The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1398

Chapter 1398

Chapter 1398

Stefanie smiled slightly: “Come on, I’ll be a little bit ahead, so that you can make your face smaller and better.”

The two women took a selfie together like sisters.

After the filming, Claire held the phone and asked excitedly: “Miss Sun, I… can I post this photo to Moments?”

Claire herself is a woman without any vanity.

When Charlie bought her a BMW car, she never posted it to Moments;

Charlie organized her wedding in the Hanging Garden of Shangri-La, and she never posted it to Moments;

Charlie took her to experience tens of millions of super sports cars, but she still hasn’t posted to Moments;

Even if she lives in a top-notch mansion like Thompson First, she still hasn’t posted to Moments.

The only “show off” in the circle of friends was the vegetable garden built by her husband Charlie overnight.

But this time, she really couldn’t hold back.

After all, Stefanie Sun is her favorite female celebrity and her idol. She can eat with her idols, and even take photos with her idols. How many times can I encounter this kind of thing in a lifetime?

Stefanie also nodded and smiled generously: “Of course, Mrs. Wade, please.”

Claire got Stefanie’s consent and immediately thanked her happily. Then she opened her WeChat account and posted the photo to her circle of friends.

The essay she wrote to Moments is: “I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to meet my idol and take a photo with her!”

This photo has been sent out, and it has received numerous likes and comments.

Claire’s social circle has never left Aurous Hill. For Aurous Hill, a second-tier city, there are not many opportunities to meet first-tier stars.

Especially the super first-line top stars like Stefanie Sun are extremely difficult to see.

Therefore, Claire’s circle of friends has aroused the amazement and envy of countless people.

Many people even chatted with her privately, asking about the details of her meeting with Stefanie Sun, such as where she is now, whether Stefanie Sun is in Aurous Hill, and can she help ask for a signed photo of Stefanie Sun, etc.

Stefanie on the side smiled and said, “Mrs. Wade, this time I came to Aurous Hill and didn’t let the outside world know, so if someone asks, you must not say that I am in Aurous Hill.”

Claire nodded hurriedly: “I know Miss Sun, don’t worry, I will never reveal it!”

Stefanie nodded and said with a smile: “By the way, Mrs. Wade, let’s add on WeChat friends as well. You can contact me directly on WeChat if you have anything in the future.”

“Add friends?!” Claire exclaimed: “You want to add my WeChat friends?”

Claire dared to believe her idol and took the initiative to add her WeChat friend. She hadn’t had this idea before. If she could add Stefanie Sun as a friend, even if she had no time to take care of herself,

she could often see her in her circle of friends and see her latest developments.

However, she later thought that after all, she and Stefanie are in a disparity in status. It is already a great fortune to have a meal together. How embarrassed to add someone else to WeChat friends?

But she never expected that Stefanie would take the initiative to add her as a friend, and be able to become a WeChat friend with an idol. This is something she would never dream of!

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