The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020

As soon as Ron heard this, he knew that the other party had checked all of his details.

So he squatted his head in panic: “Big brother, big brother, this is all a misunderstanding, big brother! I have offended people before, so my reputation is corrupted everywhere. I have never done anything to resell a child. It was just spread by others!”

Charlie smiled and asked him: “Do you think I am like a fool?”

Ron kept kowtow, his entire forehead had become bloody, and he begged: “Big brother, I really can’t blame me this time. This time it was all Jeff’s idea. He told me that he had an accident. There is a shortage of hundreds of thousands, because he told me that there are many children in the orphanage. He even made the whole plan for us to steal the children!”

Charlie said coldly: “Don’t worry, I will figure out the accounts of each of you.”

After speaking, Charlie questioned: “I ask you, who are you going to sell these children to?”

At this time, Ron dared not hide anything, and hurriedly said: “Brother, these children are going to be sold to the southern region Gang!”

Charlie asked again: “Who is your partner?”

Ron blurted out: “It’s an elder of the Beggar Gang!”

Charlie frowned and said, “There are elders in the Beggar Gang?”

Ron nodded and hurriedly said: “This gang of beggars was established completely after the gang in martial arts novels, because they all pretended to be beggars and cheated money everywhere, so they directly used the name of the gang, the biggest leader of the gang. , Is their gang leader, under the

gang leader there are two deputy gang leaders, nine elders, dozens of hall leaders and tens of thousands of subordinates scattered across the province…”

Charlie didn’t expect this gang of beggars like a social cancer to have such a huge organizational structure!

There are tens of thousands of beggars in a province alone!

Ron wanted to perform meritorious service in front of Charlie and strive for lenient treatment, so he poured out all the information he knew.

“Brother, the nine elders of the Beggar Gang are all rich men with a net worth of tens of millions. This group of people has long stopped begging in person. They live in luxury villas, drive luxury cars, and even sit in their offices.”

“The nine elders perform their duties. Some people are responsible for recruiting new members, who are responsible for management, finances, and training. Some people are responsible for implementing family laws. The elder who joined me is responsible for buying children for begging… ..”

Charlie asked again: “Who is the leader of the beggar gang?”

Ron said: “The name of the beggar gang’s leader is John Marcone. Don’t think he is just a beggar gang’s gang leader, but his net worth is at least one billion Dollar. His business covers various gray industries, and he has already become Southaven. A big man in the underground world.”

After that, he said again: “By the way, Marcone has very powerful background, and his sister is the wife of Donald, the head of the Webb family!”

Charlie frowned, “So, this John Marcone is Donald’s brother-in-law?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Ron nodded and said, “His brother-in-law!”

Charlie sneered and nodded, and said to himself: “Interesting! Really interesting!”

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