The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

That night, the video of the Wilson family spread rapidly throughout Aurous Hill.

This video was quickly posted on Facebook, but Charlie instructed Facebook to block the video.

He still doesn’t want this video, it exudes too strong influence, especially does not want this video to spread outside Aurous Hill.

As for the reason, he knew that Donald would definitely invest a sum of money in the Wilson family to support the Wilson Group. If the Wilson family is now notorious all over the country, it is likely to affect Donald’s decision.

Charlie didn’t want the Wilson family to cool off too early. It would be better if Donald invested in the Wilson family and then broke the Wilson family scandal, so that not only the Wilson family’s face could be hit, but Donald’s face could be hit.

The Wilson family tossed all night, coupled with their infusion of drugs specifically for daffodine, all five people became lethargic, not knowing that their scandal had spread in Aurous Hill.

The next morning.

After the doctor checked Wilson’s family, he confirmed that they were not in any serious condition, and then let them go home.

The first thing the Lady Wilson did after she was discharged from the hospital was to call Donald and ask Donald when she promised to invest in the Wilson Group’s 80 million Dollar and when it will be honored.

Although Donald was disgusted enough by this family, he believed that after unanimously outside, the family could explode more powerful energy in the direction of disgusting people, and then disgusted

Charlie well, so he immediately benefited from his assistant. Directly inject 80 million Dollar into the Wilson Group.

Thinking of this, Donald said again: “Well, I promised to support your Wilson family before. It just so happens that the real estate project I invested in Aurous Hill is about to start. I will soon participate in the bidding of urban land. After the bidding is over, a large-scale project is needed. The decoration company, let this project be done by your Wilson family.”

When the Lady Wilson heard this, her excited face flushed, and she hurriedly said, “Mr. Webb, please rest assured that the Wilson family was originally in the construction industry, and it is absolutely no problem to leave the decoration to us.”

Donald said coldly, “The reason for investing in you and giving you projects is to let you unite and deal with Charlie unanimously, so you must not give me any more moths, otherwise, I will not only If you want to withdraw your investment, you will also be suspended, and you will be kicked out of Thompson First. I, Donald, can hold you up and step on you. Do you understand?”

Mrs. Wilson was so excited that she nodded her head like garlic and said: “Don’t worry, Mr. Webb, the Wilson family will definitely unite in the future! Moreover, the Wilson family will be your dog, Mr. Webb, as long as you say a word, Wilson Don’t dare not follow your family up and down!”

Donald said with satisfaction: “Remember what you told me just now, and be a dog. I will not treat you badly.”


After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Wilson immediately informed Christopher and others about these two things.

When Hannah heard that Donald made them unite, she felt even more proud.

She knew that this was her own death-free gold medal, as long as Donald’s words were there, Christopher would never dare to divorce herself.

Looking at Hannah’s triumphant expression, Christopher felt even more uncomfortable.

It is absolutely impossible for him to swallow this breath, but to let him really give up Hannah will offend the Webb family.

Give him ten thousand courage, he wouldn’t dare to do that!

Lady Wilson also saw that her eldest son was upset, so she again urged: “Christopher, you have heard what Mr. Webb said. If you ruin the Wilson family and the Wilson group, don’t blame me, this mother You’re welcome.”

Thinking of this, Christopher said humiliatingly: “I know Mom.”

However, although Christopher was a little depressed about Hannah’s affairs, the Webb family’s willingness to invest in the Wilson family to allow the Wilson-style group to be established again, and even willing to hand over the decoration of the new project to the Wilson family, still made him feel inexplicably excited.

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