The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315

Hearing Charlie’s words, Aurora looked at him with joy, and shouted excitedly: “Master Wade!”

After speaking, she said with a little shame: “Sorry, Master Wade, let you watch the joke!”

Charlie smiled comfortingly: “It’s okay. At first, it’s normal that you can’t find the rhythm. If you carefully analyze the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and choose the right strategy, you can turn against the wind and win in the end.”

Aurora nodded excitedly, and said piously: “I see, Master Wade, thank you for your teaching!”

At this moment, the coach next to Aurora looked at Charlie with a dissatisfied expression, and said, “What are you commanding here? Do you know how to Sanda? Aurora is now at the most critical time, if the third game cannot save the situation. , It is likely to lose! You are still giving her a bad idea at this time, isn’t this intentional to harm her?”

Charlie said lightly: “I just told her the truth, and it’s a fact you can’t see!”

“If she continues to play as you said, she will definitely lose miserably this time. The Thai player is not much better than Aurora in terms of strength, skill and speed. It’s just that the opponent’s tactics are very smart, so Only in the first two rounds did Aurora fight!”

“And if Aurora is not tactical, and overtakes the opponent by one head, then this game will be lost!”

The coach said angrily: “Where do amateurs dare to fight in front of me, I won the national Sanda championship, so you dare to point fingers in front of me?”

Charlie smiled and said: “You said it yourself, you only won the national championship, but now Aurora is going to win the world championship, why do you think you can guide a world championship at the level of a national championship?”

“You…” The coach was insulted by Charlie, his heart was very angry, but he couldn’t find any suitable words to refute him, so he gritted his teeth and said sharply to Aurora instead: ” Aurora, if you listen to him today and play according to his method, then you will not train with me, and I will no longer be your coach! You will be on the court later, you can figure it out!”

Aurora was also very embarrassed at this time, she didn’t expect her coach to choke with Master Wade.

I have been training with this coach for more than a year, and the overall feeling is pretty good, but in my mind, his weight is really worse than Master Charlie.

If Master Wade didn’t advise him, he would naturally follow the tactics ordered by the coach.

But since Master Wade gave him advice, he would undoubtedly choose the tactics Master Wade formulated for himself.

So, after she made the decision, she looked sorry, looked at her coach and said: “Coach Blanks I am really sorry, I am going to use the tactics Master Wade just told me.”

“You…” Coach Blanks said angrily: “I thought you were a very smart girl, but I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant of good and bad. Since you choose to believe in this amateur player, then the relationship between the two of us is a teacher and apprentice. That’s it.”

As he said, he stepped off the ring, walked a few meters and then turned around and said: “Aurora, originally I believed that you can advance to the top 8 this time, and may even hit the medal, but now it seems that your fate in this competition It will stop the group stage.”

Afterwards, he looked at Charlie coldly, and said disdainfully: “Boy, you ruined a good seedling.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Really? Why don’t I feel at all? On the contrary, I think that Aurora has a chance to hit the championship this time.”

“Are you kidding?” Coach Blanks said disdainfully: “Do you know how strong the real seed player is in this competition? The top seed Japanese player Ito Nanako is far superior to Aurora. The Brazilian player Joanna, the number one seed, is also stronger than Aurora. If there is my guidance, Aurora still has a chance to beat Joanna, but without me, she can’t even win this game!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t worry, whether it is Brazilian player Joanna or Japanese player Ito Nanako, they will all become Aurora’s defeaters!”

Coach Blanks said contemptuously: “Boy, you have a big tone. With your three-legged cat’s amateur skills, can Aurora defeat Ito Nanako?”

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