The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1371

Chapter 1371

Chapter 1371

Seeing Cherie’s disdain for his boss, Liam said righteously: “Miss Cherie, you can look down on me, but you must never look down on my boss. If you have been in contact with my boss for a long time, you will know what I said. Everything is not a lie.”

When Cherie curled his lips and wanted to say something, Stefanie Sun beside her grabbed her and said, “Cherie, don’t be so rude when you go out. I believe what Mr. Weaver said, if you can study it alone. It’s okay to say that he is the dragon the current generation based on this magical stomach medicine like Nova Dias.”

Cherie stuck his tongue out: “Well, since you have said so, then I won’t be arrogant to him. I wanted to tease him.”

Liam was speechless for a while, but he didn’t expect that this girl would deliberately hold back with herself.

He was also a big man anyway, and found that he was being played with by a woman, and he was somewhat depressed, but when he thought that this woman was Stefanie Sun’s agent, he could only hide his depression deeply in his heart.

At this time, the workshop director ran over quickly and said to him, “Manager Weaver, Mr. Wade is here!”

As soon as the voice fell, Charlie had already put on a clean suit and stepped into the workshop.

The moment he came in, Stefanie Sun was a little dumbfounded when he saw his face.

She whispered to Liam next to her: “This man is your boss?!”

Liam nodded: “Yes.”

“what is his name?!”

Liam said, “Master Charlie Wade, what’s wrong?”

Stefanie Sun was struck by lightning, but Cherie on the side rolled her lips and said, “Who has a name like that? Master Charlie Wade? I am still called Cherie, a beautiful woman! It is better!”

Stefanie Sun suddenly scolded: “Quiet! Don’t be rude!”

Cherie was surprised.

She had never seen Stefanie angry with herself.

But now Stefanie is obviously angry.

In fact, Cherie is not only Stefanie’s agent, but also Stefanie’s cousin.

She is the child of Stefanie’s aunt. The two are very close. After Stefanie entered the entertainment industry, Cherie volunteered to be her agent.

This is why Cherie has always dared to play any jokes with her, and has never regarded her as the boss.

At this moment, Stefanie looked at Charlie getting closer, and was so nervous that the rhythm of breathing was completely messed up.

Charlie stepped forward to the three of them. Looking at Stefanie and Cherie, he couldn’t help feeling a little shocked in his heart.

What happened in these two days? You have seen such an eye-catching beauty.

Nanako Ito is one, and Stefanie Sun is another.

Unlike Nanako Ito’s Yamato Nadeshiko’s gentleness, Stefanie Sun seemed to be born with a cold air.

In the cold, with full noble temperament, she looked like a woman of extraordinary origin.

In fact, there are two kinds of noble temperament in a person, one is cultivated since childhood, and the other is cultivated half way.

The vast majority of wealthy people carry a bit of extravagance on their bodies, but it can be seen from that extravagance that they have not been there since childhood.

Because many wealthy people are born out of hard work, and don’t have the temperament that has been cultivated by large families in the past.

Even the rich second generation may not have enough precipitation.

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