The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1203

Chapter 1203

Chapter 1203

Sam just thought he was determined to win. It is impossible for anyone to be willing to spend 150 million to buy this rejuvenation pill. Unexpectedly, Travis Lane slapped himself in the face with practical actions.

He looked at Travis Lane in surprise, gritted his teeth and asked, “Mr. Lane, what do you mean?”

Although Travis Lane also knew that Sam had an extraordinary background, the rejuvenation pill was too temptation for him. Even if he offended the Kilgore family, he would take down this magical medicine.

Who would have trouble with such a magical opportunity as 20 years younger? !

Not to mention Sam blocking the front, even the king of heaven, Master, could not stop Travis Lane from bidding.

So Travis Lane looked at Sam and said lightly: “Sorry, Master Kilgore, I has longed for Master Wade’s rejuvenation pills for a long time. Today is such a good opportunity, I will never miss it easily. If you offend, please forgive me. !”

Sam’s expression suddenly became extremely ugly, because he knew that with Travis Lane’s bid, he had lost to Charlie.

Losing to Charlie not only meant that he was going to lose face in front of so many people, but also that he was going to swallow this ruby necklace in front of so many people.

Just when he had an extremely ugly expression and thought that Travis had deliberately acted against him, someone on the table next to him said, “I’m paying 151 million!”

Someone made a bid, and Travis Lane was still 1 million higher. Does this make it clear that he wants to bid?

At this moment, Charlie said with a smile on his face: “This gentleman, I forgot to explain that the starting price is 150 million, and the minimum price increase is 10 million. We don’t want 1 million and 1 million. It’s too petty and boring.”

The man nodded hurriedly and blurted out: “Since Master Wade said so, then I will give 160 million!”

“f*ck!” Sam’s eyes almost fell to the ground.

Such a ghost has a starting price of 150 million Dollar. Not only have some people shot it, but some people have increased the price. Are these two people thinking about it?

Before Sam could come back to his senses, someone at another table stood up and said excitedly: “I would like to give 170 million!”

Sam’s expression was even worse than eating shit, and he couldn’t help cursing in his heart: “f*ck, are all these people crazy?!”

Before Sam accepted the 170 million quotation, Travis Lane waved his hand directly: “I will give 200 million!”

The scene was in an uproar!

Travis Lane was really determined to win this rejuvenation pill.

So just two hundred million, it was just drizzle to him, it was just a warm-up.

Mr. Quinton hasn’t spoken, but his heart has long been unbearable.

Rejuvenation pill!

Master Wade’s rejuvenation pills!

Although he and his daughter had received two magical medicines from Master Wade, the magical medicine was still much worse than the rejuvenation pill.

So he naturally didn’t want to miss this good opportunity.

So he raised his hand and said, “I would like to give out 210 million!”

“f*ck!” Sam’s face turned green!

It’s two hundred million f*cking, and there are people adding it up?

Just thinking of this, Mr. White said: “I am willing to give out 220 million Dollar!”

After that, Mr. White gave Mr. Quinton an apologetic look, arched his hands and said, “Brother Quinton, I’m sorry!”

Mr. Quinton also understood Mr. White’s thoughts very well. Everyone had seen the magical methods of Master Charlie, and they all knew how precious this Rejuvenation Pill was.

Master Wade has never put out a rejuvenating pill for auction. This is the first time, and it may be the last.

If you don’t seize this opportunity, you might pass by Rejuvenation Pill for the rest of your life.

Therefore, no one is willing to give up easily.

Travis Lane also came to the spirit, waved his hand and said: “250 million, I’m sorry brothers, if I offend, please forgive me!”

Someone at the next table called: “Then I will give out 260 million!”

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