The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1190

Chapter 1190

Chapter 1190

Aurora was shy and embarrassed inside, so she didn’t know how to start.

Charlie smiled and said, “Is this the little pepper Aurora I remember? The Aurora I knew dared to follow me when I was in Antique Street. Why is this Aurora even talking in front of me? Can’t say it?”

Aurora was even more shy when she heard this, and said nervously and shyly: “Master Wade, people didn’t know how good you were at the beginning, so there are people who don’t know. Don’t laugh at them.”

With that, she thought that Charlie had kicked her a** that day, and she replied in shame, but she felt a little happy like a girl.

Afterwards, she plucked up the courage and said to Charlie: “Master Wade, I actually want to invite you to watch the International College Sanda Competition held in Aurous Hill this year.”

Charlie frowned and said, “International College Sanda Competition?”

Charlie suddenly thought of a detail.

Liam once told himself that Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals seemed to sponsor this competition in order to promote their new drug.

Charlie remembered that Aurora had been practicing martial arts, and asked curiously: “Aurora, will you also participate in this competition?”

Aurora blushed and nodded and said, “Master Wade, I will represent Chinese college students this time…”

“Oh?” Charlie said in surprise, “So powerful? Are you confident to win the championship?”

Aurora replied with shame: “I don’t dare to win the championship, because the seeded player from Japan this time is still very powerful. She is also the current favorite to win the championship, and her strength is indeed much stronger than me.”

After speaking, Aurora said again: “But I won’t be discouraged either, my goal is to break into the top three!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Dreams are only possible if you dare to think about it. I am very optimistic about you. I think it’s no problem for you to get the first place. Most of the Japanese fighting and Sanda are the essence of our Chinese martial arts. At that time, you must win glory for the country, give a good lesson to the Japanese players, win the championship in our Chinese territory, and win glory for the country!”

Aurora asked with joy, “Master Wade, do you really believe that I can get the first place?”

Charlie nodded: “Of course, I am very optimistic about you.”

Aurora said happily, “Master Wade, can I invite you to watch my game then?”

Charlie agreed without hesitation and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely go to the game when you are in the game, and I will cheer you on the scene.”

“Great!” Aurora jumped up happily.

She subconsciously wanted to hug Charlie and behave like a coquettish to her father at home.

But suddenly thinking that Charlie was a married person, she couldn’t make such an intimate move, so she withdrew again.

Charlie asked Aurora at this time: “By the way, Aurora, when I was practicing magic medicine, I gave your family two pills. Did your father keep one for you?”

“Yes!” Aurora took out a small box from the inner pocket of her coat. After opening it, it contained the medicine that Charlie gave her.

She blushed and said, “The medicine given by Master Wade was given to me by my father that night. I kept it next to my skin.”

Charlie nodded, and said, “This medicine is still very helpful for physical fitness. If you feel strenuous or unsure about the competition, then take this pill.”

Aurora blurted out: “Why then? Master Wade you gave this to me. I must take good care of and treasure it.”

Charlie smiled indifferently: “This medicine is made for people to eat, so why bother about it?”

Aurora said with a hum, “Good point Master Wade, I know.”

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