The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1275

Chapter 1275

Chapter 1275

Hearing the one hundred million figure, David immediately compromised.

He turned around and said to his son, “Steve, pick a wife for nothing. Not only do they don’t want you to pay a penny, they also post tens of millions to you. What a good thing!”

Steve said coldly: “Yes, it’s really good, so you can hug your grandson directly, and it’s still a black grandson.”

David didn’t feel ashamed at all, and said: “Give me 50 million, let alone a black grandson, just a black son, I am happy too!”

Steve blurted out: “You don’t have to waste your tongue. I will never agree to this matter.”

David sighed, and pointed at Steve with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said, “You kid, you have little knowledge and ignorance. You have never made money since you were a child, and you have never made money embarrassing since you were young. You should have a hard time for a few days so that you know how hard it is to make money!”

“Yes!” Leann echoed: “This old saying is good, money is hard to make shit, and it is hard to eat! You missed this opportunity today, you may not be able to earn 50 million in your life in the future, you will regret it at that time Yes, don’t blame being a mother, I didn’t remind you today.”

Steve said immediately: “No matter what you say, I can’t agree.”

“No?” Leann was anxious, and blurted out: “No, yes, if you don’t agree, not only will I not let Isabella pass the house today, but also you will not live at home, move out!”

Steve said: “Move out as soon as I move out, I have long wanted to move out!”

“You…” Leann said annoyedly: “If you move out, I will stop all your bank cards for you, and you don’t want to get a cent from home in the future!”

Steve said: “It doesn’t matter. I don’t ask for money from my family. I and Isabella work together to make money. The rent and living expenses we can afford are definitely enough!”

After all, Steve threw the bridegroom’s corsage on the ground, and said: “I won’t end this marriage. From now on, I will make money with Isabella and serve wine by ourselves!”

Then he ignored his parents, strode towards Isabella, took her hand, and said: “Isabella, we will not have this banquet today. From today on, I will move out from home. Let’s rent a house in Aurous Hill and live together. We can make money from marriage slowly. Do you think it’s okay?”

Isabella nodded moved and said, “Yes! I will listen to you!”

Steve smiled and said, “That’s OK, then let’s go!”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Claire and Charlie again, blurted out: “You two are really great today. When I and Isabella have a banquet by ourselves, I will definitely invite you both!”

Claire smiled and said, “Then I and Charlie can just wait!”

She also felt that Steve should sever contact with such an awful family. His family was not friendly and would not let him marry Isabella, so he could simply take Isabella out to work hard.

Charlie also admired Steve’s approach, and said with a faint smile: “When you two have a wine next time, I will give you the wedding car.”

Steve immediately bowed to him and blurted out: “Thank you so much!”

At this time, Leann stepped over and said angrily: “Steve, if you dare to go with this woman today, then your father and I will cut off your relationship with you. Don’t regret it!”

What Leann thinks is that in any case, we must promote the marriage with Mr. Ward’s daughter. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be missed.

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