The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286

And also slapped Mr. Ward in the face and asked Mr. Ward to marry his daughter to David Carson…

The latter incident is much more cruel than a slap in the face!

Mr. Ward was even more depressed and wanted to die. He shivered and said, “Caesar…you can’t turn your elbows out, but we both want to worship good brothers! My daughter is you. Big niece, do you have the heart to let her marry a bad old man like David Carson?”

Caesar immediately said: “Mr. Ward, we are familiar with each other, but you can’t talk nonsense. I’m an ordinary acquaintance with you. Who said I would worship you?”

Mr. Ward was shocked and hurriedly said: “Caesar, we have known each other for many years. I have not lost any of the benefits that should be given every year. I gave you such a big red envelope some time ago. How do you turn your face and turn your face?”

Caesar said solemnly: “Mr. Ward, I’m not turning my face with you, I’m all for your own good, understand? You said that although your daughter is young, she is very dirty, right? She is only in her 20s. I was pregnant with a foreigner’s child, and It was still a black man. The point is that you still have to let her give birth to this child. How can ordinary people handle this kind of thing?”

After finishing talking, he pointed at David Carson and said seriously: “Look at David Carson, he is a little older, but older men know that they hurt people, and look at him, his biological son is so old, and he has already succeeded in inheriting the family. It doesn’t matter to him that Skye’s father doesn’t matter, how appropriate!”

David Carson’s old face is red and hot!

What the hell does this mean? Can you be a father to black people by co-authoring?

Leann was even more depressed, and said annoyedly: “I said what’s the matter with you? In my face, you seduce my husband to marry a child, is it sick?”

Caesar glanced at her in disgust, and said coldly: “What is the big one? Do you think it is a feudal society? Our country can only be monogamous, don’t you know? Since David Carson wants to marry Mr. Ward’s daughter, then You must divorce him first!”

“You fart!” Leann was anxious all of a sudden, ignoring that the other party was the eldest brother, angrily scolded: “I think you are making trouble, you bastard, get out! You are not welcome here!”

“f*ck you!” Caesar lifted his foot, kicked Leann’s belly, kicked her far away, and cursed: “You dare to yell at me for anything, believe it. If you don’t believe me, I cut your tongue?”

Leann couldn’t get up for a long time because of this kick. She lay on the ground and rolled her belly, crying in her mouth.

David Carson hurriedly said to Mr. Ward: “Oh, Mr. Ward, what the hell is going on? Didn’t you invite him here? Didn’t you let him cut Charlie? After he comes, he will beat my wife?”

Caesar raised his hand and slapped David Carson, and cursed: “Why are you so inept? What I said just now is nothing, right? Didn’t you hear Mr. Wade’s arrangement? Starting today, Your wife is Mr. Ward’s daughter, and Mr. Ward is your father-in-law, do you understand?”


David Carson looked uncomfortable.

Mr. Ward was also very depressed. He angrily said to Caesar, “Caesar, if you don’t want to help, just forget it, but don’t kick me off, I don’t need you here, please leave!”

“Huh?” Caesar said coldly: “Let me go? Mr. Ward, you have a lot of courage to dare to talk to me in this tone?”

Mr. Ward clasped his hands together and kept waking up, begging in his mouth: “I beg you, Caesar, we will solve this problem by ourselves. We don’t need your help. You must be very busy with everything, so we won’t waste your time. Please go.”

Caesar said disdainfully: “What? You let me go and I’ll leave? Do you think you are my elder brother?”

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled: “Don Albert is here!”

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