The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425

When Isaac Cameron hurried to buy cosmetics for Charlie, Charlie had already arrived at the Aurous Hill Gymnasium.

Today, the game has reached the semi-finals.

In the last game, Aurora’s performance in beating Joanna with a single move caused great attention on the Internet, and immediately pushed the attention of this game to a peak.

Therefore, today’s semi-finals attracted the attention of audiences from all over the country, so much so that outside the Aurous Hill Stadium, a large number of spectators bought tickets at high prices just to witness Aurora’s advancement to the final.

Inside and outside the venue, Kobayashi’s Niranex advertisements have been launched with great fanfare. Because they are the title dealer, their advertising elements are everywhere. Just use the camera to take a picture. There must be Kobayashi’s Niranex advertisements in this screen.

Moreover, the TV station that broadcasts the game also always displays the logo of Kobayashi Niranex on the lower right corner of the TV screen.

What’s even more powerful is that many network anchors are on the scene, using their mobile phones to broadcast live to people on the live broadcast platform. This process is also expanding the influence of Niranex.

It can be said that Kobayashi’s Niranex won enough eyeballs at once.

Jiro Kobayashi was overjoyed for this.

At first, I only thought that this game would not attract too many people’s attention, but fortunately, the naming rights were sold cheaply, but I did not expect that Aurora would make the game completely popular, and I really made a lot of money. .

After Charlie arrived at the gymnasium, he went to the players’ lounge at the back. As soon as he entered the room, Aurora was jumping on the spot to warm up, and Mr. Quinton and Steven Quinton were also there.

Seeing Charlie coming in, Aurora hurried forward and said affectionately: “Master Wade, you are here!”

Charlie nodded, smiled and asked, “Aurora, how do you feel today?”

Aurora hurriedly said: “Master Wade, I feel in a particularly good state! Don’t worry, I will definitely win this game!”

Charlie sighed and laughed: “I think with your current strength, no one in this competition can compare to you, so you have to worry about how to make the game more beautiful.”

Aurora couldn’t hide the shame and asked: “Master Wade, oh no, coach Wade, how do you say I should play this game to make it more beautiful?”

Charlie said calmly: “It’s very simple, just like last time, we still have to win with one move!”

In Charlie’s view, the perfect way to win a contest between warriors is to win with one move!

The 300 rounds of the war, of course, were hearty.

However, the fact that it usually takes so long to win the battle shows that the actual gap between the two sides is not large, and it can even be said to be equal.

Aurora’s current strength is far beyond those of these contestants. It’s just that she herself is somewhat lacking in tactics. If she accumulates more experience, her actual combat ability can be improved.

Aurora felt a little unsure, but seeing Charlie believe in herself so much, she nodded and resolutely said: “Coach, rest assured, I will go all out!”

At this moment, in another lounge.

Nanako Ito was wrapped in a blanket with her eyes closed.

Both Tanaka Koichi and Jiro Kobayashi were standing by. Tanaka also had a mobile phone in his hand. The mobile phone was streaming video with Yamamoto Kazuki who was lying on the hospital bed.

But Kazuki Yamamoto on the other end of the phone didn’t make a sound. He just looked at his student quietly through Tanaka’s lens.

Yamamoto Kazuki was worried that Nanako Ito’s mentality would collapse.

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