The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

Jiro Kobayashi did not give up, and continued to ask: “Then think about it now, what kind of man can meet your criteria for mate selection?”

Nanako Ito thought about it, and then said: “First of all, he must be stronger than me!”

“Better than you? In what way? In career? In education? Or achievement?”

Nanako Ito said very seriously: “It is the strength of martial arts! I don’t want to find a man who can’t beat me in the future.”

Jiro Kobayashi coughed awkwardly, and thought to himself: “This Nanako Ito she doesn’t seem to be quiet, but I didn’t expect to be so competitive in her bones.”

She likes martial arts and pursues martial arts. Why do you want to find a man who is stronger than herself when you fall in love?

That is to say, a person who has no power to bind a chicken, doesn’t it mean that he has already lost some opportunities when he comes up?

Thinking of this, Jiro Kobayashi said hurriedly: “Miss Ito, is your condition a bit harsh? There are so many good men in the world, but they may not all practice martial arts, and many martial arts masters are very old. Just like your coach Mr. Yamamoto Kazuki, Ms. Ito would not want to find such a boyfriend, right?”

Nanako Ito shook his head and said: “Of course not. The strength is stronger than me. It is only the first requirement. I also have the second requirement. He must conform to my aesthetics and values. In addition, his age must not be over three years older than me, and he must be upright and kind.”

Jiro Kobayashi asked again: “What about the assets? What are the requirements?”

Nanako Ito said: “There are no requirements for assets.”

Jiro Kobayashi felt a little depressed.

My biggest advantage is my assets. I am the chairman of a family business at a young age. This is rare in Japan. After all, the older generation of entrepreneurs who are normally as old as my father have not retired, and their children are also Haven’t even begun to inherit the family business.

However, he did not expect that Nanako Ito would not care about the other party’s assets at all.

Could it be that even a pauper, as long as she meets other conditions, she is willing to follow?

Depressed, Jiro Kobayashi couldn’t help saying: “Miss Ito, Mr. Ito should have certain requirements for your future spouse selection? After all, you are the eldest lady of the Ito family. At this point, you should also consider Consider the opinion of Chairman Ito.”

Nanako Ito shook his head: “Everything else can be considered father’s opinion, but I will not consider the matter of choosing a spouse. This is not only about a person’s freedom, but also about the happiness of a person’s life. Don’t point fingers.”

Jiro Kobayashi frowned involuntarily. It seems that this super-rich second-generation beauty and super rich in front of her is very difficult to chew!

Just when Jiro Kobayashi didn’t know how to cut in, how to pursue Nanako Ito, Charlie had already galloped back and forth on the lake with Aurora.

Aurora had enough fun, and the chef of the Quinton family had prepared a sumptuous meal and banquet, so she drove the boat back to the dock.

Later, she returned to the villa with Charlie, and Mr. Quinton warmly invited Charlie to sit in the luxurious Chinese restaurant in her villa.

When Mr. Quinton arranged the seats, he specifically asked Aurora to sit next to Charlie. At the same time, he opened a bottle of top-quality Moutai that had been kept for many years and handed it to Aurora. Don’t let Master Wade’s cup empty.”

Aurora took the wine bottle and said softly: “You know Dad, don’t worry.”

Mr. Quinton smiled again and said, “By the way, Aurora, the first time Master Wade comes back to our house for dinner, you also accompany Master Wade for a drink.”

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