The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1282

Chapter 1282

Chapter 1282

“You…you…you you…” Leann couldn’t catch her breath, and shouted to Gary: “Gary, you help the second aunt beat this bastard to death. !”

Gary immediately took a step back and waved his hand with disdain: “Second aunt, you said just now that I was not a family with me and let me go, now let me help you hit someone? You turn your face faster than a book!”

Leann hurriedly smiled and said, “Gary, don’t you be angry with your second aunt. What your second aunt said just now was all angry. Don’t you want our Carson family to get better and better?”

“I’m sorry.” Gary said immediately: “Your home is yours, my home is mine, we are not a family, so if you want to hit someone, you should hit yourself. What do you tell me to do?”

Having said that, Gary also said to the other grandchildren: “Let’s all don’t be nosy. This is not our business. People and us are not a family, so we should never be fooled by others. Used as a gun by others.”

The others nodded one after another, stepped back a few steps, and had no intention of coming up to help her beat Charlie.

Leann was angry. She didn’t expect this Gary to respect the old and love the young at all. There were no rules. How could she say it was his second aunt. How could he talk to herself like this?

However, Leann also understands now that this is not the time to get to know Gary as a scumbag.

So she hurriedly said to Mr. Ward: “Mr. Ward, this little bastard insults you, insults your daughter, and says nothing to let him go. Call someone to kill him! Otherwise, this kind of thing will spread, you and Your daughter’s face is all shame!”

Mr. Ward himself was very angry, and after being so incited by Leann, he was even more angry.

So, he pointed to Charlie and said angrily: “Asshole, wait for me, I will call and find someone to kill you!”

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, found a phone number, and called.

He also turned on the speaker on purpose. While the phone was beeping while waiting to be connected, he sneered and said to Charlie: “Do you know who I call? One of Don Albert’s four heavenly kings, Caesar Hilton, you f*cking wait to die!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Okay, I’ll wait, but you’d better call more, because today is the day when your daughter and David Carson are married, so having more relatives and friends will make it look festive!”

“You’re really on the road to death!” Mr. Ward was trembling all over, just as the phone was connected, so he immediately shouted: “Caesar, come to the Hilton Hotel, my f*cking wants Cut a bastard!”

Mr. Ward’s supermarkets are located in the fringe of the city and the surrounding districts and counties. In that kind of place, there are often gangsters who visit, either by extortion or looting. If you want to do business in a down-to-earth manner, you must have a relationship with the underground world. A certain connection, so he has been on the line of Caesar.

After all, Caesar is one of the four heavenly kings under Don Albert, and can be ranked fourth in the entire Aurous Hill underground world, so his strength is still very strong.

Moreover, his fame is also very great. Since Mr. Ward approached him, the supermarket business has never been harassed by gangsters.

Because of the long cooperation time, he and Caesar also had a very good personal relationship. Some time ago, he kept saying that he would pay a favor to Caesar, and also gave a big red envelope of 1.88 million, Caesar. For the sake of money, he agreed.

Mr. Ward thought, if he bowed to Caesar and let the wind go, and then developed in the suburban area, it would be even more like easy, so he was preparing to find a good day to have a ceremony of burning yellow paper and drinking chicken blood. .

Today, I just met Charlie pretending to be coercive with him, and he was still taking care of his daughter’s life-long events. He planned to ask Caesar to come and help cut him off. Then at noon the two of them would find a big hotel and have a meal together. The ceremony is done!

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