The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097

Since tonight is the first night of the Wilson family staying at Thompson First, everyone has a very strong sense of ritual in their hearts.

Lady Wilson summoned everyone to the living room and sat on the luxurious European-style sofa. The Lady seemed to have found the aura of the Wilson family group.

She has a smile on her face, but there is no loss of majesty in this smile.

After looking at everyone, he said unhurriedly: “Today is a staged victory for us. Although the Wilson Group has not yet landed ashore, our family is now ashore. Just this point. It’s worth celebrating.”

Everyone nodded their heads, except for Hannah’s ugly expression, everyone else was excited.

Hannah had already felt the role of seafood at this time, and the itch made her restless.

Lady Wilson glanced at her, and said with a bit of disgust in her expression: “Hannah™, you are so old, what are you always doing with pupa like a maggot?”

Hannah’s expression is very ugly.

The Lady is really hurt when she speaks, pupa like a maggot? Is there such a description of a daughter-in-law?

However, she didn’t dare to have any disobedience to the Lady, so she had to apologize and said, “I’m sorry mom, my stomach is a little uncomfortable…”

The Lady Wilson white gave her a look and said, “I see you, you have suffered too much in the black coal kiln. When you ate seafood hot pot just now, you ate as much as if you were hungry for three years. How could the stomach stand it?”

Hannah was even more depressed, but she could only honestly nod her head and said, “Mom, you are right.”

Mrs. Wilson was too lazy to talk to her any more and continued: “Since our family has already landed, the next step is to let the Wilson Group go ashore. After Mr. Webb puts the money on the company’s account, the Wilson Group will resume. normal operation.”

Then, she looked at Christopher and said, “Christopher, when the group resumes operations, you will become the business manager and will be responsible for negotiating cooperation with the Wilson Group.”

Christopher nodded: “Okay, Mom, I know, I will give my all!”

Mrs. Wilson nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then looked at Harold aside: “Harold, you will be the director of the Wilson Group from now on, so you must put your slouchy look away from me. Don’t let people watch the jokes. Especially not let Claire read the jokes, understand?”

Harold hurriedly said: “I know grandma!”

Lady Wilson looked at Wendy again: “Wendy, you are young and beautiful. When you were with Gerald White before, you knew how to play every day, and you have to do things for the group in the future. I think you will be the Wilson family. The group’s public relations manager is responsible for market and customer public relations.”

Wendy nodded obediently: “Good grandma, Wendy listens to you.”

“Yeah.” The Lady Wilson said with satisfaction: “You all have to give me the spirit of twelve points. It is not easy for our Wilson family to have this opportunity today. We must not miss this great opportunity for development. Do you understand everything? ?”


Everyone responded with impassioned attitudes.

Christopher hurriedly said, “Mom, arrange a job for Hannah?”

Lady Wilson snorted and said, “Hannah will stay at home to do housework, and there must always be one person at home to manage her life.”

After finishing speaking, before Hannah expressed her position, she stood up and said, “Okay, so be it. I’m going upstairs to sleep, so please rest early.”

Harold and Wendy had long been eager to return to their rooms and had a good time. After all, the decoration style and standard of the house were very high, much better than the room they lived in before.

So after the Lady left, the two got up one after another and went back to their respective rooms.

Christopher looked at his wife, and suddenly had the idea of keeping the waves with her again, so he hurriedly said: “Wife, let’s go back to the room and rest.”

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