul.

One strike, complete annihilation!

Those two kills finally jolted Lin Zui and Lan Rui as if they were electrocuted by thunder from the heavens.

"Only ordinary...but they still were Divine Rulers..." They both muttered simultaneously. Even a slight chill crept through their souls.

Evidently, the duo's prowess since months ago improve beyond their comprehension. But now wasn't the time to gawk.

Lin Zui and Lan Rui surged their Inner Worlds, gathering their Supreme Divine Laws. Condensed energy principles converged upon their palms.

Igniting their cultivation arts, a gleaming icy sword sprouted from Lan Rui's palm.

While a sharp, Azure Wind blade whistled out of Lin Zui's palm.

These two didn't hesitate. Their bodies were streams of light as they rushed down the remaining Demonic Ice Spirits.

Before Yulong's very eyes, a slaughter of Divine Rulers wrecked the area.

Snow and ice continually filled the area. Large craters cracked open the ground from the powerful energy forces.

Yulong's mind was enlightened. With her eyesight, she could barely see Cain and the others move around. Their Law understanding made it seem like they were instantly teleporting all around the place.

But even so, Yulong focused her mind. Her Divine Sense flowed into the atmosphere, perceiving the various energy principles. Even the tiniest of energy principles was a new wonderous sensation for her.

Within the charm bracelet protection, no shockwave could harm a hair on Yulong's body. It was evidently far stronger than the one she had when witnessing Cain and Amber's first duel.

Mere minutes later and Yulong suddenly detected Cain and the others recalling their powers. Her eyes blinked to see that not a single one of them suffered any injuries or even looked a bit tired.

Almost as if this was just a Sunday stroll from them.

Yulong happily praised, "We geniuses really are terrifying. Absolutely nothing could've stopped your combined forces!"

Lan Rui's eyes similarly lit up as she gave the duo a look over. Truthfully, wanting to defeat an ordinary Early Stage Divine Ruler is a simple task for her.

But killing a Divine Ruler would cost an extra amount of effort.

Supreme Divine Laws make it much easier to tear through space and make a hasty getaway. Furthermore, it would be tough to cleave through a Divine Ruler's powerhouse innate defenses because of their energy principles properties.

However, when Cain's and Amber's energy principles dominated the atmosphere, the Ice Spirits were considerably suppressed!

It still took Lan Rui some amount of effort to kill her target. But in the end, things wouldn't have gone nearly as smoothly without the duo's overwhelming energy principles.josei

Thus, Lan Rui had a small, but grateful smile while saying, "It was a good, combined effort. But, the main force is all on Martial brother and sister. Just that Ice Hurricane would've been trouble for me and Lin Zui together."

At this point, Lin Zui, who was staying silent, suddenly jerked. A trace of weariness flashed across his eyes when staring at Cain and Amber.

But he didn't stall his words, saying, "Right. With Martial siblings leading us, this will be a successful trip."

The same plain smile curled Cain's and Amber's lips. Truthfully, even they were a bit surprised at how much they grew in these past months.

Though, when considering how high-tier their abilities are, they believed it was only natural.

Amber is more so focused on the amusing reactions of their teammates. She mentally transmitted to Cain, 'With how much of a show you put on, it really is like you want admiration straight from their hearts. Oh, and that Lin Zui fellow is quite envious and fearful of us.'

Cain nearly rolled his eyes. 'You've become quite teasing as of late. You know I just can't help it. It'll be their decision in the end, anyway. As for Lin Zui, even as a threat, it'll be more than easy to eliminate him.'

'Mn. Well, don't let me stop the inevitable from happening,' Amber mused to him.

Placing distracting thoughts to the back of his mind, Cain set his sights back on the previous route they traveled. "If the enemies in this region are just like this, then there's no need to take it slow. We can pick up the pace a bit. There should be a cave nearby here."

His other teammates silently nodded. Each one of them wholeheartedly put their faith in Cain's leadership.

Cain took the lead as he began swiftly flying through the snow. Right behind him were the trails of lights of his teammates.

With his picture-perfect Spiritual Sea, Cain followed the map's route to absolute perfection. He and his team's traveling speed rapidly increased to hundreds of meters within a split-second.

Mere minutes passed and the group already traveled a great distance.

Knowing that they were close, Cain squinted his eyes. His Divine Sense enhanced, noting that miles away was a considerably large snowy cave.

Nothing was around the snowy cave besides frost and ice. It was too suspicious to not believe a trap was around.

Cain did utilize his Chaos Sense to detect a presence deep underground in front of the cave. But what he detected didn't leave him concerned at all.

He continued flying straight forward, fully confident in facing danger. Plus, this will be a suitable time for him and Amber to truly test out their new combat prowess.

The group tore forward without any fear. Within seconds, they already traveled several miles, inching closer to the lone cave.

Only hundreds of meters away from the cave did Cain finally stop. The others similarly halted, their awareness rising to maximum level.

Slight confusion started to emerge on the other members' faces. Lin Zui searched around like a hawk, but no sense of danger enter his Spiritual Sea. He cautiously said, "Martial brother? Is there something we can't detect? So far, it appears this area is completely safe."

"Not quite." Cain casually smiled.

He didn't explain anything as he leaped forward, getting incomparably close to the cave. His feet sink into the snow as he landed.

The other team members were puzzled. But in that moment, a powerful pulse of Divine Aura swirled through the atmosphere for miles!

Their eyes, even Amber's eyes, slightly widen. The density and complexity of this Divine Aura were far higher than those Ice Spirits. It even eclipsed what Lin Zui and Lan Rui can exude!

The ground violently trembled. Large fissures cracked open across the snowy floor.

A loud tear reverberated throughout the area. Dozens of meters in front of Cain, the ground had burst open!

Out from the ground came flying an enormous creature. The creature's huge body solidly smashed into the ground, the sheer force of its weight quaking the ground and trembling the space around it.

"Wh-what is that?" Lin Zui's startled voice called out. He, Lan Rui, Yulong, and Amber all puzzledly stared at the newly emerged creature.

It wasn't quite like the Demonic Dao beast or spirits they witnessed before. This creature had an imposing stature of over ten meters tall, like a fearsome giant that can squash any ant-like Divine cultivators.

Luminous ice covered its entire bulky body. Its face looked viciously ferocious. Glows of Ice essence energy continually spewed out of its eyes.

A weaker cultivator taking a single look at its demonic face would completely freeze up from fear and suppression of Laws.

Above all, this ice creature's Divine Aura was monstrously powerful!

Even from afar, Lin Zui and Lan Rui felt slightly pressured. Lan Rui slowly muttered, "I've read about Ice Golem? These creatures apparently have Laws Runes engraved directly onto their body! This one appears to be at the peak of Early Divine Ruler."

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