The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1266

Chapter 1266

Chapter 1266

Charlie glanced at him contemptuously, and said disdainfully: “You can call me Young Master Wade.”

David Carson was a little surprised, how old are these years, and there are people claiming to be sons?

Could it be those young masters with strong backgrounds?

In this way, it is really meeting the true god!

So, he was very excited and indulged: “Oh, hello, Master Wade! I am in the flour business here. There is a flour mill in Aurous Hill. Maybe you have eaten our flour. Our flour brand is called Aristocratic Family. !”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Aristocratic family, isn’t that the name of other TV series?”

David Carson said embarrassedly: “Don’t we also want to get some heat. People are gold powder, I am flour, but it’s not bad.”

Charlie snorted coldly and asked him: “Boss Carson, you married your daughter-in-law today. Why didn’t you send a convoy to pick up the bride at the bride’s house?”

David Carson and his wife looked at each other with embarrassment, not knowing how to answer.

After a moment of silence, David Carson hurriedly said with a smile: “Oh, Young Master Wade, you don’t know, we have already found a very impressive team, but something happened to that team temporarily, so…”

“A temporary accident?” Charlie frowned and asked, “Even if the wedding team has an accident, do you not even have a car in your own home?”

David Carson looked sorry and said: “I’m really sorry Young Master Wade, I’m also in a mess for a while, I didn’t care, I ignored Isabella, I’m sorry!”

After finishing speaking, he was very busy and promised: “Don’t worry, Master Wade, when Isabella passes the door in the future, our family will definitely compensate her!”

When Steve on the side heard this, his heart was immediately overjoyed.

Originally, parents did not agree with their marriage to Isabella anyway, and even this morning they were still complaining to themselves, even threatening themselves, even if Isabella passed the door, they wouldn’t let her get better. Live.

Unexpectedly, now that Claire and her husband drove two luxury cars, father’s attitude immediately changed so much!

Thinking of this, he was overjoyed, and he was a little more grateful to Charlie and Claire.

At this moment, Steve’s mother Leann pulled David aside and reprimanded in a low voice: “What are you talking nonsense? Have you forgotten what we said before? Never let that woman in The door of our home!”

David hurriedly said, “Have you not seen that Isabella has such a great friend? If we neglect others, what if they blame him?”

“Blame it!” Leann said angrily, “I don’t care how old this kid surnamed Wade is, but I know one thing, this kid surnamed Wade can’t give our family a penny. Our son will really marry. Isabella passed the door, and the surname Wade couldn’t help us, so why should we give him face like this? Is it because Isabella knew him, and we were willing to let Isabella be our daughter-in-law? “

David couldn’t help asking: “Then what do you mean? Now that everyone is here, can our wedding continue?”

“Of course we can’t continue!” Leann scolded annoyedly: “The family surnamed Stark didn’t know if their brains were broken. We humiliated them so much. They even let Isabella marry. It’s really a mischief!”

She said, busy again: “You will talk less later and look at me. I will definitely not let this Isabella enter the door of Carson’s house today!”

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