The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 593 Lan Rui's Request

Chapter 593 Lan Rui's Request

Cain was silent while taking in Yulong's intriguing information.

Out of all the Heavenly Great Worlds, the Celestial Dark Dragon Great World is basically inevitable for him to go to. Even without his connection to Yulong, his bloodline is that mystical link to that Great World.

Those True Dragons would be coming to him even if he didn't come over.

Cain was now internally glad that his bloodline practically stands above even other Divine Tier bloodlines. He wouldn't need to put in too much of an effort to convince those high and mighty dragons. And those that are unconvinced could just be suppressed by absolute strength.

Going to the Heavenly Great Worlds just became that more intriguing for Cain.

After a moment of silence, Yulong suddenly spoke up again. Her tone was a bit more tentative this time. She asked, "Hey, can I ask for a favor? If you can do it, I'll be sure to make it more than worth it."

There wasn't that usual flavor to Yulong's tone. She was a bit more serious this time.

Cain was instantly intrigued. "Go ahead and just ask. No reason to tiptoe around."

"Right, then I'll just say it." Yulong's eyes brighten. "You see, I've been doing research ever since I had first arrived here. Back in my homeland, there is a certain item that's apparently hidden across the high realms of the God Galaxy. It's called the Spiritual Black Charm. And recently, with help of my Supreme Elder, I managed to find nearly 100% valid rumors of the Spiritual Black Charm being around us. I would go and search myself, but my cultivation is simply far too low. And Elder Rian is just too busy to go by himself. But you, with power equal to Holy King masters, would have a greater chance to verify these rumors."

"Oh? Powers equal to Holy King masters? But you haven't seen me fight yet?" Cain smilingly asked.

Yulong snorted in amusement. "Do I really need to see a miracle to believe that you can do it? No, I don't. And don't worry, I really mean what I said. If you can help me with the Spiritual Black Charm, I can give you an honor position within my Great World. You would have access to the most top-tier training realms and resources!"

"Is that right?" Cain's smirk slowly turned a bit mischievous. "Would you accept another request? I mean, I can think of more pleasurable ways for us to enjoy this reward."

He wiggled his arms between Yulong's soft breasts. That incomparably soft feeling was bliss. Electrifying sensations shock through both Cain and Yulong's bodies.

Cain's smile only grew wider. A slight heat spread from his lower half.

While Yulong's eyes became a bit daze. A greater burning heat flared from her loins and soul. Her smile transformed. From innocently bright to a mistress of seduction.

"And do you think I'll just shy away?"

That dazed look and seductive smile on Yulong's face were truly tempting. Even Cain, with his steel Divine Will, needed to surge his soul energy to calm his rising desires.

It was truly tempting to do so now. But he didn't want to go down this way.

Thus, Cain snuggled closer to Yulong and shook his head. "Alright, I got it. I'll take you up on that honor position, but I'm sure we can come back to this."

Yulong joyfully giggled, her voice ringing like silver bells. "If you don't do it, I'm sure I will!"

As Cain was about to continue the flirtatious banter, a mental pulse rang in his mind. He accepted the call and soon heard the cool voice of Lan Rui enter his mind.

'Martial brother Lee? A word with you? If you have the time?'

'Oh?' Cain was instantly intrigued. Amber would come to him for favors, Yulong for bloodline cultivation, and Jin Ya for guidance on Divine Laws.

But he can't remember if Lan Rui willingly contacted him on her own. That time with Starry Earth Realm was a spur of the moment. She was even embarrassed just to ask for help at that time.

Seeing how she took the initiative for the first time promptly told Cain this was a potential, serious situation. He responded in honesty. 'Ok. I'll come over now. I was just finishing my cultivation with Yulong.'

'Just...come over to my place, martial brother.'

The line instantly went died after that.

Cain had a slightly wry smile. If he didn't know any better, he would've thought this was some sort of secret lover's meetup.

But Lan Rui's personality simply isn't like that. Though the thought of it was entertaining enough.

Cain didn't make an immediate move. He basked in the blissfully soft sensation of Yulong's beautiful breasts.

Although, it wasn't Cain that took the initiative to speak. Yulong had never taken her eyes from Cain when he went strangely silent. As she saw a clearer look returned to his eyes, she spoke up with a smile, "Wait, let me guess. That was...Lan Rui, right?"

"Hoh? What? You can just tell who contacted me from my face?" Cain smiled in amusement.

"I mean, we have been doing this for months. Your expression undergoes shifts when it concerns your women." Yulong smiled with utmost pride.

Cain simply curled his brows. He calmly asked, "My women?"

"Ah, never mind that!" Yulong forcefully shifted topics. "So just why did the ever-serious Lan Rui call out to you? She's too prim and proper for anything like that."

"My thoughts exactly. But she didn't say over the line. I'm assuming it's something severe, so I'll be taking my leave now."

Cain may have said these words, but he truly did feel it was a pity to let go of such a pleasurable position.

"Ah, oh well..." Yulong easily relented. She slowly pulled her body away with a teasing smile. "I think it would be best to not keep the prim woman waiting. She's probably all antsy right about now."

"Mn." Cain silently nodded as he and Yulong's dragon phantoms disappeared.

With one last parting word, Cain took a step forward and teleported through the Void Space. He only used to quickly travel into the skies.

For the rest of the way, he flew, his body turning into a faint streak of luminous lightning lights.

He had already mapped out the route to Lan Rui's residency. It merely took him a few minutes to get close to her quarters.

Before coming in, a slight pulse swept over Cain, identifying and then vanishing away.

Cain continues to fly right in, swiftly landing inside Lan Rui's courtyard.josei

A chill promptly swept through his body. The courtyard's appearance was to Cain's expectations. Frosty snow was spread all around. Shiny lights illuminated out of the frosty snow. This snow essence was beautifully crafted from the power of Supreme Divine Laws. It exuded an atmosphere both chilly and calming.

Upon landing, Cain didn't have to look around for long. He saw and heard Lan Rui quickly approaching him.

"I should've expected for martial brother to show up so quickly. You're diligent to a fault." Lan Rui lightly giggled.

Her smile is truly soul-stunning. As if the coldest ice flower was booming into a beautiful garden.

Cain's spirit was instantly lifted just by that smile alone. "Of course, I would come early. This should be a serious matter. mean something else?"

'Hm?' For a very brief moment, a color of pink dusted Lan Rui's cheek. But promptly afterward, her expression gravely sour.

She began to slowly speak, "Martial brother...I have a selfish request to ask of you."

There wasn't any prompt on her part. She instantly bowed to her knee without any hesitation. The proud and mighty Lan Rui only felt it was right to prostrate against an noble figure like Cain.

In this position and before Cain could react, she asked, "Martial brother, the place I want you to travel with me is full of danger. Holy King masters will be everywhere. And you have only just broken through into the Divine Star realm. But I request of you, can you travel with me to find the life-vein root?"

Lan Rui is typically a proud genius full of pride. She would only ever bend a knee to her master or her sister.

But this position in front of Cain felt strange. As if there wasn't anything wrong with kneeling to him. The sensations felt completely natural. Lan Rui nearly fell into a trance.

In direct opposition, Cain furrowed his brows.

"First of all, don't do this."

Cain instantly moved. He forcefully helped Lan Rui up to her feet.

She appeared a bit disgruntled and shocked at how quick Cain moved. But made no attempts to stop him.

The duo was in close vicinity of each other faces. Yet, there were only solemn expressions plastering them both. Their eyes gazed deep into each other souls. Nothing about this felt odd or strange. It all felt natural.

After a few silent moments, Cain seriously asked, "Just tell me what's going on?"

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