The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051

At this moment, William felt that the whole world had collapsed in front of him.

He couldn’t believe that Jeff was dead, but in the video, the picture of Jeff falling into the river was so clear.

He knew that Jeff was really dead. The biggest problem now is, who is going to ask for his 620,000?

If you can’t get the money back, you’ll be finished, completely finished.

Because this 500,000 usury will continue to make money, and finally turn to an astronomical figure, driving oneself to ruin.

So he immediately called 110 and called the police. After the call was connected, he said in a panic: “Comrade police, I was deceived. Someone deceived me 620,000, but he is dead now. What should I do?”

The police said: “If the person concerned is determined to be dead, then this matter cannot be handled by us. It is recommended that you file a lawsuit with the court to apply for the recovery of your claims from his estate, or apply for his guardian or his immediate family members. , Especially the parents will pay for it.”

After hearing this, William immediately cried out: “Comrade Police, he is an orphan. He has no immediate family members or guardians. What should I do at this time?”

The police asked him: “Then what fixed assets does your debtor have? For example, a house or a car? If you have any, you can apply to the court for enforcement and sell his personal assets.”

Hearing this, William suddenly recovered.

Jiang was clearly dead, but Jeff still left a Mercedes and a Phaeton!

That Mercedes-Benz may be worth three to four hundred thousand, but that Phaeton is very valuable!

If you can get his Phaeton back, you will not only be able to cover your debts, but the extra money will also make you a small profit!

Anyway, this Jeff is now dead, and he doesn’t have any relatives. It is only natural for him to take his property, and there should be no one to take care of it.

So William hung up the phone and drove a car straight to Jeff’s house.

Jeff didn’t buy a house in Aurous Hill, but he rented a one-bedroom apartment in a slightly remote place. Before the accident, his life was quite moist.

What William was thinking at this time was that after he went to Jeff’s house, he first thought of a way to tow Jeff’s Phaeton away. He would definitely not be able to drive the car, but after towing it away, he could slowly figure out how to sell it. Drop.

He felt that even if a top-fit Phaeton was dismantled and sold parts, the money could be sold back, so he would not lose money.

But he didn’t expect that at this moment, Caesar was also watching that popular video on the Internet!

Today was originally Don Albert’s treat. He and the core cadres of his staff were invited to have a meal at Heaven Springs, and Caesar was among them.

But while we were eating, everyone suddenly started to pay attention to this video that turned out.

These are all people from the underground world of Aurous Hill, and they naturally know something about the Beggar Gang, and they have a certain knowledge of the southern region Beggar Gang.

Suddenly seeing someone destroy the whole gang of beggars, one by one was stunned, and they immediately started discussing at the banquet.

They are all very concerned about who did this thing. At the same time, they lamented that this person’s ability is too strong. They didn’t put the Webb family in their eyes at all. They rushed into the Webb family’s turf and put Donald, the heir of the Webb family. Marcone’s brother-in-law, and all of Marcone’s younger brothers were killed, this is simply not something that ordinary people can do.

Everyone speculated that this person must be a big figure in a certain super big family. Only Don Albert knew very well in his heart that Master Charlie must be behind everything!

At the beginning, Caesar was just like everyone else, only caring about curiosity and gossip.

However, when he saw the scene where Jeff was killed, his heart suddenly shook.

Damn it! It turned out to be the kid who hit his car!

He hadn’t lost the car to himself before he was killed? !

Is this too nonsense?

He is dead, who will pay for his car?

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