The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

Leann choked and said, “This comrade, our marriage certificate is at home. Can you give us the divorce certificate first, and then we can make up the marriage certificate later.”

The staff member said: “This is not in line with the process, you two should go back and get it.”

David Carson hurriedly said: “No, it’s too late for comrades. It must be done before noon.”

The staff persuaded: “Even if the two of you have no feelings, the divorce won’t be at this moment, right? If it doesn’t work, you can come back in the afternoon!”

Don Albert said at this time: “Little girl, I know Director Carr of your Civil Affairs Bureau, or I will say hello to him, you can handle it specially and give them a green light.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to David Carson and said to the staff member: “This old man has to divorce and get a marriage certificate from someone else. The banquets at the hotel are set up, waiting for him to go to the wedding. Delay again.”

The staff looked at David Carson in astonishment, and the contempt in his expression was beyond words.

Needless to say, I also know that David Carson must be a bad old man who always gave up.

He was so anxious to divorce his wife, it turned out that he was going to hold a banquet and marry someone else right after noon.

Sure enough, it was the scum man among the scum.

Later, she looked at Don Albert and said, “If you know our Director Carr, please call him. As long as he nods, I can do it.”

Don Albert nodded, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

After explaining the situation to the other party, the other party immediately greeted him from the office upstairs.

When this Director Carr saw Don Albert, he respectfully said: “Oh, Albert, what brought you here!”

Don Albert smiled indifferently, pointed at David Carson and Leann, and said: “I brought these two people over to get the divorce certificate, but they didn’t bring the marriage certificate, and the time is relatively short. Can you please help me?”

Director Carr nodded immediately and said, “It’s okay, Albert, I’ll let someone handle it.”

Then, he said to the staff member: “Girl, hurry up and get the divorce documents for these two people as requested by Don Albert.”

The staff member nodded immediately, and quickly helped the two people dissolve their marriage from the system, and then typed out the divorce certificate.

After getting the divorce certificate, Leann collapsed to the ground, crying bitterly.

From this moment on, she completely severed her husband and wife relationship with David Carson, and worked hard all her life for this family.

Unexpectedly, it was such a fate in the end.

And the divorce with David Carson is just the beginning, and then he will leave Aurous Hill completely and never come back.

The days that were originally blissful and full of happiness have been brought to such a degree by myself.

She was already regretful in her heart, wishing to smash her face.

At this time, Don Albert was really upset seeing her sitting on the ground and crying.

So he said to Caesar next to him: “Hurry up and send someone to drive a car and throw this stinky lady out of Aurous Hill’s realm. If she dares to return to Aurous Hill again in the future, we will break her leg and give it to me. Throw it out from Aurous Hill!”

Caesar nodded immediately and respectfully said: “Don Albert, don’t worry, I will personally throw this lady out of Aurous Hill!”

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