The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1249

Chapter 1249

Chapter 1249

Hearing this, Charlie asked Claire curiously: “What? She got married today, did she inform you of an old classmate?”

“Yeah…” Claire said: “She wants me to help her, otherwise she can’t handle it alone, I originally wanted her to find a few old classmates to help her. , Even if it is to cheer up, but she is not willing.”

Charlie said helplessly, “I guess I don’t want to lose face in front of so many students, it’s understandable.”

Claire nodded and said, “I have never seen her so poor. On such an important day of marriage, her maiden-in-law’s family will add obstacles to her…”

As he said, Claire couldn’t help sighing: “Charlie, actually I really think it’s good to marry you. If I’m really asked by my family to marry young masters from rich people, I don’t know what I will be bullied by my husband.”

Charlie’s expression was a bit awkward.

My own wife doesn’t know yet, the rubbish husband she married is the young master of the top family in the country.

Seeing that his expression was a bit wrong, Claire thought he was angry, and explained hurriedly: “Charlie, don’t think too much, I have no other meaning, just want to say that marrying you is fine! “

Charlie nodded and smiled and asked her, “If someday I become the young master of a rich family, what will you do?”

Claire smiled and said, “What you said is not true, because you are an orphan and you cannot be the young master of a rich family.”

Charlie said: “I’m just making an analogy, what if I am?”

Claire smiled and said, “If you really are the young master of some rich man, then I will divorce you.”

Charlie asked in surprise, “Are you serious?”

Claire chuckled: “What about you, hurry up, this is the building, let’s go upstairs!”

Charlie shook his head helplessly, and followed her into the old staircase unit.

What surprised him was that today was the day when his wife and classmates got married, and they all walked to the door of the unit. The family still didn’t even post a happy word. It seemed that they hadn’t made any preparations for a girl to marry.

The couple walked up the stairs together. When they reached the third floor, they heard someone arguing and yelling.

“You money loser, you are really prepared to marry their house if you don’t want a penny? If you just marry like this, I won’t be allowed to be stabbed to death by someone in the future?”

The speaker was a middle-aged woman, and her voice sounded very pungent, which matched Elaine.

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