The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

After listening to Charlie, he smiled and said, “Okay, you don’t need to worry about where you go, your husband will arrange it.”

“Great!” Claire said happily, “Then I can wait for you to arrange it!”


After hanging up the phone, Elaine hurriedly said flatteringly: “You see I didn’t lie to you, right?”

Charlie gave a hum, then took out his phone and called Mr. White.

“Master Wade! Why do you think of calling the little one?”

Charlie said lightly: “Zeke, my wife likes picking very much. I am going to take out half of the Thompson First Villa to make a vegetable garden so that she can pick it in the yard every day, so you can find some for me. The best varieties of vegetables and fruits, and I want those that have grown, bear fruit, are attached to vines, have seedlings, and have roots. Can they be directly transplanted to Thompson First? ?”

When Mr. White heard this, he blurted out: “Master Wade, don’t worry, even if you want a vegetable shed, I can get it for you!”

Charlie said: “Okay, start preparing today. Come to Thompson First’s transplantation plant at night, I want my wife to see it when I get up tomorrow!”

Mr. White smiled: “Master Wade, you really love your wife! Don’t worry, I will make arrangements!”

Elaine was also very excited at this time!

Charlie is really good at fooling people, just a phone call, others will diligently arrange a vegetable garden for him, the energy is really not small!

I used to think that this guy will explode sooner or later, but no matter how you look at it, I feel that this kid is getting better and better.

At this time, Elaine suddenly heard a familiar voice ringing in her ears: “Oh! Isn’t this my good daughter-in-law! Why are you on crutches? Don’t say it, your posture of the shelf tube is quite exciting. !”

Elaine’s face immediately became extremely ugly.

She didn’t need to look back to know that this voice came from her mother-in-law, that damn Lady Wilson!

But when she turned her head to look, she was shocked. What happened? How did these five people get together?

The Lady, Christopher, and the two little boys, aren’t they going to be detained for a few more days? Is it released in advance?

The key is how did Hannah come? Didn’t this lady be sent to the black coal kiln by Charlie’s friend?

When Charlie heard the movement at this moment, he couldn’t help but turn his head and frowned.

He did not expect that Hannah would actually appear here.

Don Albert has always done things reliably. He shouldn’t have made such a big mistake and let Hannah run back. What happened here?

Hannah was the secret of Charlie and his mother-in-law Elaine. Although later his wife and mother-in- law knew about the loss of money by gambling, they didn’t know that Hannah was sent to the black coal mine by herself.

Both of them thought that Hannah should have run away because of the money, so at this moment Hannah suddenly came back, which made Charlie feel a little worried.

At this moment, Elaine, who was never to be outdone, already cursed, “Who am I? It turns out that it was your family, what happened, and the idea of hitting our villa? How did you enter the detention center last time? Did you forget? Believe it or not, I will call the police and arrest you now?”

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