The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 99 - Stopped Again

Chapter 99 - Stopped Again

A strange feeling Cain didn't quite know how to describe swell in his chest. This definitely was the first time he was teased and complimented for his blood specifically. 

It was intriguing to actually consider. One's bloodline would become increasingly important the further one's cultivation grows. 

The more powerful a bloodline, the more special innate advantages one can have. A pure, potent blood is probably one of the best compliments he can receive.

Cain was just about to banter back when a sudden heavy thought streaked into his mind. 

He kept his expression neutral, completely fooling Amber. But internally, his mind ran at sonic speeds.

Should he reveal his Draconic heritage? 

Cain immediately knew that answer. He must keep this as an absolute secret until he gains absolute strength! 

There was a chance that Cain was potentially being paranoid. But he would rather be safe than sorry. 

A vague, ominous feeling crawled into his heart about revealing his Dragon heritage. The amount of attention he would receive then would be too astronomical to handle.

He has no tight, proper connections in this City. If some ancient monster of a cultivator were to scheme against him, he and Kali would be in a precarious position. 

All the talent in the world can't save against absolute strength.

The blood of a pure Dragon can have these Lower Realm cultivators go positively greed with envy. They wouldn't care about honor or any sort of pretense at all.

Cain equated to how in his previous homeworld when certain famous products came out, many people would use any sort of means to gain it. 

Whether it was considered ethical by their societal standard rarely mattered.

All these thoughts streaked through Cain's mind in a mere moment. He didn't give a chance for Amber to become suspicious, shifting his indifference to a faint smile, saying,

"I suppose that just comes with the perk of a Heaven-Defying Talent. But in any case, that's pretty amazing. A full-fledged Vampire! I was always intrigued by other mystical Races like this. And thinking about it, I suppose this adds to the reason why your reputation greatly exceeds the Academy."

While strolling through Azure Lightning City with Amber, Cain couldn't forget the number of stares they all received. 

And most gazes landed specifically on Amber. 

With a quick sweep of his Spirit Sense, Cain could tell those watching and whispering about Amber weren't weak at all. Furthermore, each of them had a great level of reverence for her.

Virtually, Cain managed to rescue an uprising star the whole City is aware of. In the future, he won't be surprised if even more attention is placed upon him because of their connection.

The thought sounded like trouble. But Cain wasn't regretting his decision to save Amber at all. 

"Huu~. Some would be happy with such fame. But for me, this is only a curse." Amber tiredly sighed. "My Family stands at the summit of all High-Class level Families, so you know their pride is equal to the top organization. Even worse, our Vampiric lineage is apparently the noblest among all! This just means they all have additional excuses to act troublesome and boringly stuffy."

All of Amber's annoyed feelings spilled at that moment. Her face was a mix of exhaustion but also slight satisfaction. 

If someone like Leia were to see this, she would be shocked by her roots. Being so openly expressive was a rarity that even the person following her for years wasn't sure it would be possible. 

Truthfully, Amber didn't even realize she was showing a different side.

She was engrossed in the flow, legitimately enjoying talking with Cain. It felt too natural to even pick up on. 

At least for Amber, it was. 

Cain, however, took particular notice of her gradual expressive emotions. The intrigue to keep going just to see where this goes was undoubtedly there. 

His smile turned slightly more genuine as he then said, "I suppose that's why you and I have that desire for freedom and going on our own. Where I come from, my Family is rigid in their rules and standard. I don't fit in that type of world at all."

"Fufu~. I can see why….say…." Amber's eyes suddenly brightened. "Speaking of your Family, with talent like yours, you definitely shouldn't go unnoticed for so long. And yet, I haven't heard a lick about your Family? Are they not from around here?"

"Well….you can just say I traveled from a faraway place. You probably never heard of it since it's too far out. So I'm completely on my own along with my sister." Cain spoke out a technical truth.

The Azure Lightning City wasn't even the strongest City within the Elite Martial Province. Their resources of information would be far more limited compared to anyone in the 4th Ranked Province.

It was highly unlikely anyone in this City would be aware of the existence of God Galaxy. 

