The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1008

Chapter 1008

Chapter 1008

Charlie snorted and said: “If you have any clues, you must tell me the first time!”

Don Albert respectfully said: “Okay, Master Wade, I see!”

Charlie hung up the phone, turned back to Mrs. Lewis and Lisa, and said: “Mrs. Lewis and Lisa, don’t worry about the two of you. I have asked friends to help me find out that he is quite energetic. I I see some clues will come back soon.”

Mrs. Lewis said with a red eye: “Charlie, thank you very much!”

Charlie hurriedly said: “Mrs. Lewis, what are you talking about? I also came out of the orphanage. Now that the younger siblings in the orphanage are lost, I will definitely try my best to find them back!”

Lisa choked up and said: “Brother Charlie, you donated so much money yesterday. On the way back, Mrs. Lewis also said that we are going to add a set of monitoring equipment to the entire orphanage. I didn’t expect it to be today…”

Having said that, Lisa couldn’t help it all at once, and started crying again.

Charlie knows Mrs. Lewis and Lisa very well. Most of the people working in the orphanage are very kind, and they take care of these children without parents as their own children, and regard themselves as the parents of these orphans.

Now the welfare home has lost 10 children at once, which is naturally a huge blow to them.

Charlie was about to speak to comfort them, when Don Albert called.

He hurriedly connected.

I heard Don Albert say on the other end of the phone: “Master Wade, I have already asked someone to find out. Ron Richie temporarily found a friend on the road last night and borrowed a deck of Iveco. Come out, there will be no fall in the early morning.”

“Borrowed an Iveco?!” Charlie raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: “The kid who stole the kid also drove an Iveco. I guess this guy and his family did it!”

Don Albert immediately said: “Master Wade, or provide this kid’s phone number to the police now and let the police locate and arrest people based on his phone number!”

Charlie said coldly: “No! This kind of scum who specializes in poisoning children is too cheap for them to go to jail! I want them to die!”

Don Albert suddenly shuddered and blurted out: “Master, if there is any need, Don Albert will make him die!”

Charlie asked: “Can you locate that kid based on his phone number?”

Don Albert said: “No problem, I have someone on Verizon, and can investigate his real-time location information!”

Charlie said: “Okay! Now you help me figure out the position!”

Don Albert said immediately: “Master Wade, give me five minutes!”

“it is good!”

Charlie hung up the phone, immediately called Isaac Cameron again, and asked: “How many helicopters can Aurous Hill currently mobilize? How many people can each be carried?”

Isaac Cameron said: “Master, Shangri-La has two heavy helicopters, each of which can take 12 people. There is a general aviation company invested by the Wade’s at the airport, and there are three medium-sized helicopters, each of which can take eight people!”

Charlie snorted and said, “Get all the helicopters ready and bring your best manpower. Besides, you can let one of the helicopters pick me up near the Aurous Hill Welfare Institute now!”

Isaac Cameron hurriedly asked: “Master, what are you going to do?”

Charlie said coldly: “I want to walk for the sky!”

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