The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1218

Chapter 1218

Chapter 1218

Jasmine said softly at this moment: “Master Wade, let’s go too.”

“it is good.”


Jasmine drove Charlie out of the Moore family villa in her red Bentley.

Jasmine’s heartbeat accelerated at this time, and she had never been so nervous in front of Charlie like now.

The atmosphere in the car was a little silent for a while, so Jasmine hurriedly looked for a topic and said, “Master Wade, thank you so much today. I really didn’t expect that you would give me such an expensive gift as the Rejuvenation Pill.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “I’m telling you that the reason why I am sending you the Rejuvenation Pill is to give you an opportunity to borrow flowers to offer Buddha. With this Rejuvenation Pill, Lord Moore can live to be at least a hundred years old. He must be special. I want the pill that I gave you, but Lord Moore himself is a person who rewards and penalizes clearly, is sentimental and righteous, so once he really wants your rejuvenation pill, he will definitely give you a great return. .”

Jasmine nodded and moved: “Master Wade, you are all for me sake. I am really grateful. In this life, if Master Wade has any requirements for me, as long as you have a word, I would not dare. No way!”

Charlie smiled and said, “I don’t have any requirements for you, you just need to take care of yourself from now on.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “I didn’t expect that Lord Moore would be so simple. At this birthday party, he passed the position of Matriarch to you directly. I originally thought he might be soft in the future. It’s solved slowly.”

“Now he suddenly announced that this will definitely be a very big blow to your uncle and your cousin, and it will even bring you a lot of hatred, so you must be very careful in your future actions, be careful and then be careful. “

Jasmine said earnestly: “Master Wade, don’t worry, I understand all the truths you said.”

Charlie sighed softly and said, “It may be the Rejuvenation Pill, which is too attractive to the old man. Therefore, the old man may not think about this matter. What I am worried about is your personal safety in the future. If someone in the Moore family If you are dissatisfied with your inheritance as Matriarch, then they are likely to be against you.”

Jasmine smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you, Master Wade, for your reminder. Don’t forget, I also has a magical medicine that you gave me at the beginning. Isn’t that magical medicine that it has a life- saving effect at critical times?”

Charlie asked curiously: “Where did you put that medicine?”

Jasmine blushed and said, “The medicine you gave… it has always been…always…close to my body…”

When it came to storing 4 words next to her, Jasmine was already ashamed to not look at Charlie.

Before, Jasmine hid the pill in the car, but she thought it was too unsafe to put such a valuable thing in the car, so she has kept it close to her body ever since.

And because this is a gift from Charlie to herself, keeping it close to her will give her a feeling of being cared for by Charlie.

Charlie didn’t notice the girlish shyness on Jasmine’s face.

He just faintly worried about Jasmine’s safety from the bottom of his heart.

So he opened his mouth and said: “By the way, you can help me find a good piece of white jade another day.”

“White jade?” Jasmine hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, what kind of white jade do you want?”

Charlie said calmly: “The whitest, purest, and impurity-free white jade, I will make you a talisman by then, and you can keep you safe by wearing it next to your body.”

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