"I see….so you and her are all alone, huh?" A touch of sympathy crossed Amber's face.

Even though she's not fond of her family, at least she wasn't all alone like them. A new sensation began to fill Amber's chest. She wasn't sure why but her lips broadened into an uplifting smile all on their own.

She looked straight into Cain's eyes, saying, "Well, now that you're here, things will surely get far better. Ah, what I'm saying? It's already going smooth for you and her. So, how's about you stay with me so we can talk and make this tiring cultivation pass much more quickly."

Cain briefly paused to consider her offer. Initially, he did have thoughts on talking for several minutes before throwing himself into more rigorous training. 

But, his thoughts slightly swayed at this moment.

No matter how determined he is, Cain naturally couldn't stay unaffected against Amber's radiant smile. Her beauty could shake his mental defenses just a bit.

And thinking further about it, Cain didn't see a genuine reason to refuse. Making connections with Amber could come in significantly handy in the future. 

The fame wealth of these High-Class level Families can absolutely be used to his and Kali's advantage.

And above all, Cain felt a genuine drive to simply stay talk. So far in this life, he only felt this with Kali. Amber had a far more profound impact than he even realized.

"If you give me a look like that, there's no way I can refuse, can I? Still….I'm surprised you can talk so much." Cain nodded as he prepared to get comfortable in his spot.

"Mn~? Normally I don't, really. But, who knows? Maybe it was just love at first with you~? Or maybe you're just too weird to pass up." Amber so naturally teased. 

She really wanted a reaction out of Cain as she hadn't once seen his expression change from an indifferent smile. 

But she was doomed to be a bit disappointed. 

"A lazy girl like you really knows how to joke. But I can't deny that you are a joy to talk to."

Cain, of course, wasn't affected by Amber's teasing, keeping his face calm and smoothly banter back. 

He may not have been the most sociable person in his previous life, but he knew the skills for a flowing conversation.

"Oh, you~." Amber tried to casually play it off with a soft smile. But she did feel a slight flutter in her heart from Cain's genuine compliment. 

'Hmph. Alright then, Cain….let's play.' 

At that moment, Amber became increasingly determined to provoke at least one reaction out of Cain.


Hours quickly passed, soon shifting to the late evening. 

At this time, Cain and Kali had already met back up with each other and were currently strolling the Ranking field, heading straight towards Cain's house.

Neither sibling talked as they were immersed in their thoughts. 

Cain didn't get that much training done. But he did have a highly amusing time watching Amber's repeated attempts to get a rise out of him.  All of which failed. 

Occasainly, a Lightning Energy stream struck him, and he smoothly absorbed it. But it was nowhere near enough to be counted as significant progress. 

As for Kali, she was satisfied with her progress, taking much greater steps than what Cain achieved.

Now that they were going home, it felt nice for them to be in each other presence. They didn't need to talk as it was calming just being next to one another. 

However, in the middle of their walk, Cain and Kali detected an unfamiliar presence strolling towards them. 

The sibling duo paused, Kali's eyes rolling in gradual annoyance. 

"Another Mortal we should scare off?" Kali immediately suggested. She really was feeling the itch to break these students. 

The rules heavily limited her action, but Kali wouldn't hesitate for a second to break them without any consequences.

"Let's just see what they have to say." 

Getting repeatedly searched for wasn't surprising for Cain. He simply shrugged and prepared to deal with the new annoyance. 

"Cain, Kali." 

At that moment, a loud yet calm tone shouted out to them. 

The sibling duo snapped their attention over, eyes landing on a sharp-looking young man. This student radiated the bearing of earnestly determined.

His Natural Aura was at the 8th level of the Nascent Formation realm, so it could be seen that his determination is slowly paying off. 

Cain and Kali weren't impressed and simply gave this approaching student an indifferent look.

"This will only take seconds at most. My name is Tyson, and I came here to give a peace offering gift from Senior Brother Fan Fu and Leon Vegas. They both are incredibly busy at the moment, so I was the best option for this situation."

As Tyson spoke, he arrived just several feet away from Cain and Kali.. He calmly matched their indifferent gaze, staying entirely unaffected by their subtle intimidating presence.

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